What were the primary findings of a study by Salesov et al regarindg urinary and plasma catecholamines and metanephreins in dogs with pheo, hypercortisolism, nonadrenal disease and healthy dogs?
JVIM 2015 29
- Dogs with pheo had significantly higher urine normetanephrein and metanephrine: creatinine ratios and higher plasma levels.
- Measurement of normetanephrine is the preferred biochemical test for pheo and is superior to plasma.
What were the findings of a study by Armentano et al on the TEG evaluation of hemostatic function in dogs treated for cortalid snake envenomation?
JVECC 2014 24 2
- 40% of dogs were hypocoagulable on presentation based on a G-value
- 13% mortality rate. Of the dogs that died, 80% had flatline TEG tracings (alpha-angle, MA equal to zero on presentation)
- A decreased G and MA were significantly associated with mortality
- Over treatment time, G and MA significantly increased
What were the major findings of a study by Pang et al evaluating the ETCO2 sampled via a nasal catheter in comparison to PaCO2 in dogs?
Pang et al. Partial pressure of EtCO2 sampled via an intranasal catheter as a substitute for partial pressure of arterial CO2 in dogs. JVECC 2007 17.
*Supplemental article
- The results of this study demonstrate that EtCO2 monitoring via a nasal catheter is a clinically acceptable substitute to arterial blood gas analysis as a means of monitoring ventilation in healthy, sedated dogs.
- In both the group receiving nasal O2 supplementation and the group not receiving nasal O2 supplementation, the EtCO2 measurement underestimated for the PaCO2, however, the limits of agreement were found to be within acceptable limits.
What were the main findings of a study by White et al regarding evaluation of the relationship between clinical variables and TEG findings in dogs with PLN?
JVECC 2016; 26 (1)
- Purpose was to look for hypercoagulability in proteinuric dogs, defined by TEG, and see if it is related to the degree of proteinuria, presence of systemic arterial hypertension, presence of hypoalbuminemia, or reduced anti-thrombin activity
- 89% hypercoagulability identified
- No statistically significant associations between any of the variables
- Low prevalence of thromboembolism (6%)
What were the findings of a study by Cleveland and Casale on the incidence of malignancy and outcomes for dogs undergoing splenectoy for incidentally detected nonruptured splenic nodules or masses: 105 cases?
JAVMA 2016 248
- 70.5% of lesions were benign, 29.5% were malignant neoplasia (58% of which were HSA)
- Median life expectancy of dogs with HSA was 132 days, only 7 of the dogs received any adjunct chemo
- Life expectancy for the dogs with incidentally detected lesions that received prompt intervention was better than has been previously reported for other studied populations
What were the primary findings of a study by Unterer et al regarding endoscopically visualized lesions, histologic findings, and bacterial invasion in dogs with AHDS?
JVIM 2014 28.
- Acute mucosal lesions were only found in the intestines, not in the stomac
- Clostridium (C.perf) detected in small intestinal mucosa by culture or immunohistopathology in all dogs with signs of HGE, but only in one control dog
- Apparent association?
What were the findings of a study by Guglielmini et al regarding the sensitivity, specificity and interobserver variability of survey thoracic radiographs for the detection of heart base masses in dogs?
JAVMA 2016 248.
- Survey thoracic radiography is a highly specific but not a highly sensitive predictor of heart base masses in dogs.
What were the primary findings of a study by Sutalo et al on the effect of orally administered ranitidine and once daily or twice daily orally administered omeprazole on intragastric pH in cats?
JVIM 2015 29.
- Only twice daily PO administered omeprazole significantly suppressed gastric acidity in healthy cats
- Once daily omeprazole and standard doses of ranitidine (1.5-2.3mg/kg) were not effective acid suppressants in cats, with the pH not differing from the placebo group
What were the findings of a study by Lynch et al regarding clinical experience of anti-Xa monitoring in critically ill dogs receiving dalteparin?
JVECC 2014 24 4.
- Pretreatment hypercoagulability was evident in 34/35 dogs prior to starting dalteparin therapy
- Bleeding complications were rare (3/38) and 29/38 dogs survived to discharge
- Dose adjustment was possible with interpretation of the anti-Xa assay, however, reliable achievement of anti-Xa activity was not demonostrated
- Dogs with higher G values on pretreatement TEG were significantly less likely to achieve the target anti-Xa activity (amy require closer monitoring and greater dose adjustment to achieve the target range)
What were the major conclusions of a study by Woods et al comparing the fluid obtained by manual aspiration with a syringe versus via a suction device during BAL?
Woods et al. Comparison of BAL fluid obtained by manual aspiration with a handheld syringe with that obtained by automated suction pump aspiration from health dogs. JAVMA 2014 75.
BAL by SPA resulted in a significantly higher percentage of fluid retrieval and samples with higher TNCC than did MA.
What were the findings of a study by Meyer et al regarding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamisc of the factor Xa inhibitor apixaban after oral and IV administration in cats?
AJVR 2015
- Factor Xa was inihibited as a function of time after a single dose of apixban administered orally or IV and had moderate clearance, short half life and high bioavailability
- Futher study needed after multidose administration
What were the findings of a study by Gould et al on the effect of omeprazole on serum calcium, magnesium, cobalamin, gastrin concentration and bone in cats?
JVIM 2016
- Prolonged PPI treatment may result in hypergastrinemia
- Abrupt PPI withdrawal may result in rebound acid hypersecretion in cats
What were the primary findings of a study by Wendelburg et al regarding survival time in dogs with splenic HSA treated by splenectomy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy?
Wendelburg et al. Survival time in dogs with splenic HSA treated by splenectomy with or without adjuvant chemotherapy. jAVMA 2015 247.
- Stages of HSA:
- Stage 1: spleen alone
- Stage 2: ruptured or with nodal metastases
- Stage 3: distant metastases
- Clnical stage was the only prognostic factor significantly associated with survival time
- An MST of 1.6 months was present for dogs treated with splenectomy alone
- Over the entire followup period, there was no significant difference in survival time for dogs receiving chemo+ surgery or just surgery, although when adjusting for clinical stage, survival was significantly prolonged in the first 4 months following surgery for dogs who also received chemo
What were the findings of a study by Gold, Langlois and Refsal evaluating basal serum or plasma cortisol concentrations for diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism in dogs?
JVIM 2016
- Basal cortisol concentrations > 2ug/dL are useful in excluding a diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism
What were the findings of a study by Miglio et al regarding stored canine whole blood units: what is the real risk of bacterial contamination?
JVIM 2016; 30
- On bacterial culture, 47/49 units were negative at all time points. 1 unit was positive for enterococcus, 1 positive for e coli
- On PCR 26/49 units were positive.
- Most of the organisms were common bacteria not usually indicated in septic transfusion reaction.
- The very low number of bacteria consitutes an acceptable risk of bacterial contamination indicating the WB units have a good shelf life during commercial storage
What were the primary findings of a study by Aslanian et al examining the outcome in dogs after diagnosis of hemophilia A?
Aslanian et al. Clinical outcome after diagnosis of hemophilia A in dogs. JAVAM 2014.
- Hemophilia A is a factor VIII deficiency
- Affected dogs had similar signs of spontaneous hemorrhage regardless of the level of FVIII:C deficiency.
- 30/39 dogs required more than one blood transfusion, however FVIII:C did not appear to influence transfusion requirement
- Dogs with hemophilia A have variations in clinical course of disease and may have a good long term prognosis.
- FVIII:C may not be useful for predicting severity of clinical signs, transfusion requirements or long-term prognosis
What were the primary conclusions of a study by Lippi et al regarding the prognostic role of calcium and phosphorous in dogs with CKD?
