all categories REAL Flashcards
Huang Qin scutellaria
Clr. Heat Dry Damp: D, dys, cool blood to stop, upper burner, sedate LV yang, calm fetus,, *fire- jaundice, hepatitis, LU fire
Jin Ying Zi rosehip
S abd B: Category only
Chaun Lian Zi toosendan
Reg. Qi: LV, promote qi, pn, parasites, topical itchy scalp
Yi Mu Cao chinese motherwort
Invigorate Blood menses, acute edema
Mu Gua quince fruit
Dispel Wind-Damp: Calf spasms, food stag., sooth tendons,#1 cramps
Chen Pi aged tangerine peel
Reg. Qi: Helps prevent stagnation from cloying herbs,mj, dry damp, T ph
Gua Lou Ren trichosanthis seed
Dissolve Hot Ph: *Expands chest, dry cough,
Dan Zhu Ye lophatherum
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: Clr HT and ST heat to relieve cranky, mouth sores, damp heat in HT and SI by promoting pee
Chen Xiang aquillaria
Reg. Qi: move qi, pn, dist d/t stasis, rebel qi down mj, wheeze shi/xu, KD grasp, asthma d/t KD xu
Ji Nei Jin chicken gizzard
Food Stag.: T & T, stones in UB and GB, enuresis, bedwetting, child. nut. impairment
Tian Hua Fen trichosanthis root
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: LU and ST- drain, T ph, moisten, Toxic- pus, carbuncles, breast abscess, drain heat promotefluids
Hai Zao seaweed
Dissolve Hot Ph: clr heat to reduce phlegm (nodules,scrofula), promote pee to reduce edema
Du Zhong eucommia
T. Yang
Tian Nan Xing arisaematis
Dissolve Cold Ph: convulsions, * hemeplegia, Bell’s,spasms, reduce swell, pn, topical deep rooted sores
San Leng burr reed
Invigorate Blood: forcefully breaks up blood stasis, masses, ST cancer
Bai Wei swallow wort
Clr. Heat from Xu: cool xue (nut. level), promote pee- painful, bloody, dribble, toxic- throat, sores
Chuan Xiong ligusticum
Invigorate Blood: chest, expel wind, pain, h/a, gyn
Qiang Huo notopterygium
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Mu Li oyster shell
Anchor and Calm Shen: palps. anxiety, restless, anchor yang,prevent leakage to stop sweat, ST acid
Shan Zhu Yu cornus
S and B: T and stren LV and KD,stab menses- stop blood, stop excess sweat and shock, stabilize KD E
Ding Xiang clove
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Warm mj to push rebel qi down, hiccups, impotence, vag dis, restore yang qi
Bu Gu Zhi psoralea
T. Yang
Jing Mi non-glutinous rice
T. Qi: T SP to T damp, gen fluids to stop thirst, T LU qi
Wu Mei mume plum
S and B: A intest to stop D, xue and pn, LU to stop cough, chronic LU qi xu, gen fluids to allev thirst, expel roundworms by calming, topical for corns and warts
Cao Guo tsaoko fruit
Aromatic Trans. Damp - Malaria
Bai Jie Zi mustard seed
Dissolve Cold Ph: warm LU qi, expel ph (cough w/ thin cop sputum), yin nodules, boils, scrofula
Wang Bui Liu Xing vaccaria seed
Invigorate Blood: prohibit lactation, swelling breast and balls
Gao Liang Jiang galanga rhizome
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Warm mj, to allev. pn,hiccups,vomit, D (cold)
Mu Tong akebia (Chuan Mu Tong)
Drain Damp: same both promote pee from HT through SI, promote lactation
Lu Rong deer antler velvet
T. Yang
Ai Ye mugwort leaf
Stop Bleeding: warms the womb calms the fetus
He Ye lotus leaf
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: summer heat- fvr, irrit, sweat, SP- rise clr yang, stop xue in lj or stag
Bi(e) Xie tokoro/dioscorea
Drain Damp: more damp less ht, * separate pure from turbid, expel wind damp bi, eczema and pustular sores
Chaun Bei Mu frittilaria
Dissolve Hot Ph: ccc, chaun, chronic cough, children, breast abscess, nodules
Chai Hu bupleurum
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Mai Men Dong ophiopogon
T. Yin: N HT, LU, ST, lube intestine
Zhi Shi unripe bitter orange
Reg. Qi: qi down, unblock bowels, hbp, phlegm, use with qi herbs for prolapse
Qing Pi green/unrip tangerine peel
Reg. Qi: strong, spread LV qi, breaks stag, food stag, dry damp, hbp
Sang Zhi mulberry twig
Dispel Wind-Damp: category only
Lian Xu lotus stamen
S and B: Category only
Zhu Ling polyporous
Drain Damp
Long Dan Cao gentiana
Clr. Heat Dry Damp: LV fire- red eyes, h/a, LV wind, damp ht- lj (STD), LV wind- fvr,spasm, LV wind ht- convul, flank pn
Xiang Fu cyperus
Reg. Qi: #1 Gyno
Zhi Ke ripe bitter orange
Regulate Qi
Jing Jie schizonepeta
