All of "E" Flashcards
Early Payment Default
A mortgage loan that is more than 90 days late or into a default status.
Earnest Money Deposit
A sum of money you put down to demonstrate your seriousness about buying a home.
A right to cross or otherwise use someone else’s land for a specified purpose. (Access to someone else’s land)
Primary easements:
-Right of way
-Right of entry for any purpose
-Right to support of land
-Right of light and air
-Right to do some act that may amount to a problem
-Right to place or keep something
Economic Obsolescence
The loos of value resulting from external economic factors to an asset/assets. (Decreased demand or changed regulations)
Effective Interest Rate
The real return on a savings account when calculating interest instead of the stated rate.
Eminent Domain
The power of the gov’t to take private property and convert it into public use.
Employer-Assisted Housing
A program that assists help with grants, loans, down payments, security deposits.
An interference with or onto another’s property. (Lets say you built something and it crosses onto your neighbors property)
A claim attached to property that may lessen it’s value. (A mortgage or other charge on property)
A right to a benefit granted upon legal requirement. (That you deserve these certain privileges)
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA/ Regulation B)
A federal statute that prohibits lenders from discriminating against credit applicants based on race, etc, for their ability to repay.
Equitable Mortgage
A transaction that has the intent but not the form of a mortgage. (It’s like a security for the mortgage by the lender)
The amount by which an interest in property exceeds secured claims or liens. (OR)
The difference between the value of the property and all encumbrances on it.
A legal arrangement in which a 3rd party temporarily holds money or property until they are told to hand it over.
Escrow Accounts
An account held in the name of the depositor and an escrow agent that is returnable to the depositor . (Items held in escrow until a financial transaction is completed)
Escrow Agent
A neutral 3rd party entity who holds onto funds and assets related to a transaction till sale is closed on.
Escrow Agreement
The instruction given to a 3rd party to have an escrow hold certain assets.
Escrow Contract
The contract among buyer, seller, and escrow holder, setting forth rights and responsibilities off each.
Escrow Holdback
The act of collecting funds that will be refunded after repairs on the new property.
The act of dispossessing a person of land or rental property. (Removal of a tenant)
Exclusive Right-To-Sell Listing
A contract between the listing agent and the property owner. (The broker gets commission even if the seller sells the house)
Exclusive Agency Listing
A listing giving one agent the right to sell, other than the owner. (Which the broker does not get commission if the seller sells the property themselves)
A person named by a testator to carry out the provisions of the testators will. (When someone dies they make sure all property is distributed and all debts are paid)