LIppi et al. Prognostic role of serum calcium and phosphorous in dogs with CKD. JAVMA 2014
- For dogs with CKD, CaxP product >70 was a negative prognostic indicator (risk of deaths 4.2 times higher)
- Not influenced by the singular concentrations of Ca/P individually
What were the major conclusions of a review by Keir and Dickinson regarding the role antimicrobials in the treatment of sepsis?
Keir and Dickinson. The role of antimicrobials in the treatment of sepsis and critical illness related bacterial infections. JVECC 2015 25 1.
- The SSC guidelines strongly supports the administration of IV antibiotics within the first hour of recognition of septic shock and sepsis, with survival decreasing by 7.6% for every hour delay in administering appropriate antimicrobials; patients not receiving appropriate antimicrobials until >36 hours had 5% survival.
- The available veterinary literature does not support this finidng, with two studies failing to demonstrate improved survival in patients with pulmonary/abdominal infections given appropriate versus inappropriate antimicrobials.
- One study failed to show improved survival in dogs with abdominal infections when given antibiotics within 1 hour versus 6 hours of diagnosis of infection.
- “The ability to administer early and appropriate antimicrobials may be considered a measure of the quality of medical practice rather than a prognostic indicator”
What were the primary findings of a study by Kemp et al comparing liver sampling techniques in dogs?
JVIM 2015 29.
- Liver specimens collected by punch, cup and needle were compared to samples collected at necropsy
- Diagnosis in 66% of needle samples, 60% of cup samples and 69% of punch samples were in agreement with necropsy samples; no significant difference between the modalities
What were the findings of a study by Full et al on the prevalence, clinical presentation, prognosis and outcome of 17 dogs with spinal shock and acute TL spinal cord disease?
JVECC 2016
- Thoracic lesions more likely to result in spinal shock compared to lumbar
- FCE most common etiology
- 93% of dogs had improved or normal reflexes by 60 days post injury
What were the major findings of the ALIEN study?
Villar et al. The ALIEN study: incidence and outcome of ARDS in the era of lung protective ventilation. Intensive Care Med 2011. 37.
*Supplemental article
- The incidence of ARDS was identified to be 7.2/100,000 population/year
- Pneumonia and sepsis were the most common causes of ARDS
- Overall ARDS ICU and hospital mortality were 43% and 48% respectively (despite the use of lung protective ventilation)
What were the findings of a study by Deshpande et al on the effect of the canine ABCB1 (MDR1) mutation on sedation after IV administration of acepromazine?
JVIM 2016
- In ABCB1 mut/mut dogs, ace doses should be reduced and careful monitoring performed during sedation
- Heavier sedation score, but no difference in HR, RR, BP
What were the primary findings of a study by Mischke at el on enoxaparin: pharmacokinetcis and treatment schedule for cats?
The Vet Journal 2014; 200; 375-381
- Aims to establish pharmacokinetic data of SQ administered enoxaparin and to establish a treatment schedule.
- A dosage schedule of 0.75mg/kg 4 times daily seemed to be suitable for therapeutic use of enoxaparin in cats as it leads to reproducible peak and anti-FXa activities within the target range for the treatment of thrombosis in humans.
What were the findings of a study by McMurray et al regarding focused assessment with sonography in nontraumatized dogs and cats in the emergency and critical care setting?
JVECC 2016 26(1)
- Free fluid was identified on AFAST/TFAST in 33% of dogs and cats in the study, particularly in those who cardiovascularly unstable or dyspneic
- Results support the use of AFAST/TFAST to detect free fluid in nontraumatized dogs and cats
What were the primary findings of a study by Lynch et al examining transfusion practices in dogs following trauma?
Lynch et al. Transfusion practices for treatment of dogs hospitalized following trauma: 125 cases. JAVMA 2015 247.
- 36% of dogs required transfusion with pRBC being the most commonly administered product
- Transfusion reasons periop hemodynamic support, tx shock, worsening anemia
- Dogs receiving transfusion had a higher mean heart rate, blood lactate and ATT scores, with lower mean PCV/TS and rectal temp on admission than dogs who did not require transfusion
- PCV/TS were specific but insensitive predictors of subsequent transfusion
- 87% survived to discharge, although significantly fewer dogs receiving transfusions survived
- 70% of dogs receiving massive transfusion survived to discharge
What were the findings of a study by Bruno et al on the assessment of coagulation utilizing TEM in dogs undergoing orthopedic surgery?
JVECC 2015 25 3.
- Unlike hypercoagulability observed in human orthopedic patients, a hypercoagulable state measured by ROTEM did not develop in dogs following orthopedic surgery.
What were the conclusions of a case report by Hoareau et al regarding the resolution of AKI in a dog with MODs?
Hoareau et al. Resolution of AKI in a dog with MODS. JVECC 2014 24 6.
- 11 yo dog developed anuria following cholecystectomy; developed CV dysfunction, coagulation dysfunction, hypoglycemia
- Hemodialysis, intensive care–survived
What were the primary findings of a study by Snell et al evaluating the influence of anesthetic variables in cats undergoing renal transplant?
Snell et al. Influence of anesthetic variables on short-term and overall survival rates in cats undergoing renal transplantation surgery. JAVMA 2015 247.
- Minimization of total anesthesia time, reversal of mu-opioid receptor agonists at the end of anesthesia and prevention of intraoperative decreases in blood oxygen saturation and postoperative decreases in HCt appeared to help maximize post-surgical survival time in cats undergoing renal transplant
- mST 653 days
- Cats >12 had a lower overall survival rate than younger cats
- No association between survival and anesthetic agent used, amount and type of fluid, physiologic abnormalities or blood product administration
What were the primary findings of a study by Hill et al evaluating urethral stent placement in dogs with benign urethral obstructions?
Hill et al. Evaluation of urethral stent placement for benign urethral obstructions in dogs. JVIM 2014 28.
- Urethral stents were effective treatment
- Moderate to severe incontinence developed in 12% of dogs
- Relieved obstruction in all dogs with an excellent long term outcome
What were the major conclusions of a study by Gauthier et al regarding the effect of administration of synthetic colloids on hemodynamic/lab variables in dogs with SIRS?
Gauthier et al. Effect of synthetic colloid administration on hemodynamic and laboratory variables in healthy dogs and dogs with inflammation. JVECC 2014 24 3.
- In healthy dogs, administration of both NaCl and tetrastarch resulted in a decrease in PCV/TP. Tetrastarch caused a larger immediate increase in HR/SBP and MAP compared to NaCl.
- In dogs with LPS induced inflammation, increased HR and MAP with tetrastarch. PCV/TP and lactate decreased with both fluids.
- Tetrastarch effectively increased COP (as compared to decreased with NaCl) in all dogs, although the total plasma protein decreased…
What were the primary findings of a study by Wallisch and Trepanier regarding the incidence, timing and risk factors of azathioprine hepatotoxicosis in dogs?
JVIM 2015 29.
- Hepatotoxicosis was seen in 15% of dogs, with median onset of 14 days
- Median 9-fold increase in ALT and 8-fold increase in ALP which stabilized or resolved with drug discontinuation/dose reduction
- Thrombocytopenia/neutropenia seen in 8% of dogs with CBC follow-up, with median onset time of 53 days
What were the major findings of a study by Jenkins et al evaluating the pressor response to angiotensin by ARBs and benazepril in cats? Jenkins et al. Attenuation of the pressor response to exogenous angiotensin by angiotensin receptor blockers and benazepril in clinically normal cags. AJVR 2015. 76.
The purpose was to compare the attenuation of the ANG1 induced BP response by once-daily oral administration of various doses of ARBS (ibersartan, telmisartan, losartan), benazepril, or placebo in clinically normal cats. Among drugs, telmisartan attenuated SBP to a significantly greater degree than benazepril and all other treatments. At 24 hours, telmisartan was more effective than benazepril. Results indicated that telmisartan may have advantages over benazepril for cats with renal/cardiovascular disease.