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Ye Jiao Teng polygonum/fleeceflower vine
Nourish HT and Calm Shen: N xue to unblock channel,insomnia- excess dreaming, topical itch, rash
Ci Shi magnetite
Anchor and Calm Shen: yin xu w/ yang rising, N KD, aug LU (hearing loss), chronic asthma- KD grasping qi
Wu Yao lindera
Reg. Qi: move qi, pain, warm flank, KD freq pee, KD yang cold UB, cold accu., hernia, menses
Sha Yuan Zi astragalus seed
T. Yang
Cang Zhu atractylodes
Aromatic Trans. Damp: expel wind-damp, Bi-LJ, induce sweat r-ext., vision, night blindness
Bai Tou Weng pulsatilla
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: dys, damp ht- ST, intest
Ku Shen sophora
Clr. Heat Dry Damp: jaundice, dys parasites, lesions, vag dis
Fu Zi aconite
Warm Int. Expel Cold: restore yang, warm SP/KD, cold bi, cock’s crow D
Ge Gen kudzu root
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Dong Kui Zi mallow fruit
Drain Damp: promote pee, PID, hot stony, red eyes, swelling, breast, insuff lactation, painful swollen boobs, moist intest, unblock bowela
Sang Ji Sheng mistletoe
Dispel Wind-Damp: Calm the fetus, T LV & KD tendons and bones, N xue, hpt, N xue & bene skin
He Zi chebulae
S and B: A intest to stop D, A LU to bene throat- chronic cough, LU yin xu- asthma
Di Yu bloodwort
Stop Bleeding: #1 for hemorrhoids
Bo He mint
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Hei Zhi Ma black sesame seed
T. Yin: LV & KD yin fortifies, blurry, tinnitus, dizzy, lube, N xue, ext. wind, itchy skin d/t xue xu
Pu Huang cattail pollen
Stop Bleeding: I and A, post pardum
Ji Zi Huang chicken egg yolk
T. Xue: nourish yin and xue, dryness, heat toxins
Ju Hua crysanthemum
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Wu Zhu Yu evodia
Warm Int. Expel Cold
Zi Su Ye peril leaf
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Lu Gen reed
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: Clear heat- promote fluids and pee, ST/ LU- yellow sputum, relieve food poison, vent rash
Bai Mao Gen imperatae (white grass)
Stop Bleeding #1 nosebleeds
Zhi Mu anemarrhena
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: LU, KD yin xu- fluids, yin, moist, LU-cough, yellow sputum
Qing Hao sweet wormwood
Clr. Heat from Xu: summer heat, steaming bones, bleeding- nose,rash, malaria-shaoyang
Mu Dan Pi tree peony
Clr. Heat Cool Xue: blood level ht, LV fire, yin xu- steaming bones, act xue stasis- amen, LV, masses, topical- pus, swell
Che Qian Zi plantain seed
Drain Damp: promote pee, solid stool, clr eyes,expel ph,stop cough
Ju Hong zest of Chen pi
Reg. Qi: drying, cough w/ cop. damp phlegm
Bian Xu knotweed
Drain Damp: heat and damp equal, promote pee to clr ht from UB, expel parasites, stop itch, tape/hook/pin worms
Dan Shen salvia
Invigorate Blood: *angina, gyno, cool and nourish xue
Bai Hua She multi banded krait snake
Dispel Wind Damp: ext. wind to unblock chan, dis wind from skin (itch, numb), wind from sinews,paray, hemi, face para
Hua Shi talcum
Drain Damp: promote pee to drain ht in KD, summer heat, thirst, irritability, topical for damp skin lesionsby way of pee
Xiao Hui Xiang fennel
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Reg and soothe LV qi and warm KD, pain- LJ, hernia,H ST, reg qi to increase appetite
Qian Shi euryale seed
S and B: Category only
Lu Hui aloe
Down Drain Purgative: cool lV, kill parasites,
Yan Hu Suo corydalis
Invigorate Blood: #1 pain relief
Niu Xi achyranthes
Invigorate Blood: LV, KD, back bi, low abd, tendons, bones
Lian Zi lotus seed
S and B: Category only
Rou Gui cinnamon bark
Warm Int. Expel Cold
Huang Bai phellodendron
Clr. Heat Dry Damp: jaundice, D, dys,KD fire, lj- herpes, genital sores, STD
Shi Gao gypsum
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: coldest, skin: eczema, burns, ulcer sores, ST fire, LU sputum
Sheng Ma cimcifuga
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Suan Zao Ren ziziphus
Nourish HT and Calm Shen: N HT yin to calm shen, aug LV xue, prevent abnormal sweat, insomnia d/t LV xuexuor HT yin xu
Yin Chen (Hao) wormwood
Drain Damp: clr ht from LV/GB jaundice, release ext., dampsores, wind rash, lj skin
Zi Su Zi perilla seed
Cough/Wheeze: * asthma, qi down,dissolve ph, moist intest.
