levator palpebrae superioris (origin)
lesser wing of sphenoid bone (anterior surface)
levator palpebrae superioris (insertion)
upper eyelid skin and fascia
levator palpebrae superioris (nerve)
oculomotor nerve (CN III)
levator palpebrae superioris (action)
elevates upper eyelid
buccinator (origin)
maxilla and mandible (posterior alveolar processes of both bones); pterygomandibular raphe
buccinator (insertion)
modiolus (just lateral to angle of mouth)
buccinator (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
buccinator (action)
compresses cheeks
corrugator supercilii (origin)
frontal bone just above nose (lateral to glabella)
corrugator supercilii (insertion)
medial portion of skin of eyebrows
corrugator supercilii (nerve)
zygomatic branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
corrugator supercilii (action)
draws eyebrows downwards and medially (“thinker’s brow”)
depressor anguli oris (origin)
along oblique line of mandible; lateral aspect of mental tubercle of mandible
depressor anguli oris (insertion)
modiolus (near angle of mouth)
depressor anguli oris (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
depressor anguli oris (action)
depresses angle of mouth (frown)
depressor labii inferioris (origin)
mandible (between symphysis and mental foramen)
depressor labii inferioris (insertion)
skin and fascia of lower lip
depressor labii inferioris (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
depressor labii inferioris (action)
draws lower lip downwards and medially; everts lower lip
depressor septi nasi (origin)
incisive fossa of maxilla
depressor septi nasi (insertion)
septum and alar cartilage of nose
depressor septi nasi (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
depressor septi nasi (action)
constricts nostrils
frontalis (origin)
galea aponeurotica
frontalis (insertion)
skin and fascia above eyes and nose
frontalis (nerve)
temporal branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
frontalis (action)
draws scalp posteriorly to raise and wrinkle eyebrows (surprise)
levator anguli oris (origin)
below infraorbital foramen of maxilla
levator anguli oris (insertion)
modiolus (near angle of mouth)
levator anguli oris (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
levator anguli oris (action)
elevates angle of mouth (smile)
levator labii superioris (origin)
medial inferior orbital margin of maxilla
levator labii superioris (insertion)
upper lip muscles
levator labii superioris (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
levator labii superioris (action)
elevates and everts upper lip
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (origin)
frontal process of maxilla
levator labii superior alaeque nasi (insertion)
lateral slip: upper lip muscles
medial slip: alar cartilage of nose
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (action)
elevates and everts upper lip; constricts nostrils
mentalis (origin)
incisive fossa of mandible
mentalis (insertion)
skin and fascia of chin
mentalis (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
mentalis (action)
elevates and everts lower lip; wrinkles skin of chin
nasalis (origin)
transverse part: maxilla (lateral to nose)
alar part: maxilla, superior to canine alveolar process
nasalis (insertion)
transverse part: opposite side nasalis over upper cartilage of nose
alar part: alar cartilage of nose (nasal wing)
nasalis (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
nasalis (action)
flares nostrils (particularly in forced respiration)
occipitalis (origin)
lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal line and external occipital protuberance
occipitalis (insertion)
galea aponeurotica
occipitalis (nerve)
posterior auricular branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
occipitalis (action)
draws scalp posteriorly to raise and wrinkle eyebrows
orbicularis oculi (origin)
orbital portion: nasal process of frontal bone
palpebral portion: palpebral ligament
lacrimal portion: lacrimal crest of lacrimal bone
orbicularis oculi (insertion)
circumferentially around orbit meeting at origin
orbicularis oculi (nerve)
zygomatic branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
orbicularis oculi (action)
squints eye, closes eye tightly, depresses upper eyelid; palpebral portion elevates lower eyelid
orbicularis oris (origin)
modiolus (just lateral to angle of mouth)
orbicularis oris (insertion)
circumferentially around mouth; blends with other muscles
orbicularis oris (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
orbicularis oris (action)
closes mouth; protrudes/puckers lips
platysma (origin)
deep fascia over pectoralis major and deltoid
platysma (insertion)
body of mandible and angle of mouth
platysma (nerve)
cervical branch of facial nerve (CN VII)
platysma (action)
tenses skin over lower neck; depresses mandible and angle of mouth
procerus (origin)
nasal bone and cartilages
procerus (insertion)
skin and fascia between eyebrows
procerus (nerve)
superior buccal branches of facial nerve (CN VII)
procerus (action)
draws medial eyebrows downwards (menacing expression); wrinkles skin of superior nose
risorius (origin)
parotid fascia (superficial to masseter)
risorius (insertion)
modiolus (near angle of mouth)
risorius (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
risorius (action)
draws angle of mouth laterally (false small)
zygomaticus major (origin)
zygomatic bone (anterior to zygomatico-temporal suture)
zygomaticus major (insertion)
modiolus (near angle of mouth)
zygomaticus major (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
zygomaticus major (action)
elevates angle of mouth (smiling); draws angle of mouth laterally
zygomaticus minor (origin)
zygomatic bone (posterior to zygomaticomaxillaty suture)
zygomaticus minor (insertion)
skin, fascia, and muscles of upper lip
zygomaticus minor (nerve)
facial nerve (CN VII)
zygomaticus minor (action)
elevates and everts upper lip
temporalis (origin)
temporal fossa of temporalis and sphenoid
temporalis (insertion)
coronoid process of mandible
temporalis (nerve)
mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (V3)
temporalis (action)
anterior fibers: close (elevate) jaw
middle and posterior fibers: retract mandible (open jaw)
internal/medial pterygoid (origin)
medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate
internal/medial pterygoid (insertion)
medial aspect of angle of mandible
internal/medial pterygoid (nerve)
mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (V3)
internal/medial pterygoid (action)
closes (elevates) the jaw
masseter (origin)
zygomatic arch of temporalis
masseter (insertion)
angle of mandible
masseter (nerve)
mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (V3)
masseter (action)
elevates (closes) jaw
external/lateral pterygoid (origin)
superior head: greater wing of sphenoid
inferior head: lateral pterygoid plate
external/lateral pterygoid (insertion)
joint capsule of condylar process
external/lateral pterygoid (nerve)
mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve (V3)
external/lateral pterygoid (action)
protrusion of the jaw; only muscle of the masticators to do so
sternocleidomastoid (origin)
manubrium sterni and medial third of clavicle
sternocleidomastoid (insertion)
mastoid process of temporal bone and occipital bone
sternocleidomastoid (nerve)
spinal accessory nerve and C2 and C3
sternocleidomastoid (action)
both muscles work together to extend head and flex neck; one muscle rotates head to opposite side
posterior belly of digastric (origin)
mastoid process of temporal bone
posterior belly of digastric (insertion)
intermediate tendon is held to hyoid bone by fascial sling
posterior belly of digastric (nerve)
facial nerve
posterior belly of digastric (action)
depresses mandible and elevates hyoid bone
anterior belly of digastric (origin)
body of mandible
anterior belly of digastric (insertion)
intermediate tendon is held to hyoid bone by fascial sling
anterior belly of digastric (nerve)
nerve to mylohyoid
anterior belly of digastric (action)
depresses mandible and elevates hyoid bone
stylohyoid (origin)
styloid process
stylohyoid (insertion)
body of mandible
stylohyoid (nerve)
facial nerve
stylohyoid (action)
elevates hyoid bone
mylohyoid (origin)
mylohyoid line of body of mandible
mylohyoid (insertion)
body of hyoid bone and fibrous raphe
mylohyoid (nerve)
inferior alveolar nerve
mylohyoid (action)
elevates floor of mouth and hyoid bone; depresses mandible