What were the conclusions of a study by Dickinson et al regarding appropriate antimicrobial therapy on outcome in dogs with septic peritonitis?
Dickinson et al. Impact of appropraite antimicrobial therapy on outcome of dogs with septic peritonitis. JVECC 2015 25 1.
- The results of this study failed to demonstrate an improved survival rate in those patients who were administered appropriate empiric antimicrobial therapy in this patient population.
- Prior treatment with antimicrobials did not show an association with outcome, however, was associated with a subsequent inappropriate antimicrobial choice
- Recent abdominal surgery was also associated with a subsequent inappropriate antimicrobial choice
- Study is small however, doesn’t fit with results of large meta-analyses in people (i.e. survival 52% in people with appropriate antimicrobials, 10% survival in patients with inappropriate antimicrobials)
What were the conclusions of a study by Haines et al regarding the in vitro and in vivo assessment of platelet function in healthy dogs during the administration of a low dose aspirin regimen?
AJVR 2016; 77:174-185
- Dogs received aspirin 1mg/kg PO q24 x 7d and platelet function was evaluated by aggregometry, PFA and determination urine 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 concentration
- 14 days after cessation of aspirin, PRP was incubated with acetylsalicylic acid and platelet function assessed
- 13 dogs had aggregometry results athat were decreased by >25% from baseline on days 3 and 7; 4 and 7 dogs had PFA closure times >300 seconds on days 3 and 7
- Responsen to a low-dose aspirin regimen varied among healthy dogs
In a study of left atrial enlargement comparing methods of left atrial volume versus LaAo, what were the major findings? Wesselowski et al. Discrepancies in identification of LA enlargement using LA volume versus LaAo in dogs. JVIM 2014 28.
LA size is prognostically important in dogs with MMVD. LA vol/BW identified LAE in 12 cases in which the LAAo was normal; 7 of these dogs were in stage B1 and 5 in stage B2. No diagnostic discrepancies were apparent in dogs with a severe mitral regurgitation severity score. LA Vol/BW may be superior to LAAo for identification of mild LAE.
What were the primary findings of a study by Shulz et al examining respiratory viruses and bordetella bronchiseptica in dogs with acute respiratory tract infections?
The Vet Jrnl 201 2014
- Clinically healthy dogs carred CAV-2, CPIV, and B. bronchiseptica
- Co-infections in affected dogs were common
- Clinically healthy dogs can carry respiratory pathogens and act as infection sources for susceptible dogs
What were the findings of a study on the effect of GSF administrationon renal regeneration after experimentally induced AKI in dogs by Young-Lim et al?
AJVR 2016
- GCSF treatment can impede renal fibrosis and increase proliferation of renal tubules after experimentally induced AKI
What were the major findings in a case report by Friedenberg et al detailing a unique presentation of Bartonella in a dog?
Friedenberg et al. Splenic vasculitis, throbmosis, and infection in a febrile dog infected with Bartonella henselae. JVECC 2015 25.
- Dog presented for limping, fever, vomiting, malaise.
- Nonocclusive splenic vein thrombus identified, with histopathology of the spleen showing marked splenic infarctions and necrotizing vasculitis.
- Bartonella was amplified by PCR and the dog recovered uneventfully with antimicrobial therapy.
- Ideal treatment for bartonella (erythrocytic/endotheliotrophic bacteria) is not known, typically treated with multiantimicrobial therapy (enrofloxacin, doxycycline in this case)
- Bartonella may play a role in the development of vasculitis and thromboembolism and as such, should remain a differential in cases of splenomegaly/thrombus.
What were the findings of a study by Hardy et al regarding the treatment of ionized hypercalcemia in 12 cats using PO administered alendronate?
JVIM 2015 29.
- Alendronate treatment resulted in a decrease in iCa in all cats
- Alendronate was well tolerated and decreased iCa in most cats for the 6 month period of observation
What were the major conclusions of a study by Guinti et al regarding the APPLE score and labwork in dogs with SIRS?
Guinti et al. Prospective evaluation of the APPLE score and an extended clinicopathological profile in dogs with SIRs. JVECC 2015 25 2.
- No significant difference in bloodwork and APPLEfast scores were found
- Survivors had significantly higher:
- Total protein
- Albumin
- Antithrombin
- Base excess
- Survivors had significantly lower:
- Lactate
- Urea
- Creatinine
- APPLEfast scores (22 compared to 31)
- Higher values of: creatinine, lactate, anion gap, APPLEfast, and ALT were significantly associated with an increased risk of death
What were the findings of a study by Grochowsky et al on the ex-vivo evaluation of efficacy of refrigerated canine plasma?
JVECC 204 24 4
- Refrigerated storage resulted in significant decreases in the activity of all clotting factors and a subsequent prolongation in clotting times, however, none of the values were outside of the reference intervals
- Bacterial cultures of the units lead to no growth
- Kept refrigerated for 14 days
What were the findings of a study by Klainbart et al evaluating peripheral and central venous blood glucose concentrations in dogs and cats with acute ATE?
JVIM 2014 28.
- Compared systemic glucose and local (affected limb) glucose
- Delta glucose and % delta glucose between the two are accurate markers of acute ATE in dogs and cats, being significantly higher in pets presenting with ATE as compared to those with acute limb paralysis secondary to orthopedic/neuro conditions, and ambulatory controls
What were the findings of a study by Lisciandro regarding the use of the DH views of the AFAST and TFAST for the detection of pericardial effusion in dogs?
JVECC 2016 26 1.
- The DH view of the FAST exam was found to be clinically helpful for the detection of pericardial effusions. Looking into the thorax via DH during both TFAST and AFAST exams should be routine practice.
What were the findings of a study by Helmbold et al on the effect of HES 670/0.75 administered in vivo as a CRI on platelet closure time in the dog?
JVECC 2014 24 4
- HES used as a 24 hour CRI at 1ml/kg/hr and 2ml/kg/hr prolongs platelet CT in healthy dogs at 6,12, and 24 hours–HOWEVER–the median CT only exceeded the reference interval at 24 hours at 2ml/kg/h
- No clinical evidence of spontaneous bleeding in any dog during the 24 hour infusion at either rate
What were the primary findings of a study by Lynch et al assessing hemostatic changes in a model of acute hemorrhage in dogs?
JVECC 2016 26(3) 333-343
- Platelet dysfunction occurred during hemorrhage in this model despite a stable platelet count
- Significnt changes associated with hemorrhage were documented in aPTT (significantly prolonged), fibrinogen (decreased) and MA (altered).
- Platelet function testing in dogs with naturally occurring hemorrhage warrants further investigation.
What were the findings of a study by Nagel et al on hemostatic analysis of dogs envenomated by the African puffadder and snouted cobra?
JVECC 2014
- Prolonged clot initiation was common in puffadder envenomated dogs
- Snouted cobra envenomed dogs were normal to hypercoagulable at presentation
- Within 24 hours, both groups progressed t a more hypercoagulable sate likely due to inflammation
What were the findings of a study by Young-Lim et al on the evaluation of autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on renal regeneration after experimentally induced AKI in dogs?
AJVR 2016
- Autologous BM-MSCs may accelerate renal regeneration after experimentally induced AKI in dogs…
- There was less fibrotic change and increased proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells in the BM-MSC treated dogs
- Lower expression of TNFalpha and TGFbeta in the treated dogs
What were the findings of a study by Segev et al on the characterization of kidney damage using several renal biomarkers in dogs with naturally occurring heatstroke?