Fang Feng ledebouriella
La Fu Zi radish seed
Food Stag.: moves qi downward, asthma, carbs
Huang Lian coptis
Clr. Heat Dry Damp: clr ht- insomnia, ST fire- bleeding gums,hangry
Tao Ren peach kernel
Invigotate Blood: menses and abd pain
Long Gu dragon bone
Anchor and Calm Shen: subdue LV to anchor yang, prevent leaks- night sweats, topical- non healing wounds
Pu Gong Ying dandelion
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: LV ht- red swollenpainful eyes, abscess- firm, hard, breast, intes, damp- jaundice, promote pee- dys
Da Zao date
T. Qi: T mj, qi, bene. SP/ST, N xue to calm spirit, mod and H harsh prop of other herbs
Tu Si Zi cuscata
T. Yang
Xin Yi Hua magnolia bud
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Xing Ren apricot seed
Cough/Wheeze: stop cough, calm wheeze (hot or cold), moist intes. to unblock bowels
Sha Ren amomum
Aromatic Trans. Damp: wake up SP, stop vomit, D, calm fetus, prevent cloying
Qin Jiao large gentian root
Dispel Wind-Damp: Asprin, clr ht, for bone steam & tidal fvr, dispel wind damp, jaundice, pn in upper ext., moist intest
Gou Ji chain fern
T. Yang
Xu Duan dipsaci
T. Yang (Restore what is broken)
(Han) Fang Ji stephania
Drain Damp: promote pee to reduce edema in LJ, gurgling intest, abd pn, ascities d/t damp
Yuan Zhi polygala
Nourish HT and Calm Shen: calm mind, quiet HT, phlegm mist HT, open orifices, expel, ph (HT,LU), reduce abscess, swellng
Zhi Gan Cao honey-fried licorice
T. Qi: stronger than Gan Cao to T SP, Bene qu, reg pulse, moist LU to stop cough
Di Long earthworm
Ext. Wind/ Stop Tremors: drain ht., promote pee, stop spasm/ convulsion, asthma- calms,stops, LU ht, ext ht to open c/c, HPT
Shan Zha crataegus
Food Stag.: lower choles., heart disease, activates xue, stop D, oily meat
Hong Hua safflower
Invigorate Blood: menses and abd. pain
Niu Bang Zi arctii
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Mo Yao myrrh
Invigorate Blood: gen flesh, pain, relax sinews, topical
Shi Jue Ming abalone shell
Ext. Wind/ Stop Tremors: drain fire to sudue LV yang, LV ht- eyes, vision,now used for gastric acid and bleeding d/t trauma
Bai Bu stemona
Cough/wheeze: stop chronic/ acute cough, expel parasite/lice, vag wash
Cang Er Zi xanthium
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Di Fu Zi broom cypress fruit
Drain Damp: promote pee, stop itch (eczema, scabies) the fuzz sweater
Shan Yao dioscorea
T. Qi: T SP/ST, LU qi & yin, KD yin, N body fluid
Sheng Di Huang rehmannia
Clr. Heat Cool Xue: clr ht/ cool xue- febrile (wei level), hemorrhage- heat entering xue level, wasting/thirsting
Pao Jiang processed ginger
Warm Int. Expel Cold
Tan Xiang sandalwood
Reg. Qi: stag qi,chest& abd, vomit clear
Tian Dong asparagus
T. Yin: N LU, KD yin, lube intes
Wu Wei Zi schisandra
S and B: Astringe LU to stop cough, to T KD to stop D, HT to calm shen, inhibit sweat to gen. fluids, recent for allergies and skin issues
Hu Jiao black pepper
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Dispel cold to warm mj and allev pn
Gu Ya rice sprout
Food Stag.: starchy, streng. SP
Bai Zhi angelica
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Dong Gua Zi winter melon seed
Drain Damp: clr ht, expel ph, discharge pus, clr LU ht to expel thick yellow phlegm, diuresis,vag dis
Da Huang rhubarb
Down Drain Purgative: fire toxin, Jaundice, blood level, burns
Yi Tang malt sugar
T. Qi: T SP, aug qi, moist LU for yin xu cough, T mj to stop pn
Gan Cao licorice
