All Nature vs. Nurture Unit cards Flashcards
“Nature” refers to ______ reasons that explain human behavior.
“Nurture” refers to ______ reasons that explain human behavior.
What did Dmitry Belyaev’s experiment show?
Selective breeding for traits could result in changes in personality and physical appearance.
Whose experiment showed that selective breeding for traits could result in changes in personality and physical appearance.
Dmitry Belyaev
Evolutionary psychology theorizes that some human behaviors are the result of Darwin’s concept of ‘ _____________ selection.’
Evolutionary explanations of human behavior have been criticized for various reasons. Name two of them.
(have a response ready for the test)
Describe the process of ‘natural selection’
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How does evolutionary psychology explain the behavioral differences between men and women?
Males have a better chance of sending their genes into the future if they mate widely, so they tend to be more promiscuous. Women have a better chance of sending their genes in to the future if they mate wisely, so they tend to be more selective about the mates they choose.
Name three traits that tend to be common to all human societies and all cultures?
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What portion of our DNA letter sequence is the same as that of all other human beings?
Separated twin studies are studies that keep __________ factors constant while varying _______ factors.
genetic/heredity ; environmental
What is the difference between identical twins and fraternal twins?
Identical twins come from the same fertilized egg while fraternal twins come from two different fertilized eggs.
Put the following sets of people in order from most similar in personality, temperament, and interests to least similar in these traits: Fraternal twins, Identical twins, adopted children and their adoptive parents
Identical twins, fraternal twins, adoptive parents and their adoptive parents
What did Thomas Bouchard find about identical twins who were separated and raised in different homes?
Even though raised separately, they were very similar to each other in personality and interests.
Adoption studies try to separate personality traits that are inherited from personality traits that can be attributed to environmental factors. What method is used for the study?
They study children who have been adopted and compare their personalities to the personalities of their adoptive parents and their biological parents.
Adoptions studies have found that children who are adopted are likely to be more similar in personality to their ___________ (biological or adoptive?) parents.
When we refer to a person’s emotional excitability, like being ‘reactive’ or ‘intense’ as opposed to ‘easy-going’ or ‘quiet’, we are referring to their ___________ .
a person’s emotional excitability, like being ‘reactive’ or ‘intense’ as opposed to ‘easy-going’ or ‘quiet’, we are referring to their ___________ .
In Rosenweig’s studies of rats, what was the test factor and what was the control factor?
The test factor (the factor that was varied) was the type of environment the rats were placed in; normal, impoverished, or enriched. The control factor was their heredity; all three rats came from the same litter (born at the same time and from the same mother)
What were the results of Rosenweig’s study on rat environments?
Rats that grew up in enriched environments had heavier brains than the rats growing up in impoverished environments.
A child is more likely to eat a new food if _________ (parents or peers?) tell them to eat it.
A child who hears one accent at home and another at school is most likely to acquire the accent heard at ________ (home or school?)
A teenager is more likely to smoke cigarettes if they have ______ (parents or friends?) that smoke.
What is ‘culture’?
A set of shared attitudes, behaviors, and ideas
A set of shared attitudes, behaviors, and ideas.
Obedience is a trait that tends to be more stressed by __________ cultures. (Asian and African or Western?)
Asian and African
A person’s religious and political beliefs are most likely to be similar to their __________ (parents’ or peers’?)
Independence and individuality are traits that tend to be more stressed by __________ cultures. (Asian and African or Western?)
What conclusions have been made about personality and temperament when studying a person’s development over time?
A person’s temperament tends to stay about the same over their lifetime.
Using the terms ‘natural selection’, ‘reproduction’, ‘genes’, and ‘human nature’ how does evolutionary-psychology explain some traits in humans.
(Have your response ready for the test.)