The Vet Journ 2015
- Median Na fractional excreation was an accurate predictor of AKI
- Median UCRP, URBP and UNGAL were increased in all dogs with heatstroke and were significantly higher than in healthy control dogs
- Damage occurs in both the tubules and glomeruli
What were the findings of a study by Purcell et al on the effect of luekoreduction on the concentration of IL8, IL1B and TNFalpha in canine pRBCs during storage?
AJVR 2015 76.
- Leukoreduction was effective for removal of luekocytes (decreased by 99.9%) in all uinits
- Significant increases in IL8 did not occur during storage
- TNFalpha and IL1B concentrations were not significantly different
What were the findings of a study by Canfran et al comparing sedation scores and propofol induction doses in dogs after IM injection of dexmedetomidine alone or in combination with methadone, midazolam or methadone plus midazolam?
Vet Journ 2016
- The degree of sedation obtained with DMe and DMeMi was significantly higher than in the D group alone.
- The required dose of propofol was lower in all groups (DMi, DMeMi, DMe) than in the control group
- Recovery quality was not diffrent beteween gropus
What were the findings of a study by Thawley et al regarding retrospective comparison of TEG results to postmortemk evidence of thrombosis in critically ill dogs: 39 cases (2005-2010)?
JVECC 2016 26 3
- Study group was 39 dogs for which TEG was performed within 7 days of complete necropsy
- Spayed females were significantly more likely to have thrombosis
- No association between any TEG parameter and the presence of thrombosis on postmortem
- D-dimers significantly higher in dogs with thrombosis, weak positive correlation between D-dimer value and number of sites of thrombosis
- Dogs with WBC >16 x 10^3 more likely to have thrombosis
What were the findings of a study by Goggs et al on outcome prediction in dogs with IMHA?
Goggs et al. Predicting outcome in dogs with primary IMHA; results of a multicenter case registry. JVIM 2015 29/
- CHAOS: canine hemolytic anemia objective score.
- A higher risk of death during hospitalization was associated with a CHAOS score of >/= 3; CHAOS also associated with death within 30 days.
- The Tokyo score was not determined to be statistically significant.
- Three variables predictive of death in hospital:
- ASA classification
- Bilirubin
- Urea
- Three variables predictive of death by day 30:
- ASA classification
- Bilirubin
- Creatinine
What were the major conclusions from a study by Torrente et al evaluation plasma iron, CRP and albumin concentrations in dogs with SIRS?
Torrente et al. Plasma iron, CRP, albumin and plasma fibrinogen concentrations in dogs with SIRS. JVECC 20150 25.
- Plasma iron has been shown to decrease in inflammatory conditions in both animals and people
- Decrease in iron is thought to be mediated by hepcidine, produced by the liver in response to inflammatory cytokines
- Induces the loss of ferroportin in different cell types and inhibits the export of iron from the cellular compartment to plasma
- Progressive decrease in plasma iron input and the continued use of transferrin-bound iron results in hypoferremia.
- Fibrinogen was increased in the dogs with SIRS/sepsis and local inflammation as compared to controls, but no significant difference btwn the 2 groups with inflammation
- Plasma iron, CRP, and albumin all effectively differentiated dogs with SIRs/sepsis from those with local inflammation on presentation
- Admission values did not discriminate survivors from non-survivors
- Magnitude of increase in plasma iron and magnitude of decrease in CRP were higher in survivors than nonsurvivors within the SIRs/sepsis gropu.
- Concluded that hypoferremia is a sensitive marker of systemic inflammation in dogs
- An increase in iron during the hospitalization period was associated with a better prognosis
- Plasma iron in combination with CRP and albumin concentrations may be a useful monitoring tool
What were the major findings of a study by Holowaychuk et al evaluating a transcutaneous blood gas monitoring system in critically ill dogs?
Holowaychuk et al Evaluation of a transcutaneous blood gas monitoring system in critically ill dogs. JVECC 2014 24(5)
Agreement between transcutaneous and arterial PO2 and PCO2 measurements in the dogs studied were inferior to those reported in the human literature
The cutaneous monitor consistently overestimated both PO2 and PCO2 and should not be used to replace arterial blood gas monitoring
What were the primary findings of a study by Langston et al examining the use of TPA in catheters used for RRT?
Lanston et al. Use of TPA in catheters used for extracorporeal renal replacement therapy. JVIM 2014 28.
- Alteplase was effective at improving the function of central venous cahteters used to provide RRT, however, the results were short-lived–24% had to be treated multiple times (median time to second treatment was 8 days)
What were the primary findings of a study by Hall et al examining the outcome of male cats managed for UO with decompressive cysto and u-cath placement?
Hall et al. Outcome of male cats managed for urethral obstruction with decompressive cystocentesis and urinary catheterization. 47 cats. JVECC 2015 25 2.
- 56% of cats had abdominal effusion on survey abdominal radiographs
- Sample was not tested, so do not know source/type
- No cat was diagnosed with bladder rupture
- Survival to discharge (91%), duration of catheterization (27.9h) and length of hospitalization (40 hours) similar to previous reports
What were the primary findings of a study by Boretti et al evaluating the cortisol to ACTH ratio in dogs with hypoadrenocorticism, dogs with diseases mimicking hypoadrenocorticism and healthy dogs?
JVIM 2015 29.
- CAR significantly lower in dogs with HA compared to healthy dogs or those with diseases that mimic HA
- Overlap between groups, however, with CAR >0.01, high sensitivity/specificity (100%/99%)
What was the primary finding of a study by Hann et al examining the effect of duration of pRBC storage on morbidity and mortality in dogs after transfusion?
JVIM 2014 28.
- Longer duration of pRBC storage was asociated with development of new/progressive coagulation failure and thromboembolic disease
- No association between duration of pRBC storage and survival for all dogs overall, HOWEVER….
- In dogs with hemolytic anemia, for every 7 day increase in length of storage, there was a 0.79 lesser odds of 30 day survival
What were the primary findings of a study by Segev et al reporting a scoring system for dogs with heatstroke?
Segev et al. A novel severity scoring system for dogs with heatstroke. JVECC 2015 25 2.
- Porposed 2 models that were applicable for objective assessment of severity and prognosis of heatstroke, however, require independent validation
- Factors including acute collapse, seizures, neurologic abnormalities and petechiation were associated with higher risk of mortality
- Shock, AKI, DIC–>higher risk of death
In a study by Nakamura et al, what was the main finding regarding the prognostic value of LA function in dogs with chronic MMVD? Nakamura et al. Prognostic value of LA function in dogs with chronic MMVD. JVIM 2014. 28.
Regarding both size and function, the LA has a strong correlation with the prognosis of dogs with CMVHD. The most significant independent predictor of mortality in this study was the LA active fractional area change (LAFACact).
What were the findings of a study by Holowaychuk et al in a prospective multicenter evaluation of coagulation abnormalities in dogs following severe acute trauma?
JVECC 204 24 1.
- Decreased platelet count was a risk factor for body cavity hemorrhage
- Decreased platelet count, protein C activity, alpha angle, MA and G were risk factors for blood product administration
- Nonsurviving dogs were hypocoagulable with prolonged apTT, decreased plasmin inhibition, decreased alpha angle and MA compared to surviving dogs
- Prolonged aPTT was the strongest predictor of non-survival
- Was positively correlated with APPLEfast score, lactate, and negative base excess
- ATC was diagnosed in 15% of dogs ad admission, more common in dogs with increased disease severity, decreased systolic blood pressure and increased lactate
What were the findings of a study by Mawby et al regarding canine pancreatic specific lipase concentrations in healthy dogs and in those with naturally occurring hyperadrenocorticism?
JVIM 2014 28
- Dogs with HAC had higher SPEC concentrations and more positive SMAP results than clinicaly healthy dogs with normal ACTH stim results
- Interpret cautiously in dogs with HAC to avoid false diagnosis of concurrent pancreatitis
What were the primary findings of a study by Reimann et al evaluted increased serum CRP concentrations in dogs with CHF due to MMVD?