T. Qi: T SP, aug qi, moist LU to stop cough, fire toxicity, raw for carbuncles, stop pn and spasms, H other herbs, antidote for toxic ext./int
Suo Yang cynomorium
T. Yang
Du Huo pubescent angelica
Dispel Wind-Damp: - ext., h/a, toothache, shoa yin, lower body Bi syn
E Zhu curcuma rhizome
Invigorate Blood: promotes movement of Qi, masses, tumors, stasis
Deng Xin Cao rush pith
Drain Damp: Promote pee, clr ht fro SI and HT, peds insomnia, HT?KD not communicating
Da Fu Pi betel nut husk
Reg. Qi: bloated abdomen, qi down,
Bie Jia soft-shelled salt turtle ventral aspect
T. Yin: T. Yin: bone steaming fvr, xue stasis, menses, nodules, pap masses,N LV yin
Shui Niu Jiao water buffalo horn
Clr. Heat Cool Xue: clr ht-xue level, fire toxicity,tremors
Zhu Ru bamboo shavings
Dissolve Hot Ph: clr hear to stop vomit,*morning sickness, vomit chemo
Ze Xie alisma
Drain Damp: promote pee in lj, drain KD fire, KD xu w/ht
Gui Ban freshwater turtle dorsal aspect
T. Yin:dissolve in wine, only for enriching yin
Gou Teng uncaria
Ext. Wind/ Stop Tremors: cl LV ht to subdue LV yang, release ext-wind ht, fvr, h/a red eyes, ext. wind to stop conv
Huo Ma Ren hemp seed
Down Drain Moist Laxative
Wu Jia Pi acanthopanax
Dispel Wind-Damp: chronic wind, cold, damp, stren tendon, bones,smooth flow of qi and xue, motor delay in kids
Ren Shen ginseng
T. Qi: T yuan qi, collapse, LU qi, SP/ST, impotence, gen. fluids, T HT calm shen
Lian Qiao forsythia
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity- dis nodules- toxic sores,scrofula,carbuncles, hot sores, expel wind ht- fvr, sore throat, h/a
Bei Sha Shen glehnia
T. Yin: same functions as nan sha shen, better for ST yin
Sang Ye mulberry leaf
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Cao Wu wild aconite
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Topically: expel wind damp, allev pn, damp pain: chest, abd, intense H/A, trauma
Huang Qi astragalus
T. Qi: T SP, wasting thirsting, T yang qi SP/ST prolapse, pro. diuresis reduce edema, promote discharge pus
She Chuang Zi cnidium fruit
Ext. Application
San Qi notoginseng
Stop Bleeding #1 Stop Bleeding d/t trauma
Shu Di Huang prepared rehmannia
T. Xue: waist/ thirst, T xue,essence KD yin, grey haie
Zi Wan aster root
Cough/wheeze: relieve late stage cough, chronic cold, blood streaked sputum, pulmonary, TB
Hou Po magnolia bark
Aromatic Trans. Damp: downward rebel qi, abd dist, bloating, warm and T ph in LU, calm cough and wheeze
Dang Gui angelica
T. Xue: no coumadin, reg menses, post partum,disperse cold, stop pn, moist int., reduce selling, pus, gen. fluids, cough along with other herbs
Gui Ban (glue)
T Yin: Anchor yang LV, KD, HT, streng. bones, cool and stop blood,menses, uterine blood d/t heat, non-healing sores
Da Ji large thistle
Down Drain Cathartic: Drain. Drive out congested fluids,swellings, nodules
Bai Qian willow-leaf swallow wort
Dissolve Cold Ph: expel cold ph, rebel qi down to unblock LU qi block, gurgling throat
Xi Xian Cao siegesbeckia
Dispel Wind-Damp: wind damp ht, pain bi, face, heme, numb, weak legs & back, calm spirit, insomnia, pacify LV, hbp, damp ht, STD, sores, itch
Bai Zhu atractylodes
T. Qi: calm fetus, stren SP, dry damp, water metabolism, stop sweat, wei qi
Xiang Ru moslae/aromatic madder
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Wei Ling Xian clematis
Dispel Wind-Damp: whole body pn, all 12 channels, r-ext., reduce ph- mj, bone spurs and fish bones stuck in throat
Dan Nan Xing arisaematis prepared with cow bile
