All Other Information Flashcards
Order of Layers and their purpose
P - Physical (bits on a wire)
L - Link (Data transferring between neighboring devices [ethernet, WiFi, etc.])
N - Network (Routing protocols [OSPF, RIP, BGP])
T - Transport (Process - Process [TCP/UDP])
A - Application (HTTP, DNS, SMTP, etc.)
MAC Address Description
For the individual network card/physical hardware. Identifies network interface on a device. WiFi would have different MAC address than computer.
IP Address Information
Uses 4 octets - local host
Subnet Mask
Used to mask off bits to indicate which part is the network and which part is the individual host.
Hub VS Switch
A hub connects multiple other devices via Ethernet cable. A switch is the more secure version of a hub as the switch learns which devices are on which ports so it only sends data to the right one instead of constantly blasting data.
WiFi information
Does not stand for anything.
Is not the internet.
Just connects your network.
What does DHCP do?
Gets IP address
What does DNS do?
Type in DNS name and it automatically resolves to the IP address. Don’t need to know specific IP
What are the DNS Records and what do they do?
A - Address record. Resolves to an IP address
CNAME - Canonical name. Alias to another name; used if you want multiple names to point to the same place
MX - Mail exchanger. The machine responsible for receiving emails.
What does NTP do?
Used to synchronize clocks on computers.
NTP servers use physical atomic clocks.
What does SMTP do?
For transporting messages. Gets emails from one place to another.
DOES NOT read email or do anything else apart from, transporting.
What does IMAP do?
This is used to fetch emails off the machine.
Reads emails, marks them as read, etc.
Can create and manage boxes/folders, labels, do searches, etc.
What does Telnet do and what are its weaknesses?
Used to login to remote servers and get a virtual terminal.
Everything is sent in plain text (no encryption), so it’s susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks and snooping.
What does SSH do?
Secure version of Telnet.
What does FTP do and what are its weaknesses?
The transfer of files between devices over a network.
Data is not encrypted. All data is sent in clear/plain text.
What does SFTP do?
Secure version of FTP.
SFTP encrypts the data being transferred.
What does HTTP do?
Web pages are more from HTML and HTTP is used to get pages, images, etc. from a web server as well as submitting forms and uploading files.
GET and POST requests.
GET request is used to retrieve pages.
POST requests Form data and files can be uploaded with a POST request.
What are HTTP status codes?
200 - OK
301 - (Redirected) Moved Permanently
302 - (Redirected) Found
404 - Not Found
500 - Internal Server Error
What does HTTPS do?
Secure version of HTTP as regular HTTP is not encrypted and is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks and other snooping.
HTTPS adds a layer of security. TLS (Transport Layer Security) which uses public/private key encryption.
What is a socket?
A socket is an endpoint for communication between 2 devices used to
send and receive data.
Sockets are a programmer interface / library.
What is the purpose of hashing?
Used a lot for passwords.
Stores a hashed version of a password in a database, so that if someone gets into the database they don’t have everyone’s plain text password.
When logging in, it hashes the password to see if the password matches to the hashed version in the database.
What is JSON similar to?
JSON is similar to dictionaries in python. They are used the same way.
What are the characteristics of JavaScript?
Is a programming language.
Uses web services. Code that runs on a server.
These web services are most of the time just giving you data.
JavaScript is interpreted by the web browser
What is the purpose of a firewall?
A piece of hardware stands between your network and the outside world.
Allows/doesn’t allow traffic in either direction.
Need a firewall. Routers usually act as a firewall.
What is a Man-in-the-Middle attack?
When connecting to something on the internet, you aren’t literally connecting to it.
Data hops from router to router to reach its destination.
Someone could eavesdrop on the traffic passing through or could insert/change the data that is being sent.
What is a Denial of Service attack?
An attack on a specific server is intended to interrupt its normal operation.
Makes it so the service cannot provide service to people/Legitimate traffic.
Comes from a single source/computer.
What is a Distributed Denial of Service attack?
Several computers are attacking one server.
Trying to make a server not function properly.
Usually this happens by people getting a virus (which the user is unaware of) that allows bad actors to use the infected computer to attack others.
Groups of infected computers are called “botnets”. Network of bots that can be issued a command to execute, like attacking a specific machine.
What is IP spoofing?
Fake your IP address.
Fake source address to pretend you’re coming from somewhere else.
Routers can typically (and should) detect something is wrong in these instances.
What is a smurf attack?
Lots of small computers attack one computer.
Broadcast a message onto all the machines on a network. But, the source address is spoofed, so all of the machines on the network respond to that target computer.
What is a slowloris attack?
This attack can be used by a single machine to cause a DoS to a web server.
Connects to a web server and sends very tiny amounts of data and waits several
seconds, sends a small piece of data again, and keeps doing this to keep the connection
Little resources/little to no bandwidth to run this.
Attacks a server by sending data very slowly.
Opens several connections and does not close/finish them.
What are the HTML tags?
<h1> - Header 1
<h2> - Header 2
<p> - Paragraph
<br></br> - Break
<b> - Bold
<i> - Italics
<a> - Link
<img></img> - Image
<div> - Block basically
<ol> - Ordered List
<ul> - Unordered List
<table> - Make table
<thead> - Table header
<tr> - Table rows
<th> - Tag within <thead> to make header of each coloumn
<td> - Table data