Vet Journal 2016 209
- Dogs with CHF (group C) had slightly higher CRP concentrations than other groups; severity of asymptomatic MMVD showed no association with CRP concentration.
What were the major findings of a study by Li et al evaluating platelet function with multiple electrode platelet aggregometry in dogs with septic peritonitis?
JVECC 2016; 26 (5)
- MEPA using arachidonic acide, adenosine diphosphate and collagen as agaonists was measured within 24 hours of a sepsis diagnosis
- Compared to healthy dogs, platelete aggregation was reduced in dogs with septic peritonitis for all agonists
- Overall mortality rate was 40%
- MEPA in response to collagen was significantly reduced in nonsurvivors compared to survivors
What were the major findings of a study by Harada et al comparing the diuretic effect of furosemide given by various routes? Harada et al. Comparison of the diuretic effect of furosemide by different methods of administration in healthy dogs. JVECC 2015 25 (3)
SQ administration resulted in UOP/hr that peaked at 1 hour, with UOP/hr returning to baseline at 4 hours after injection. After IV injection, UOP/hr peaked at 1 hour, returned to baseline at 2 hours after injection. With PO administration, UOP/hr peaked at 2 hours, took 6 hours to return to baseline. With CRI administration, UOP/hr was delayed to 4 hours after injection, but UOP/hr maintained throughout administration. Did not evaluate IM administration… Concluded that SQ route may be an effective means for administration in dogs when IV access is difficult.
What were the primary findings of a study by Greene et al regarding risk factors associated with the development of CKD in cats?
Greene et al. Risk factors associated with the development of CKD in cats evaluated at primary care veterinary hospitals. JAVMA 2014.
- Risk factors included thin body condition, prior periodontal disease, cystitis, anesthesaia or dehydration in preceding year, being a castrated male.
- Recent weight loss should trigger assessment of cats for CKD.
What were the major findings of a study by Wells et al evaluating a cage-side analysis of cTnI in cats? Wells et al. Evaluation of blood cardiac troponin I concentrations obtained with a cage side analyze to differentiate cats with cardiac and non-cardiac causes of dyspnea. JAVMA 2014. 244.
The 25 cats in the study with a cardiac cause of dyspnea had a significantly higher blood cTnI concentration than the healthy cats or the 14 cats with a non-cardiac cause. Measurement of cTnI with a cage side assay in an emergency setting may be useful for differentiating cardiac from non-cardiac causes of dyspnea in cats. **Did not provide a cut-off value…***
What were the findings of a study by Torrente et al regarding a comparison of traditional and quantitative analysis of acid-base imablances in hypoalbuminemic dogs?
JVECC 2014 24 5.
- According to HH approach, the most common disorders were simple, with high anion gap metabolic acidosis the most cmoon. WIth quantitiative analysis, the majority were complex discorders with SIG acidosis and Atot alkalosis as the most common abnormalities.
- Many imbalances detected using the quantitative approach were missed using HH.
What were the primary findings of a study on validity of SDMA as a marker for early CKD in dogs by Nabity et al?
Nabity et al. SDMA validation, stability and evaluation as a marker for the early detection of CKD in dogs. JVIM 2015 29.
- SDMA was determined to be stable and highly analytic
- SDMA identified on average a <20% decrease in GFR, which is lower than creatinine by any metod
- Useful for early ID and monitoring of decreased renal function in dogs with CKD
What were the primary findings of a study by Parente et al regarding serum concentrations of gastrin after famotidine and omeprazole administration to dogs?
JVIM 2014 28
- Omeprazole was shown to cause a significant increase in serum gastrin concentrations; famotidine induced a transient increase in serum gastrin that peaked at administration day 3 and declined thereafter
- By day 7 after cessation of both drugs, the gastrin levels were the same as those obtained pre-treatment
- A 7 day withdrawal from short-term administration (7 days) of famotidine or omeprazole is sufficient for serum gastrin to return to baseline concentrations
What were the findings of a retrospective study by Song et al evaluating shortened PT or PTT for the diagnosis of hypercoagulability in dogs: 25 cases?
JVECC 2016 26 3
- Dogs with shortened PT or PTT had significantly more thrombus formation, supsicion of PTE, and increased D-dimer concentration compared to dogs with normal values
- No significant findings compared to TEG values
What were the findings of a study by Corsi et al on the cytokine concentrations in stored canine erythrocyte concentrates?
JVECC 2014 24 3
- There were no significant effects of leukoreduction/non-leukoreduction or storage time for IL-1B, IL-10, TNF-alpha.
- IL-8 concentration was significantly increased over the storage period (35 days) in the NLR units and was significantly higher compared to the LR units on days 28 and 35.
What were the findings by Babyak and Sharp on the epidemiology of SIRS and sepsis in cats hospitalized in a VTH?
JAVMA 2016 249
- Prevalence of sepsis at hospital admission was 6.2 cases/100 admissions.
- Mortality rate was 33.3% for septic cats.
- Results indicated that many cats have evidence of SIRS and some have sepsis, with a high mortality rate
What were the findings of a study by Monteiro et al on the effects of a combination of acepromazine with morphine and midazolam for sedation, cardiovascular variables and the propofol dose requirements for induction of anesthesia in dogs?
Vet Journ 2014
- The combination of AMM resuled in intense sedation more frequently than AM or MM and provided the greatest sparing of propofol dose
- Any protocl with acepromazine resulted in a decreased blood pressure, although not to the point of true hypotension
What were the primary findings of a study by Claude et al evaluating the effects of maropitant or acepromazine on the incidence of adverse effects associated with hydro premedication in dogs?
JVIM 2014 28
- Maropitant significantly decreasees the incidence of vomiting but does not improve signs of nausea, ptyalism or increased panting
- Acepromazind showed significantly less panting
What were the primary findings of a study by Rodriguez et al examining the serologic/urinary PCR survey of lepto in healthy cats and cats with KD?
Rodriguez et al. Serologic and urinary PCR survey of leptospirosis in healthy cats and in cats with KD. JVIM 2014 28.
- Seropositivity for lepto was significantly different between the KD and healthy cats, although the PCR was not
- Pomona and bratislava were the most commonly isolated serovars.
- Risk factors for seropositivity included outdoor/hunting lifestyles, the presence of another cat in the houshold and the sampling period–most cases identified between July and August.
- Seropositivity in cats with KD was significantly greater, suggesting that lepto should be considered higher on the list.
What were the primary findings of a study by Pavlisko et al regarding tissue oxygen saturation measurements in dogs?
Pavlisko et al. Evaluation of tissue oxygen saturation with near-infrared spectroscopy during experimental acute hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation in dogs. AJVR 2014 75.
- There was a strong correlation throughout this study between StO2 and oxygen delivery (across all time points–hypovolemia, normovolemia, hypervolemia) suggesting that StO2 may be used to estimate oxygen delivery.
What were the primary findings of a study examining transfusion practices following a variety of surgeries by Haley et al?
Haley et al. Perioperative red blood cell transfusion requirement for various surgical procedures in dogs: 207 cases. JAVAM 2015.
- Dogs undergoing liver lobectomy and/or splenectomy were significantly likely to receive a transfusion when compared to all other procedures (gastrectomy, rhinotomy, thyroidectomy, herniorrhpahy)
- 42% of splenectomy dogs, 40% liver lobectomy dogs
- A significant association was found between body weight and perioperative RBC transfusion–greater body weight, greater risk of transfusion
- 61% overall survival rate
- Dogs requiring transfusion were significantly less likley to survive to 2 weeks after surgery
What were the findings of a study by Langhorn et al on myocardial injury in dogs with snake envenomation and its relation to systemic inflammation?