Dissolve Cold Ph: dispel wind & ph c/c, muscle spasm, cramps, baby conv, seizures, facial paryl, tetanus, stroke
Jie Geng platycodon
Dissolve Cold Ph: open and disseminate LU qi to expel ph hot/cold, bene throat, guides LU, expel pus, LU abscess
Pi Pa Ye loquat leaf
Cough/Wheeze: cooling, clr LU ht, qi down, H ST, clr ST ht
Lu Rong Jiao deer antler glue
T. Yang
Xian Mao golden-eye grass rhizome
Fu Ling poria
Drain Damp: can replace Lasix, promote pee, streng SP, H mj, trans ph, N HT to calm the shen
Ji Li tribuli
Ext. Wind/ Stop Tremors: calm and anchor- LV yang, smooth flow of LV qi- flank pn, irreg menses, insuf lactation, dispel wint ht-eyes, nose, itch, vitilgo
Qu Mai fringed pinks
Drain Damp: more heat less damp, promote to clr painful bloody pee, break blood stasis
Di Gu Pi lycii/wolfberry
Clr. Heat from Xu: drain fire- yin xu-night sweat,straming bones, KD fire float, clr ht, cool xue
Bai He lily bulb
T Yin: N HT yin, CTS, N LU yin, stop cough, moist LU clr. ht., chronic
Bai Dou Kou round cardamom
Aromatic Trans. Damp: Reg. , move, decend rebel Qi, warm MJ,
Jue Ming Zi cassia seed
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: vision- itchy, red, pain, N- HT and LV, Calm and anchor- H/A, dizzy, moist intest to unblock intest, used now for althero, low bp, chol
Ban Lan Gen isatis
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: #1 sore throat, antiviral- mumps, hepatitis, jaundice
Qian Hu peucedani
Dissolve Hot Ph: move qi down, disperse wind, relieve ext wind cold orheat
Chi Shao red peony
Invigorate Blood: immoveable masses, menses, clr. ht and cool xue
Xia Ku Cao selfheal spike
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: LV- clear eyes, heat- nodules, scrofula, goiter, now: hptn w/ LV fire, LV yang rising
Xuan Fu Hua inula
Dissolve Cold Ph: reg water circ, rebel qi down- hiccups, belching, vomit, stop cough.
Yi Zhi Renblack cardamom
T. Yang
Sang Shen mulberry fruit
T. Xue: premature aging, C d/t xue xu on elderly, wasting/ thirsting
Hu Tao Ren walnut
T. Yang
E Jiao asshide glue
T. Xue: T & N xue, stops blood, N & moist. LU yin xu
Ce Bai Ye arborvitae
Stop Bleeding: famous for bleeding in the respiratory tract
Bai Zi Ren biota seed
Nourish HT and Calm Shen: calm spirit, lube intest, night sweat d/t yin xu
Huo Xiang patchouli
Aromatic Trans. Damp: turbid damp, r.-ext. wind cold/damp, clear summer heat, st. flu, morning sickness, dermatosis
Hai Piao Xiao cuttlefish bone
S and B: Control acidity and pn, stop D or chronic Dys, promote healing, Gurd
Yu Jin curcuma tuber
Invigorate Blood: stones, ducts, move qi, ph mist mind, unhappy
Rou Dou Kou nutmeg seed
S and B: Warm mj, move qi,A intest, stop D
Bai Jiang Cao patrina
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity-#1 appendicitis, PID, endo
Gua Lou trichosanthis fruit
Dissolve Hot Ph: clr ht anf T Ph for sputum that is hard to expect, expands chest, dis nodules
Cao Dou Kou alpinia
Aromatic Trans. Damp: nausea, vomit, D, damp cold ST/SP
Bai Shao peony
T. Xue: N xue,reg menses, xue xu, calm and subue LV yang, pn: flank, chest, abd, LV qi stag, protect nut. qi
Chi Shi Zi halloysite/kaolin clay
S and B: A intest to stop D, U bleeding,promote healing and wounds
Gua Lou Pi trichosanthis peel
Dissolve Hot Ph: reg qi,* expand chest, dry cough
Gu Sui Bu drynaria
T. Yang (Mender of shattered bones)
Nan Sha Shen adenophorae
T. Yin: moist lu, cough, better then bei sha shen, N ST yin, gen fluid, after febrile disease, dry itchy skin
