All Minimals Flashcards
Define electron volt (eV)!
Define what force is!
Define momentum in words and with a formula!
Align in ascending order the following components of the electromagnetic spectrum according to their energy: microwaves, gamma, ultraviolet, visible light, X-ray, infrared, radiowaves!
What is the definition of visible light?
List the three most important mechanisms responsible for the absorption of γ and X-rays
What is the major difference between the photoeffect and the Compton effect?
What kind of special characteristics does laser light have?
List the types of interactions laser light can have with tissues.
How many fold does the intensity of light decreases if the absorbance (optical density, extinction) of a solution is 1?
At what wavelength are the characteristic absorption maxima of proteins and nucleic acids?
Which amino acids have reasonably high absorption?
What are the possible ways of relaxation of an excited electron in a molecule? (List at least 5 of them!)
What is the definition of fluorescence lifetime?
What is a., scintillation, b., chemiluminescence, c., photoluminescence?
List at least five parameters which can be determined using fluorescent measurements!
What is the shortest resolvable distance in a light microscope?
Give the equation for the relationship between the image distance (i), object distance (o) and the focal distance (f)!
What were those two discoveries that made construction of an electron microscope possible?
What is the principle of scanning electron microscopy?
Give the definition of isotopes!
On what kind of energy level does a nucleon reside in a nucleus compared to the energy of a free particle?
What is the direction of changes in the atomic number and the mass number of nuclei during alpha decay, both types of beta decay, electron capture and gamma decay?
Give the equation describing the number of undecayed nuclei as a function of time (i.e. the law of radioactive decay).
Describe the relationship between the effective (Teff), the physical (Tphys) and the biological (Tbiol) half lives!
Describe the relationship between the physical (λphys), and the biological (λbiol) and the effective (λeff) decay constants!
Why are alpha and beta(-) radiations called directly ionizing radiations?
Compare the path of alpha- and beta(-) particles passing through an absorbing material.
What kind of radioactive radiations can be detected by a GM-counter?
What is the basic operation principle of ionization detectors?
What is the principle of detection of radioactive radiation by a scintillation detector?
List the radioactive radiations in order of increasing penetrability!
What is D37?
What kind of products are capable of damaging biological objects arise during irradiation of aqueous solutions?