JVECC 2014
- Myocardial injury frequently occured in dogs with snake envenomation (demonstrated by increased cTnI and increased CRP)
- The degree of systemic inflammation was significantly correlated with degree of myocardial injury in V. berus envenomation at all time points, this was not the case in dogs envenomated by N. annulifera or B. arietans.
In a study by Borgarelli et al, what where the major findings regarding the presence of pulmonary hypertension in a population of dogs with MMVD? Borgarelli et al. Prevalence and prognostic importance of PHT in dogs with MMVD. JVIM 2015. 29.
PHT is common in dogs with MMVD; more commonly identified in stage C compared to B2. MST for entire study population (212 dogs) was 567 days. On univariate analysis, stage C heart failure, presence of PH, LA/Ao >1.7, LVEDn >1.73, tricuspid regurgitation pressure gradient (TRPG) >55mmHg were associated with worse outcomes. On multivariate analysis, the presence of TRPG >55mmHG and LA/Ao remained significant predictors of worse outcome. In dogs with MMVD, the presence of moderate to severe PH worsens outcome.
What were the findings of a study by Bruno et al on TEM evaluation of hemostatis in dogs infested with Leishmania?
JVEC 2015 25 4
- Normal standard coagulation profiles were present in clinical dogs, asymptomatic dogs and a control group
- ROTEM results did not fall outside of normal for all gropus
What were the findings of a study by Sorensen et al evaluating different sampling methods and criteria for diagnosing canine UTI by quantitative bacterial cultures?
The Vet Journ 2016
- If a voided sample is used, the cutoff of >/=100,000 CFU/ml is appropriate for determining significant bacteriuria in the majority of dogs with suspected UTI if the samples are refrigerated and cultured on the day of collection
- Cystocentesis cut-off >1000 CFU/ml
What were the primary conclusions of a study by Hopper et al examining acid base, electrolyte, glucose and lactate values during CPR?
Hopper et al. Acid base, electrolyte, glucose and lactate values during CPR in dogs and cats. JVECC 2014 24 2.
- A moderate to severe metabolic acidosis developed in all cases, had a concurrent respiratory acidose in 88% of cases
- Progressive increase in lactate was seen in all cases during CPR; the degree of elevation may reflect the efficacy of resuscitative efforts
- Giving epinephrine may also contribute, as it accelerates glycolysis
- Elevated PCO2 was seen in 88% of cases during CPR, 61% following ROSC
- During CPR, PCO2 represents a low blood flow state and accumulation in the tissues rather than ventilation
- Hyperkalemia occured in 65% of cases
- Due to global ischemia causing failure of energy dependent cellular ion pumps and subsequent K+ efflux from cells
- Hypocalcemia developed in 18%
- Due to intracellular accumulation following ischemia/reperfusion injury
- Hyperglycemia in 62%
- Effects of exogenous and endogenous catecholamines
No significant difference in any of the variables during the first 15 minutes of CPA versus the first 15 minutes after CPA.
pH and PvO2 lower in the CPR gropu during the first 5 minutes of ROSC compared to during CPR.
What were the findings of a study by Bellini and Seymour on the effect of intraoperative CRI of lidocaine on short term survival of dogs with septic peritonitis (75 cases)?
JAVMA 2016 248
- Proportion of dogs that survived for 48 hours after surgery was significantly higher for the patients treated with lidocaine (35/42) than for those treated with an opioid alone (20/33).
- Intraoperative lidocaine increased the odds of short-term survival.
What were the findings of a study by Higgs et al regarding autologous blood transfusion in dogs with thoracic or abdominal hemorrhage?
JVECC 2015.
- Reported complications that may arise with ABT included hypocalcemia, hemolysis, and prolonged coagulation times, although they were considered of minor clinical significance
- ABT may be used as a bridge to definitive hemorrhage control, particularly when other blood products are not available or affordable.
What were the results of a study by KuKanich et al on the effect of sucralfate on the relative bioavailability of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in healty dogs?
JVIM 2016
- Bioavailability of ciprofloxacin seemed to be impacted by use of sucralfate
- No significant difference in bioavailability of enrofloxacin was documented (even when sucralfate was given concurrently to the FQ)
In a study by Starkey et al reporting on persistent ehrlichia ewingii infection in dogs after natural tick infestation, what were the major findings?
Starkey et al. Persistent ehrlichia ewingii infection in dogs after natural tick infestation. JVIM 2015 29.
- Intermittent E. ewingii rickettsemia persisted in 3 of 4 dogs for as long as 733 days.
- Dogs infected with E. ewingii from tick feeding are capable of maintaining infection with this pathogen long-term and may serve as a reservoir host for the maintenance of E. ewingii in nature.
What were the major conclusions of a study by Floras et al evaluating nTproCNP concentrations in dogs with endotoxemia?
Floras et al. N Terminal Pro-C-Natriuretic Peptide and cytokine kinetics in dogs with endotoxemia. JVIM 2014 28
- Healthy research dogs given LPS or placebo; NTpCNP measured by ELISA as were cytokines/chemokines.
- Serum NTpCNP did not differ significantly between the LPS or placebo group at any time point.
- Certain serum cytokines/chemokines are significantly increased within 1-4 hours of LPS administration in healthy dogs and warrant further investigation as tools for detection/management of sepsis in dogs.
What were the findings of a study by Bailey et al evaluating the effects of protamine sulfate on clot formation time and clot strength TEG variables for canine blood samples?
AJVR 2014
- Protamine prolonged clot formation time and decreased overall clot strength in a dose dependent manner
- May contribute to a hypocoagulable state in dogs
- Administration of protamine to reverse the effects of heparin should be performed with caution
What were the findings of a study by Jeffery et al on factors associated with recovery from paraplegia in dogs with loss of pain perception in the pelvic limbs following intervertebral disc herniation?
JAVMA 2016
- 58% of dogs recovered the ability to walk independently within the 3 months after surgery
- No prognostic value was identified for any of the investigated factors…
- A greater delay between onset of paraplegia nad referall evaluation was NOT associated with a poorer prognosis
- Prognosis for recovery may instead be influenced by the precise nature of the inciting injury
What were the findings of a study by Kabatchnick et al regarding hypothermia in uremic dogs and cats?
JVIM 2016
- Uremic hypothermia is a clinical phenomenon occurring in cats and dogs; uremic patients are hypothermic compared to ill non-uremic patients and body temperatures increase when uremia is corrected with IHD in dogs and in cats >5kg
- In cats, UH seems to be more prevealent
- Body weight in dogs is actually a more important predictor of body temperature in dogs with UH
What were the primary findings of a study by Nielsen et al examining the use of fenoldopam in patients with AKI?
Nielsen et al. Administration of fenoldopam in critically ill small animal patients with AKI. 28 dogs and 34 cats. JVECC 2015 25 3.
- Fenoldopam is a dopamine-1 receptor agonist causing vasodilation in peripheral arteries and diuresis in the kidneys
- With stimulation, DA-1 receptors result in conversion of AMP to cAMP, resulting in smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation
- Stimulation of renal DA-1 receptors likely responsible for increases in natriuresis, diuresis, renal blood flow and GFR in people
- Used for management of hypertensive crises in AKI people
- Study compared outcome in dogs and cats with AKI who received fenoldopam CRI (typically at 0.8ug/kg/min dogs, 0.5ug/kg/min cats)
- Administration was safe, no significant adverse effects–hypotension was most commonly seen
- NO significant difference between fenoldopam/non-fenoldopam group in survival, length of hospital stay, adverse effects, changes in creatinine, BUN or sodium concentrations
What were the findings of a study by DeGroot et al regarding primary splenic torsion in 102 dogs?
