All Definitions (Scientific Processes) Flashcards
A part of a scientific report that aims to summarise the report
The objective or purpose of the experiment
An inclination to a certain position or thought. For example, in hostile attribution bias, hostility or negativity is more likely to be assumed from a neutral face.
Behavioural categories
An observational technique wherein participants’ possible behaviours are separated into more specific components. This allows for operationalisation of the behaviour. For example, splitting aggression into categories of “swearing” and “punching”.
Concurrent validity
Occurs if a test is similar to an older test that already has well-established validity.
Control variable
Any variables that are kept constant through the experiment to prevent their effects on the dependent variable.
Confounding variable
A type of extraneous variable that is related to the independent variable in the experiment. For example, if you were testing the effects of anxiety on memory recall, the relative levels of sensitivity to anxiety-inducing stimuli would be a confounding variable.
To make half of the participant sample experience the different conditions of the experiment in one order, and the other half of the participants complete it in the opposite order.
Demand characteristics
Changes in the participants’ behaviour to comply with the hypothesis of the researcher.
Dependent variable
The variable that changes in response to manipulation of the researcher, that is being measured for the experiment. For example, if you were testing the effects of anxiety on memory recall, memory recall would be the dependent variable.
Directional hypothesis
A hypothesis that specifies the direction of the relationship e.g. coffee will have an effect on the reaction time of participants.
Ecological validity
How well results from a test can be applied r to real life.
Event sampling
An observational technique wherein an observer records every time a particular behaviour or “event” occurs, usually in the form of a tally chart.
Extraneous variable
Variables other than the independent variable that have an effect on the dependent variable. For example, if you were testing the effects of anxiety on memory recall, the intelligence levels of the participants could be an extraneous variable.
Face validity
If a test appears to be valid at first appearances, in spite of how well it works in a real world scenario.
The quality of being able to be proven wrong. For example, the proposition “All crows are black” could be falsified by observing one white crow. Thus the statement is falsifiable, even if a while crow has not been hitherto observed.
To attribute information from a sample to the rest of the population.
The prediction of the outcome of the experiment.
Independent groups
An experimental design wherein participants are involved in different conditions of the experiment. For example, using two different groups of people to test the effect of music on memory recall, with one group memorising during music playing and the other in silence.
Independent variable
The variable that is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effects on the dependent variable. For example, if you were testing the effects of anxiety on memory recall, anxiety would be the independent variable.
Inter-observer reliability
Multiple investigator gather information separately during an observational and compare their data for similarity after.
Investigation effects
Unconscious changes in the investigators behaviour to comply with the hypothesis of the investigation.
Matched pairs
An experimental design wherein participants in different conditions of the experiment are matched on certain variables to reduce the effect of participant variables. For example, in the Bobo doll study, children were matched on scores of aggressiveness for each condition.
Non-directional hypothesis
A hypothesis that does not specify the direction of the relationship of the experiment e.g. coffee will change the reaction times of participants (whether it will increase or decrease the times is not specified).
Empirical; something that is not influenced by personal feelings.
Open questions
A type of question that requires answers that are longer than “yes” or “no”.
Operationalisation (of variables)
To clearly state and objectify a variable. For example, instead of measuring “aggression”, researchers would convert it into observable categories like “punching” and “kicking”.
Opportunity sampling
A sampling technique that involves obtaining a sample via anyone that is available from the population at the time of collecting the sample. For example, handing questionnaires out to people outside a shopping centre.
A basic concept; a well accepted core belief
Paradigm shift
When previously accepted core concepts in a science are changed, usually due to the emergence of new evidence.
Peer review
The assessment of work by other people with similar levels of expertise in that field, to provide an unbiased expert opinion of the quality of said work.
Pilot studies
Preliminary/trial studies carried out to ensure the clarity of the study itself. For example, using a pilot questionnaire on a sample of people that give feedback on the clarity of the questions.
The group represented by a sample.
Random allocation
To allocate participants to separate conditions using some sort of randomisation technique. For example, using a computer to randomly generate groups for condition A and B.
Random sampling
A sampling technique that involves randomly generating participants from the population by any randomisation technique. For example: random number generation from a computer, picking names out of a hat.
Essentially replicability; the extent to which the test can be repeated and gather similar results.
Repeated measures
An experimental design wherein the same participants undergo all the conditions of the experiment. For example, when testing the effect of coffee on reaction time, all participants will be tested for reaction time with and without coffee.
How easily a test can be reproduced
A smaller group that aims to be representative of a population.
Keeping the experimental methods as identical as possible.
Stratified sampling
A sampling technique that involves establishing sub-groups (strata) within the population investigated and picking participants to create a representative sample. For example, if the population is 2/3 female and 1/3 male, the sample should also be 2/3 female and 1/3 male.
Systematic sampling
A sampling technique that involves establishing a method to pick participants evenly distributed through the population. For example, picking every 10th participant in a list of the entire population.
Temporal validity
How well results from a test can be applied across time periods.
Test-retest reliability
Completing a test multiple times and comparing the scores for similarity.
Time sampling
An observational technique wherein an observer only records specific behaviours in specific time intervals. For example observing and recording the behaviour of football fans at a stadium every 15 mins for 30 secs.
Essentially truthfulness; the extent to which a test measures what it aims to measure, I.e. uncontrolled extraneous variables reduce validity because they affect what is supposed to be measured.
Volunteer sampling
A sampling technique that involves using participants that volunteer to take part in the study, provided they meet the inclusion criteria. For example, putting a request on an information board in your school and sending questionnaires to those that respond.