All Chapters Flashcards
Always end a C statement
A file containing a C file
source code
tells printf() to output a newline
escape sequence
An operator that takes one operand
A function designed to do one thing and to do it well
Creates and edits files that contains C programs
The act of using the * operator to get to the value pointed to by the pointer
Uses the type of a function to pass data back to the invoking function
return value
Computer hardware inside the CPU for doing math and making decisions
ALU (algorithmic logic unit)
Step-by-step simulation of the computer executing of an algorithm done by hand
Can create a global constant in a C program that is accessible by all function in the file
preprocessor directive
Invokes a function using proper preconditions and displays outputs to be confirm expected results
A temporary function written as a stand in for a more detailed function to be written later
Linux command to collect input and output from a running program into a file for submission
The prompting of the user on the screen to enter data and accepting input data from the keyboard
Used to match an argument in a printf() function call to a location in the output displayed
Specifies how much space should be left around the output value when printed
field width
Grammar rules of a programming language describing where to put parentheses and semicolons
Unary use of the – operator in an executable statement means…
Short-circuit evaluation involves logical expressions being
A programming technique where the main() function consists of a sequence of function calls and each function is implemented separately
procedural abstraction
Modular programming involved
creating functions
what is modular programming?
a technique that simplifies complex software development by breaking it down into smaller, manageable pieces called modules.
The % operator always returns a value that is
zero or greater
Arguments to a programmer-written function allows for
data communication
A __ statement is used to put a value into a memory location
Which is a debugging technique to ensure data is read into a program correctly
echo printing
Unit testing involves testing
If you want to use function like sqrt() and pow() defined by the C library, you need
header file
Changing your C code to use different control structures or C statements but have it do the same thing it did before is called
Specific to one type of CPU
assembly code
Which of the following is a C reserved word?
The __ runs on a computer program by repeatedly fetching and executing machine-language instructions
The results of any logical expression evaluated by C will be
0 or 1
A __ has one entry point and one exit point and combines individual instructions onto a block
control structure
The address of a memory cell is an indincation of
location in memory
(T/F) Formal parameters appear in the function definition
(T/F) A switch statement exits when a break statement is encountered
(T/F) An input validation loop ends when a sentinel value is encountered
(T/F) A change in the value of a variable as a result of carrying out an operation is called a side effect
(T/F) Using the break statement in an iterator will terminate the loop
(T/F) Pass by reference means the variable is used as data output from the function, not for data input
The name of the default object file on cis-linux2 is
(T/F) Functions with no arguments should be declared using the void C keyword.
DeMorgan’s theorem tell us how to ___ an expression.
Mapping integers to characters on the keyboard is done using
ASCII codes
A hand trace is used to verify the correctness of
an algorithm
The C statement
if (0 <= x <= 4)
printf (“Condition is true\n”);
will only print when x is between 0 and 4
Formal parameters appear in a function
(T/F) 10,000 gigabytes is larger than 1 terabyte.
A void function is one that
doesn’t return a value
What is the name of the function you can use to immediately end the program and return to the Linux prompt, no matter where you invoke it from in your source code?
A combination of English phrases and C constructs used to describe algorithms is called
Logical negation is accomplished with
the ! operator