JAVMA 2016 248
- 91.2% survival to discharge rate
- GSD, Great Danes and English Bulldogs accounted for 50% of the cases
- Septic peritonitis on presentation, intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative development of respiratory distress were associated with death
- Splenic neoplasia was not found on histopath in any case
What were the findings in a study by Caivano et al of ultrasonographic findings and outcomes in dogs with suspected migrating intrathoracic grass awns?
JAVMA 2016 248
- Transthoracic or transesophageal US revealed grass awns in the pulmonary parenchyma or the pleural space of 23 of the 43 dogs in the study
- Surgical removal was successful in these cases
- 20 dogs with suspicion for migrating grass awn did not have identified fb on initial US and were treated medically, however, 16 of them ultimately developed draining fistulas and awns that were identified with US at follow up visits were removed from the sublumbar retion or thoracic wall.
- US may be considered a valuable and readily available diagnostic tool for monitoring dogs with suspected migrating intrathoracic grass awns
What were the findings of a study by Gallagher at eal comparing a protol using intermittent administration of glargine and regular insulin to a CRI of regular insulin in cats with DKA?
JVECC 2015 25 2
- Cats treated with the SC/IM protocol had significantly shorter time to resolution of hyperglycemia, ketonemia, and normalization of pH and bicarbonate
- Cats in SC/IM group also had significantly shorter duration of hospitalization (54 compared to 111 hours!)
- Time to first meal was not significantly different between groups
What were the findings of a study by Dugger et al regarding a comparison of the clinical utility of several published formulae for estimated osmolality of canine serum?
JVECC 2014 24 2.
- Recommended formula:
- 2(Na) + [glucose/18] + [BUN/2.8] because it is easy to use and is reliable even when hyperglycemia or azotemia are present
- Osmole gaps varied widely depending on the formula used to calculate osmolality…
What were the primary findings of a study by Lee et al examining regional variations of Lepto seropositivity in dogs in the US?
Lee et al. Regional and temporal variations of leptospira seropositivity in dogs in the US; 2000-2010. JVIM 2014 28.
- Seasonal patterns for seropositivity to lepto differ by geographic region (higher rates were found in the MW and the NE in the second half of the year, earlier rates in CS and SC regions)
In a study by Lopez-Alvarez et al, what factors were found to be independently associated with outcome in dogs with CHF? Lopez Alverez et al. Clinical severity score system in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease. JVIM 2015. 29.
Cough, exercise intolerance, decreased appetite, breathlessness, syncope, murmur >III, absence of a respiratory sinus arrhythmia. A clinical severity score system was developed, ranging from none to severe. Dogs with 3-4 risk factors were considered to be at intermediate risk and had a survival time of 1000 days, whereas dogs with 5> risk factors were considered to be severe and had a MST of 167 days.
In a study by Han et al, what were the findings regarding serum cPLI concentrations in dogs with heart failure and chronic mitral valve disease? Han, Choi, Hyun. Canine pancreatic specific lipase concentration in dogs with heart failure and chronic mitral valvular insufficiency. JVIM 2015. 29.
Chronic mitral valvular insufficiency is common in dogs and may cause clinical signs of congestion and poor tissue perfusion, which may lead to pancreatitis and elevated serum cPLI concentrations. An increase in serum cPLI concentrations were identified in dogs with increasing severity of heart diesease (54 ug/L in control group; 223 ug/L in severe group). Suggests periodic monitoring of serum cPLI may be useful in dogs with heart failure.
In a study by Kaye et al, what were the major findings regarding TAPSE in Boxers with ventricular arrhythmias? Kaye et al. Association of TAPSE with survival time in Boxer dogs with ventricular arrhythmias. JVIM 2015. 29.
Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion is a useful estimate of RV function in humans. Quantitative estimate of longitiduinal RV shortening. TAPSE was lower in Boxers with >50 VPCs/24h than in Boxers without. TAPSE
What were the primary findings of a study by McLeland et al evaluating the relationship of creatining, gastrin, CaP product and uremic gastropathy in cats with CKD?
McLeland et al. Relationship among serum creatinine, gastrin, CaP product and uremic gastropathy in cats with CKD. JVIM 2014 28.
- Gastric lesions consistent with ulceration/edema/or fibrinoid changes were not observed in cats with CKD
- Gastric fibrosis and gastric mineralization of varying severity were identified
- CKD cats were more likely to have these findings than nonazotemic controls
- CaP product was correlated with disease severity, with severely azotemic CKD cats having significantly higher CaP than nonazotemic
- Gastrin concentrations were significantly higher in cats with CKD than compared to controls, however, increased concentrations were not associated with gastric ulceration
- Perhaps gastroprotectants/antacids aren’t necessary
What were the findings of a study by Fletcher e al regarding assessment of the relationships among coagulopathy, hyperfibrinolysis, plasma lactate and protein C in dogs with spontaneous hemoperitoneum?
JVECC 2016; 26(1)
- Dogs with SHP have evidence of hypocoagulability, protein C deficiency, and hyperfibrinolysis
- The parameters of hyperfibrinolysis were related to plasma lactate concentration and the volume of plasma transfused during hospitalization
- Derangements resemble those found in people with acute coagulopathy of trauma/shock; activation of protein C may be common to both syndromes
What were the major findings of a study by Langhorn et al evaluating CTnI and CTnT as prognostic markers in cats with HCM? Langhorn et al. CTnI and T as prognostic markers in cats with HCM. JVIM 2014 28.
Myocardial injury as detected by CTnI and T in cardiac disease is associated with increased risk of death in humans and dogs. In cat, troponin concentrations at admission were prognostic for death as were the last available concentrations of each. The final cTnT concentration was a significant predictor of death even when adjusting for admission concentration. Low sensitivities and specificities of these findings however prevent outcome prediction in individual cats.
What were the findings of a study by Smith et al on procoagulant phospholipid concentration in canine erythrocyte concentrates stored with or without prestorage leukoreduction?
AJVR 2015.
- The procoagulant phospholipid concentration gradually increased during the storage period, however, leukoreduction reduced the development of increased procoagulant activity over time
- Presence of PPL in canine ECs may be associated with procoagulant and proinflammatory effects in vivo, which could have adverse consequences for dogs treated with EC
What were the findings of a study by Herreria-Bustillo et al regarding the use of cervical ultrasound to confirm ET intubation in dogs?
JVECC 2016 26 5
- Cervical US has high sensitivity and moderate specificity for ET intubation and may be a useful tool to confirm intubation in dogs
What were the findings of a study by Majoy et al regarding platelet activation in a population of critically ill dogs as measured with whole blood flow cytometry and TEG?
AJVR 2015.
- In non-ADP treated samples, crtically ill and control dogs had no difference in platelet activation.
- Critically ill dogs had significantly increased platelet activation in response to 2,6, and 10um ADP
- Critically ill dogs had significantly increased MA, alpha angle, and global clot strength along with significantly decreased clot formation time.
- Critically ill dogs had significantly increased fibrinogen concentration, PT, and PTT and signficantly decreased AT concentration.
- No difference betweeen survivors and non survivors
- Concluded that critically ill dogs had hyperreactive platelets which may have contributed to the high incidence of hypercoagulability in this patient population
What were the findings of a study by Schwartz et al examining platelet volume and plateletcrit in dogs with presumed primary ITP?
JVIM 2014 28.
- Mean platelet volume was higher in IMT dogs
- The platelet distribution width was not significantly different amon the groups
- The median time for PCT to reach threshold (selected at 75,000 platelets/uL) in confirmed responders to therapy was faster (3 days) compared to platelet count (4 days)
- PCT may be a useful platelet parameter for monitoring dogs with ITP
What were the findings of a study by Barnoon et al on combined MMF and prednisone for treatment of MUE in dogs?
