All Milestones Flashcards
Tightly grasp objects placed into hands
Gross Motor 6 Weeks
Good Head Control - head at 45 degrees when supine
Gross Motor 6 Weeks
Stabilises head when put in sitting position
Gross Motor 6 Weeks
Tracks object/face
Vision 6 Weeks
Stills and Startles at loud noise
Hearing 6 Weeks
Social Smile
Social 6 Weeks
Watches own hands in finger play
Fine Motor and Vision 3 Months
Fixes and follows laterally
Fine Motor and Vision 3 Months
Grasps Objects
Fine Motor and Vision 4 Months
Quiets to caregiver’s voice
SAL 3 months
Vocalises when spoken to
SAL 3 Months
Lifts head and chest on forearms when prone
Gross Motor 3 Months
Bangs object on table
Gross Motor 4-6 Months
Little to no head lag on pull-to-sit
Gross Motor 3 Months
Responds happily to friendly handling
Social 3 Months
Objects to mouth (Stops @ 1 yr)
Social 6 Months
Shakes rattle
Social 6 Months
Reaches for bottle/breast
Social 6 Months
Object Permanance
Cognitive 8 Months
Sit without support, rounded back
Gross Motor 6 Months
Roll Prone to Supine (first, then vice versa)
Gross Motor 6 Months
Bears weight on legs when held standing
Gross Motor 6 Months
Palmar Grasp
Fine Motor 5 Months
Transfer hand to hand
Grasps, brings to midline and mouths
Fine Motor 6 Months
Notices toys that make sounds and pays attention to music
SAL 6 Months
SAL 6 Months
Turn to loud sounds
SAL 6 Months
Understand bye-bye and no
SAL 7 Months
Monosyllabic babbles
SAL 6 Months
Stands holding onto things
Gross Motor 9 Months
Straight backed sitting
Gross Motor 8 Months
Inferior pincer grip
Fine Motor ?7-9 Months
Look for falling toys - object permanence
Fine Motor and Vision 9 Months
Red Flag: Not sitting at….
9 Months
Double syllable babble in repetitive strings
SAL 9 Months
Stranger Awareness
Social 9 Months (9 mo-2yrs)
Enjoys peek-a-boo
Social 9 Months - 1 year
Responds to own name, common items, understands “No”
SAL 9 to 12 Months
Holds and bites food
Social 9 Months
Helps with dressing
Social 12 Months
Waves “bye-bye”; holds up arms to be picked up
Social 12 Months
Hand Clapping
Social 12 Months
Drinks from beaker with lid
Social 12 months
Indicates wants, not by crying
Social 15 Months
Plays alone with familiar person nearby
Social 12 Months
Some understanding of nouns (where’s mummy?)
SAL 12 Months
1-2 words
SAL 12 Months
Bangs bricks together
Fine Motor and Vision 12 Months
Turns thick cover of a book
Fine Motor 15 Months
Red Flag: No single words at….
16 Months
Red Flag: No babbling at….
12 Months
Superior pincer grip
Fine Motor and Vision 12 Months
Red Flag: Hand preference before….
18 Months
Red Flag: Immature grip after….
18 Months
Walks independently
Gross Motor 10-18 Months
Build 2 brick tower
Fine Motor and Vision 12 Months
Brick casting stops
By 18 months
Places circle or square into puzzle board
Fine Motor 15 Months
Points to body part
SAL 15-18 Months
Tower of 3 bricks
Fine Motor and Vision 18 Months
Scribble on paper
Fine Motor and Vision 18 Months
Squat to pick up object
Gross Motor 18 Months
Points to pictures
SAL 18 Months - 2 Years
Gives own name
SAL 2 Years
Pushes down trousers and puts arms into shirt holes
Social 2 Years
Gross Motor 2 Years
Gross Motor 2.5 years
2-6 words
SAL 15 months
Takes off socks/hat
Social 18 months
Understanding of a number of nouns: “show me the dog”
SAL 18 Months
Drinks from cup
Social 15 Months
Messy Spoon feed self
Social 15-18 months (well-ish by 18 months)
Tower of 6 bricks
Fine Motor and Vision 2 years
Circular scribble
(Not a circle)
Fine Motor and Vision 2 years
Understands verbs
SAL 2 Years
2 words together
SAL 2 Years
Understands commands with 2 key words
SAL 2 years
Walks upstairs, 2 feet to a step
Gross Motor 2 years
Throws ball
Gross Motor 2 years
Tries to brush teeth (badly!)
