All-Ceramic restorations Flashcards
……… is the process of firing thecompacted ceramic powder at high temperature to ensure optimal densification
Zirconia forms are
1- monoclinic at room temperature. 2- Tetragonal zirconia (1187c-1206 –c) 3- cubic zirconia ( 1167 °C- 2367 °C)
The more restrictive term porcelain refers to a specific compositional range of ceramic materials originally made by …………., ………..and …………and…………and……..
• mixing kaolin (hydrated aluminosilicate),
• quartz (silica)
• feldspars (potassium
• sodium aluminosilicates),
• firing at high temperature.
zirconia-based ceramic for soft machining is consists of tetragonal zirconia polycrystals partially stabilized by….
addition of 3 mole percent yttrium (3Y-TZP)
Zirconia forms are:
1- monoclinic at room temperature.
2- Tetragonal zirconia (1187c-1206 –c)
3- cubic zirconia ( 1167 °C- 2367 °C)
Characteristics of zirconia:
1- superior toughness, strength, and fatigue resistance.
2- in addition to excellent wear properties and
3- Zirconium (Zr) is similar chemical and physical properties to titanium (Ti).
4- is a white crystalline oxide of zirconium.