Name some signs of Neglect.
- Substance abuse during pregnancy
- Inadequate clothing
- No / lack of food and drink
- Poor shelter
- Lack of warmth
- Lack of love and protection
- Lack of supervision
- Dirty clothing
- Poor hygiene
- No access to medical / dental care
M7 - SG
What is the definition of Safeguarding?
Providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge.
Ensure that they grow up safely.
M7 - SG
What is the definition of Child Protection?
Child Protection is a part of Safeguarding and promoting welfare.
Actions taken to protect a specific child who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.
M7 - SG
What are the 4 main categories of child abuse?
- Physical
- Emotional
- Neglect
- Sexual
(in no particular order)!
M7 - SG
What is the definition if Physical Abuse?
Causing actual harm to a child.
Can also include deliberately inducing a child to be ill.
M7 - SG
Name some signs of Physical Abuse.
- Hitting / pinching
- Burning / scalding
- Throwing objects at a child
- Poisoning
- Drowning
- Suffocation
- Pulling / pushing
- Kicking
M7 - SG
What is the definition of Sexual Abuse?
Forcing a child or young person to take part in activities of a sexual nature.
M7 - SG
Name some signs of Sexual Abuse.
- Unwanted physical contact
- Kissing
- Rubbing
- Touching
- Penetration
- Non-penetrative acts
M7 - SG
Name some signs of Sexual Abuse on the internet.
- Shown or take part in sexual images or videos
- Grooming
M7 - SG
What is the definition if Emotional Abuse?
Persistent maltreatment of a child in an emotional way, causing a severely negative effect on a child’s emotional development.
M7 - SG
Name some signs of Emotional Abuse.
- Being told they are worthless
- Being told they aren’t loved
- Mocking a child
- Silencing a child
- Shouting at a child
- Swearing at a child
- Bullying a child
- Scaring a child on purpose
- Exploitation of a child
- Stopping a child from learning
M7 - SG
What is the definition of Neglect?
Failure to meet the basic physiological or psychological needs of a child.
M7 - SG
Name some signs of Neglect.
- Substance abuse during pregnancy
- Inadequate clothing
- No / lack of food and drink
- Poor shelter
- Lack of warmth
- Lack of love and protection
- Lack of supervision
- Dirty clothing
- Poor hygiene
- No access to medical / dental care
M7 - SG
Name some injuries that are a concern when it comes to immobile infants.
* Eye injuries
Burns / scalds
* Bruised lip
* Scars
* Abrasions
* Lacerations
* Bruises
* Deliberate poisoning
* Suffocation
M7 - SG
What is Contextual Safeguarding?
- Sexual and Criminal Exploitation
- Gangs
- Online
- Extremism
M7 - SG
What is Female Genital Mutilation?
- Partial / total removal of external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs.
- It is ILLEGAL in the UK!
M7 - SG
What is Breast Ironing?
- Form of Physical Abuse
- Halting development / making breasts disappear
M7 - SG
What is Extremism?
The promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance.
M7 - SG
What is Radicalisation?
Refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.
M7 - SG
When should you have concerns over physical injuries?
- When the injury can’t be explained
- When the injury is in an unusual place
- When the story doesn’t add up
- When the injury looks suspicious
- When the child has persistent injuries
M7 - SG
What is an Indirect Disclosure?
- When a child gives verbal hints about abuse
- When a child gives written hints about abuse
- When a child gives graphic hints about abuse (drawings / artwork)
M7 - SG
What is a Direct Disclosure?
- When a child specifically says that they are being abused / neglected
- When a child describes situations that are abusive or neglectful
- When a child says that they will tell you about something concerning abuse but only if their conditions are met
- When a child pretends that abuse is happening to another child
M7 - SG
What is a Third-Party Disclosure?
- When a child discloses abuse that is happening to another child
- When an adult discloses concerns for a child they think may be at risk
- when an adult discloses concerns about the behaviour of an adult or child which may be putting a child at risk
M7 - SG
What should you do with a disclosure?
