All key terms Flashcards
a plan that outlines the actions required to
achieve particular aims and objectives and provides a
way of monitoring progress
Action plan
a list of items that will be discussed at a
forthcoming meeting
a yearly meeting of
shareholders that a limited company is usually legally
required to hold
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
the process of communicating in a
non-verbal way through conscious or unconscious
gestures, movements and mannerisms
Body language
a name, symbol, logo and/or image in
customers’ minds that clearly distinguish one
product from another
the degree to which consumers buy a particular brand of a product in preference to another
Brand loyalty
the strategy of differentiating the products
of one enterprise from those of another through
emphasising an identifiable image
the break-even point is when the total
revenue of an enterprise exactly matches the total
costs and the enterprise is not making either a profit
or a loss
a financial statement of income and expenditure
prior to a particular period of time
the difference between a budgeted or
anticipated figure and the actual figure
Budget variance
a financial institution that receives
deposits and provides loans and other forms of
financial support; it is usually owned by its members,
and so is a mutual organisation
Building society
a type of enterprise that usually has
profit as its main objective
Business enterprise
a means of bringing
together people to share, and learn from, their
experiences in business and enterprise
Business and enterprise network
an organisation that has been
established with the purpose of producing and selling
particular goods and services
Business organisation
human-made aids to production
the flow of money into (inflow) and the flow
of money out of (outflow) an enterprise
Cash flow
a forecast of expected income and
expenditure over a particular period of time
Cash flow forecast
a commercial institution, usually
owned by its shareholders, that receives deposits and
provides loans and other forms of financial support
Commercial bank
a person who provides expert advice in a particular area of enterprise activity
the importance of changes in
consumer preferences in determining the allocation
of scarce resources in an economy
Consumer sovereignty
an amount of money held by an
enterprise in reserve in case it is faced by financial
difficulties brought about by unexpected and
unplanned circumstances beyond its control
Contingency fund
the difference between sales revenue and
variable costs
a type of business organisation owned by
its customers or its employees
the legal ownership by a person or an
enterprise of certain kinds of material, e.g. musical or
artistic work
the willingness of an
enterprise to accept responsibility for its actions
and how they may have an impact on a variety of
Corporate social responsibility
the introduction of something original and
imaginative rather than imitated
a sum of money that an enterprise allows
customers before requiring payment and/or a sum of
money that an enterprise allows a customer before
requiring payment
a financial institution that receives
deposits and provides loans and other forms of
financial support; it is usually owned by its members,
and so is a mutual organisation, but it tends to
be limited to particular areas of a country or to
particular groups of workers
Credit union
a person or organisation that is owed money
the practice of funding an enterprise
project or venture by raising small amounts of money
from a large number of people, typically via the