Social 2 Years
Shape Matching puzzle
Fine Motor and Vision (&Cogn) 2 years +
Turns several pages at once
Fine Motor and Vision 2 years
Plays alongside other children
Social 2 years
Kicks a ball
Gross Motor 2.5 years
Understands prepositions
SAL 2.5 Years
200 words
SAL 2.5 Years
Vertical line
Fine Motor and Vision 2.5 years
Horizontal line and circle
Fine Motor and Vision 3 years
Strings Griffiths beads onto yarn
Fine Motor and Vision 3 years
Can button up a large button
Fine Motor and Social 3 Years
Turns single pages of a book
Fine Motor and Vision 3 years
Matches 2-3 colours
Cognitive/SAL 3 years
Tower of 9 bricks
Fine Motor and Vision 3 years
Short sentences
SAL 3 years
Washes and dries hands
Social 3 Years
Ask “what” and “who”?
SAL 3 years
Walk upstairs one foot a step
Gross Motor 3 years
Stand on one foot momentarily (1 second)
Gross Motor 3 years
Pedal tricycle
Gross Motor 3 years
Engages in imaginative play
Social 3 Years
Eat with fork and spoon
Social 3 Years
Make-believe play with peers
Social 3 years
Draws Person with a head
Fine Motor 3 Years
3 brick bridge
Fine Motor 3.5 years
Single scissor cuts
Fine Motor 3 years
Understands negatives and adjectives
SAL 3 years
Begins to share toys with friends
Social 3 years
Knows comparatives - bigger or smaller
SAL 3.5 years
Walks downstairs
Gross Motor 4 years
Draws Cross
Fine Motor 4 years
Tower of 12 blocks
Fine Motor 4 years
Person w head & 3 other parts (body, arms and legs)
Fine Motor 4 years
Tells “long” stories
SAL 4 years
Ask “why” “when” and “how”?
SAL 4 years
Count to 10 or 20
SAL 4 years
Red Flag: Difficult to understand speech at…
4 Years
Build 6 brick steps
Fine Motor 4 years
Gross Motor 4 years
(Possibly 3 years)
Cuts paper in half
Fine Motor 4 Years
Dresses and undresses, except for laces
Social 4 years
Copies Cross
Fine Motor 4 Years
Copies Square
Fine Motor 4.5 years
Fine Motor 5 years
Build big steps (10 blocks)
Fine Motor 5 years
Sings nursery rhymes
SAL 4 Years
Understands taking turns
Social 4 Years
Sympathy for others
Social 4 years
Observes rules in play
Social 4.5 years
Knows birthday
SAL 5 Years
Manages knife
Social 5 years
Quiets to caregiver’s voice
SAL 3 months
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
Stops at 6 months
(If not, hinders rolling and contributes to scoliosis/subluxation)
Abnormal if fixed in 1 position
Moro Reflex
Incomplete after 25/40 gestation
Complete by 30/40 gestation - gone by 4 months
Asymmetry of the Moro reflex is almost always a feature of root, plexus, or nerve disease.
Impaired or absent in infants with kernicterus
An exaggerated reflex can be seen with severe brain damage
Persistence beyond 6 months is noted only in severe neurological defects
Upgoing Babinski
Normal to be upgoing until 18 mo -2 yrs
In older, upper motor neuron lesion constituting damage to the corticospinal tract.
Grasp reflex
By 28/40 gestation
Persists until 3-6 months, then grasps voluntarily
Rooting reflex
By 28/40 gestation
Persists until 4 months
Stepping reflex
From birth - integrates into actual motor use after 2 months - goes and returns voluntarily when learning to walk around 10 months
When - Downward Parachute?