1: Stay calm, listen carefully and get the essential facts
2: Reassure the child that they’ve done nothing wrong
3: Tell the child what will happen next
4: Report the concern to the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
5: Make detailed notes of everything that you can remember from the disclosure
M7 - SG
What is a Serious Case Review?
A serious case review (SCR) takes place when a child or young person has been significantly injured or has died due to abuse or neglect.
M7 - SG
Who is your settings DSL?
Stacey. If not in then it’s Roni. If not in then it’s Jo.
M7 - SG
Who is responsible for Safeguarding?
M7 - SG
What is a DBS for?
- Check an employee’s suitability
- Do they have any previous convictions?
- Are they safe to work with children?
M7 - SG
What is the Equality Act?
- 2010
- Protects from discrimination
- Outlines the 9 protected characteristics
- Enables inclusive environments
- Must have a policy for Equality and Diversity within setting
- All settings must have a SENCO
M7 - SG
Prevent Duty and British Values …
- All education providers ‘have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’.
- This act also ensures that children are protected from extremist ideologies and radicalisation.
M7 - SG
What is the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act
- 2015
- this act contains powers to help the UK to respond to terrorism threats
- Temporarily seize passports
- Disrupt overseas travel
- Combat underlying ideologies
- Improve Law Enforcement Agencies
M7 - SG
What is Working Together to Safeguard Children?
- From the Government
- Everyone working with children should safeguard them
- Act was revised after the Victoria Climbie case
M7 - SG
What is the Children’s Act?
- 2004
- All people and settings have a duty to safeguard and protect a child
M8 - H&S
What is the Health and Safety at Work Act?
- 1974
- We have a duty of care towards employees, members of the public and ourselves
- Provide a safe and healthy place to work
- Correct Risk Assessments in place
- Risk Assessments should be monitored and updated as and when needed
- Provide training to all employees
M8 - H&S
What is Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
- 1999
- Identify risks and effectively plan ahead
- Businesses with 5 or more people must do this
- Report any issues to the person in charge straight away
- Report any accidents or incidents
M8 - H&S
What is Work Place Regulations (Health, Safety and Welfare)
- 1992
- Health = ventilation, lighting, comfortable working temperature
- Safety = drinking water
- Welfare = break facilities available
M8 - H&S
What is the RIDDOR Act?
- 2013
- Requires anyone employed or on the setting to report any accidents and report them in the correct way
M8 - H&S
What do you report to RIDDOR?
- Death that is work related
- Fractures (not fingers or toes)
- Limb amputations
- Permanent / reduced loss of sight
- Crush injuries resulting in organ damage
- 10% body burns
- Carpal Tunnel
- Occupational Dermatitis
- Occupational Asthma
- Occupational Cancer
What does DSL stand for?
Designated Safeguarding Lead
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
What does PFA stand for?
Paediatric First Aid
What does UK GDPR stand for?
United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation
What does SENDCO/SENCO stand for?
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator/Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator
What does EYFS stand for?
Early Years Foundation Stage
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
What does NSPCC stand for?
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
M2 - L&M
What is a Phoneme?
The smallest unit of sound.
E.G. fl can be broken down into f and l.
M2 - L&M
What Factors can affect children’s communication and language needs?
There are 5!
- Relationships
- Quality and sufficient adult interaction
- Background noise
- Screen time
- Hearing loss
M2 - L&M
What is a Grapheme?
The sound made by a letter or group of letters (tion sounds like shun)
M2 - L&M
What is a Digraph?
2 letters that come together to make a new sound.
E.G. ‘ch’
M2 - L&M
What is a Blend?
Draw phonemes together to make a word.
E.G. s-n-i-p are blended together to make ‘snip’
M2 - L&M
What is a Segment?
Split up words into separate phonemes - this skill is needed for spelling.
M2 - L&M
What is CVC?
Consonant - vowel - consonant.
E.G. c-a-t or p-a-t.
M2 - L&M
What is Sustained Shared Thinking?
Problem solving with a child.