JVECC 2016
- MMF usage enables reduction of prednisone treatment and in some cases, complete withdrawal
- GI side effects are possible
What were the findings of a study by Fantoni et al comparing the cardiopulmonary effects of PCV and VCV in healthy anesthetized dogs?
JVECC 2016 26 4
- Compared to spontaneous ventilation, both modes significantly improved gas exchange without hemodynamic impairment.
- PCV resulted in higher lung static compliance and lower PIP as compared to VCV
What were the primary findings of a study by Geddes et al evaluation the relation between plasma FGF 23 and survival time in cats with CKD?
Geddes et al. Relationship between plasma FGF 23 concentration and survival time in cats with CKD. JVIM 2015 29.
- FGF 23 secreted primarily by osteocytes/osteoblasts in response to hyperphosphatemia and increased plasma calcitriol
- Acts in kidneys to inhibit calcitriol production and to increase phophaturia; acts in the parathyroid to decrease PTH production and secretion.
- Survival in cats was negatively associated with the plasma creatinine and FGF 23 concentrations, UPC and age.
- FGF 23 was found to be a novel independent predictor of CKD progression
What were the primary findings of a study by Duffy et al evaluating UPC ratios in hospital versus home samples?
Duffy et al. Comparison between UPC ratios of samples obtained from dogs in home and hospital settings. JVIM 2015 29.
- 50% had higher hostpial sample UPCs, 38% had identical UPCs and 12% had lower hospital sample UPCs.
- For the samples as a whole, the UPCS of the hospital samples were higher than the home samples for the total population
- Setting and circumstances of urine collection is associated with UPC differences, usually higher in hospital than at home
What were the primary findings of a study by Jung et al regarding atrial fibrillation as a prognostic indicator in medium to large sized dogs with MMVD and CHF?
JVIM 2016 30
- For dogs with AF, MST was 142 days as compared to those without AF (234 days).
- MST significantly prolonged for dogs with AF whose rates were adequately controlled when compared to dogs that failed to respond to negative chronotropic agents.
What were the primary findings of a study by Parkinson et al evaluating the effect of orally administered acid suppressants on intragastric pH in cats?
JVIM 2015 29
- Omeprazole (either a fractionated tablet or a reformulated paste) was superior to famotidine in regards to acid suppression
- The fractionated tablet of omeprazole appeared to be an effective acid suppressant despite disruption of the enteric coating
What were the major conclusions of a study by Foronda et al regarding the impact of daily SBT on the duration of pediatric MV?
Foronda et al. The impact of daily evaluation and SBT on the duration of pediatric mechanical ventilation: a randomized controlled trial. CCM 2011.
**Supplemental article
- A daily evaluation to check readiness for weaning combined with a spontaneous breathing test reduced the MV duration for children on MV for >24 hours without increasing the extubation failure rate or the need for non-invasive ventilation
What were the findings of a study by Santoro-Beer and Drobatz regarding severe anemia in 17 cats with UO?
JVECC 2016 26
- A prior history of UO and a longer duration of clinical signs may be important risk factors for the development of severe anemia in cats with UO
- Median PCV of all cases at presentation was 28% and <20% in those who required a transfusion.
- UO-A cats appeared to be more severely affected, as evidenced by lower BP, more severe metabolic acidosis, higher BUN and creatinine, and a worse outcome.
What were the findings of a study by Bolton et al on pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity in serum of dogs with DKA?
JVIM 2016
- 73% of dogs with DKA had concurrent pancreatic injury based on PLI results
- Fair agreement between serum PLI activity and AUS findings
- Concurrent pancreatic injury is common in dogs with DKA, but did not affect prognosis in this population
What were the primary conclusions of a study by Wendelburg et al examining risk factors for perioperative death in dogs undergoing splenectomy for splenic masses?
Wendelburg et al. Risk factors for perioperative death in dogs undergoing splenectomy for splenic masses. jAVMA 2014 245.
- 7.6% of dogs died in the perioperative period; thrombotic and coagulopathic syndromes and uncontrolled bleeding from metastatic lesions were the most common cause of death.
- For each decrease in platelet count by 10,000, odds of death increased by 6%
- Dogs with PCV <30% were twice as likely to die
- Dogs developing ventricular arrhythmias intra-op were twice as likely to die
What were the findings of a study by Ueda et al regarding the incidence, severity and prognosis associated with hypernatremia in dogs and cats?
JVIM 2015 29.
- Hypernatremia was found infrequently (6% dogs, 8% cats), but patients with hypernatremia were significantly more likely to die than those with normal blood sodium
- Hypernatremia was associated with a higher case fatality rate than hyponatremia
What were the primary findings of a study by Kelley et al evaluating TEG in dogs with acute liver disease?
Kelley et al. TEG evaluation of dogs with acute liver disease. JVIM 2015 29.
- TEG results defined dogs as hypocoagulable, normocoagulable, and hyperoagulable.
- Hyperfibrinolysis was also identified in a portion of dogs.
- Dogs with acute liver failure had greater increases in K and LY20, along with decreases in MA, G and PC activity than dogs with less severe hepatic impairment.
- Results for mA and LY30 were positively correlated with serum biliubin and WBC count and negatively correlated with serum cholesterol
What were the findings of a study by Fukumoto et al regarding Big endothelin-1 as a tumour marker for canine HSA?
The Vet Journ 2015
- Serum big ET-1 was elevated in dogs with HSA significantly compared to other dogs.
What were the findings of a study by Aguiar et al regarding the complications of PEG in dogs and cats receiving corticosteroids?
JVIM 2016
- IN the steroid group, 43% of the cases developed a major severity complication compared to 18% of the control group
- Purulent discharge, tube dislodgement, chewing of tube at stoma site were major complications
- Overall, complication rate was similar between two groups
In a study by Eason et al evaluating the influence of beta blockers on survival in dogs with SAS, what was the major finding? Eason et al. Influence of beta blockers on survival in dogs with severe SAS. JVIM 2014 28.
SAS is one of the most common congenital defects in dogs; severe SAS is often treated with a beta blocker, but this is largely empirical. STudy found that only age at diagnosis and pressure gradient at diagnosis affected survival time, with only PG influencing survival time in the cardiac mortality analysis. Treatment with a beta-blocker did not influence survival time in all-cause or cardiac cause mortality analysis.
What were the findings of a study by DeClue et al regarding the effects of opioids on phagocytic function, oxidative burst capacity, cytokine production and apoptosis in canine leukocytes?
Vet Journ 2014
- Morphine, buprenorphine and fentanyl all promoted LPS or LTA-induced TNF alpha and IL-10 production, but did not actually alter the ratios of these cytokines
- Morphine, buprenorphine and fentanyl all inhibited neutrophil apoptosis, which was not concentration dependent in nature
- Opioids alter immune and apoptotic pathways in dogs and these effects should be considered when designing studies and interpreting outcomes of studies involving opioid administration
What were the findings of an assessment of the expression of biomarkers of uremic inflammation in dogs with renal disease by Nentwig et al?
AJVR 2016 77
- Expression of IL1 alpha and beta, TGF-beta and the enzyme 5-LO was clearly increaed in dogs with renal disease, suggesting these markers are part of an inflammatory response in dogs wtih AKI/CKD
- No significant difference between the renal disease groups was detected for inflammatory markers and laboratory variables, degree of azotemia or the cause of impaired renal function
What were the findings of a study by Baum et al on the prevalence of adrenal gland masses as incidental findings during abdominal CT in dogs?
JAVMA 2016
- 9.3% of dogs had incidental adrenal masses
- Dogs with incidental masses were significantly older than those without
- Histo evaluation was only performed in 3 of the dogs; 2 had cortical adenomas, 1 had a pheo