Develops between 6-12 months and persists
Bounce and catches ball
Gross Motor 5 Years
Developmental Investigations
Genetic: Chromosomal & array CGH
U&E & BP - DiGeorge and William’s
Lead and biotinidase - toxicity or deficiency
CK - Muscular dystrophy
TFT - hypothyroidism
Opthalmology and Audiology
2nd line - Metabolic, MRI, EEG
LMN - birth injury
UMN - hemiplegia
** VF problems **
MSK/Congenital abnormalities
Preference normal 2-4 years
- Hops on one foot
- Walks upstairs, one foot per step
- Downstairs two feet per step
- Draw circle
- Build bridge
- Cuts with single cuts
- Turns single pages of book
- Understands negatives and adjectives
- Shares toys
- Plays alone
- Eats with fork and spoon
- Bowel control
3 years
- Kicks ball
- Draws horizontal line
- Brick stack ~ 8
- Can shape match
- Understands prepositions
- 3-4 word sentences
- Eats well with spoon
2.5 years
(Shape matching and 8 blocks = 2 years)
- Runs
- Jumps
- To and fro drawing
- 4 brick stack
- Understands nouns
- 1-6 words
- Points to doll’s body parts
- Imitates everyday activities
18 months
(Runs 16m, To and fro 15m)
- Runs on tiptoe
- Walks upstairs, both feet per step
- Throws ball
- Draws vertical line
- 8 Brick stack
- Can shape match
- Turns several pages of a book
- Understands verbs
- 2+ word sentences
- 50+ words
- Eats with spoon
2 years
- Walks alone
- Neat pincer grip
- 2 Brick stack
- Still casting bricks
- Understands nouns
- 1-3 words
- Waves bye-bye/claps
- Plays alone if familiar person nearby
- Drinks from lidded beaker
12 months
(Neat pincer 10m, Casting stops at 18m)
- Walks upstairs and downstairs like an adult
- Draws cross
- 12 Brick stack
- Cuts paper in half
- Can use small beads
- Understands complex (2 part instructions)
- Uses narrative to describe events
- Sympathy for others
- Has a best friend
- Dresses and undresses
4 years
- Walks upstairs and downstairs like an adult
- Draws square
- Makes small steps, 1,2,3
- Cuts paper in half
- Can use small beads
- Understands complex (2 part instructions)
- Uses narrative to describe events
- Bladder control
- Imaginative play and can observe play rules
- Dresses and undresses
4.5 years
- Walks upstairs and downstairs like an adult
- Draws triangle / person
- big steps 1,2,3,4
- Cuts paper in half
- Can use small beads
- Understands complex (2 part instructions)
- Uses narrative to describe events
- Bladder control
- Imaginative play and can observe play rules
- Can use a knife
5 years
- Hops on one foot
- Walks upstairs, one foot per step
- Downstairs two feet per step
- Draw circle
- Build bridge
- Cuts pieces
- Turns single pages of book
- Understands comparatives
- Shares toys
- Plays alone
- Eats with fork and spoon
- Bowel control
3.5 years
- Stands holding on
- Straight back sitting
- Inferior pincer grip
- Object permanence
- Responds to own name
- Imitates adults
- Stranger fear
- Holds and bites food
9 months
(Straight back sit 7.5 months, Stranger fear 6-9m until 2 years)
- Sits independently with rounded back
-Rolls tummy to back
- Palmar grasp
- Transfer hand to hand
- Turns head to loud noises
- Babbles (monosyllabic)
- May understand bye-bye and no
- Objects to mouth
- Shakes rattle
- Reaches for bottle
6 months
(Objects to mouth stops at 1 yr, Palmar grasp 5m)
- Good head control – raises head to 45 when on tummy,
- Stabilises head when raised to sitting position
- Tracks objects/faces
- Startles to loud noise
- Social smile
6 weeks