Mu Zei horsetail
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Mang Xiao glauber’s salt
Down Drain Purgative: Purge, swelling hot eyes, mouth ulcers, swollen skin lesions, breast issues
Sang Bai Pi mulberry root bark
Cough/Wheeze: stop midstage cough and wheeze, drain ht from LU, promote pee, all edema, *facial, hypertension
Shan Dou Gen bushy sophora
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: improves throar- tonsillitis, cancer-throat, LU, damp heat- jaundice
Chun Pi ailanthus
S and B: A intest to kill parasites,clr heat, dry damp, stop xue, chronic yellow vag discharge
Zhen Zhu margarita
Anchor and Calm Shen: tremors, palps, clr calm LV, anchor Yang, LV fire, clear eyes, stop xue, topical-ulcer, burn
Shi Wei felt fern
Drain Damp: Lin syndrome
Xuan Shen scrophularia
Clr. Heat Cool Xue: clr ht xue, yin,nodules-* neck, xu or shi- sore throat
Dang Shen codonopsis
T. Qi: T mj, LU, streng qi, N fluids, r ext
Ze Lan lycopi
Invigorate Blood: menses, edema, postpartum, facial edema
Gao Ben ligusticum
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Ban Xia pinellia
Dissolve Cold Ph: dry damp, T ph
Tu Fu Ling smilacis
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: STD- syph, hep b, damp ht- skin
She Gan blackberry lily
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: tonsillitis, T ph to resolve LU cough/ wheeze
Fu Pen Zi raspberry
S and B: T KD, consolidate E, A urine, T LV, yin and yang to brighten eyes
Zhi Zi gardenia
Clr. Heat Drain Fire: heat in 3 jiaos, cranky, LV/GB- damp ht, jaundice, reduce swelling, move xue, cool to stop
Jin Yin Hua honeysuckle
Clr. Heat Resolve Toxicity: painful swell, expel wind heat- sore throat,h/a, damp ht LJ- dys
Yin Yang Huo epimedium
T. Yang
Mai Ya barley sprout
Food Stag.: streng. ST, starch, inhibits lactat, smooth LV qi
Sheng Jiang Pi fresh ginger peel
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Ru Xiang frankincense
Invigorates Blood: gen flesh, pain, relax sinews, topical
Qian Cao Gen madder root
Stop Bleeding: flank and chest pain
Huai Hua Mi pagoda tree bud
Stop Bleeding: Used with Di Yu for hemorrhoids
Man Jing Zi vitex
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Nu Zhen Zi privet fruit
T. Yin: bright eyes, lube intestines, good for grandma, easy on mj
Bi Ba long pepper
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Dis cold and warm mj, allev pn, nausea, V, topical for toothache
Chuan Niu Xi cyathula
Invigorate Blood: LV, KD, tendons, bones,*move qi down
Sheng Jiang fresh ginger
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Zhe Bei Mu frittilaria thunberg
Dissolve Hot Ph: Acute cough that is productive, diss nodules (neck), LU or breast absess, *swelling
Gou Qi Zi goji berry
T. Xue: KD, LV yin & xue xu,waist,thirst, essence,eyes, moist yin, moist LU
Gan Jiang dried ginger
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Restore yang qi, disperse cold, restore yang, warm and disolve thin ph, xu of SP/ST d/t cold, wharm channel, to stop xue
Bai Gui ginko nut
S and B: Expel phlegm to stop wheeze, astringe LU to stop, Eliminate damp to stop discharge, stabilize LJ
Chan Tui cicada molting
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Yi Yi Ren job’s tears
Drain Damp: promote pee,bi synnd., streng SP to stop D, expel pus, plantar warts
Bai Bian Dou hyacinth bean
T. Qi: clr summer heat, streng SP for chronic D
Xian He Cao agrimony
Stop Bleeding: A, D/Dys, parasites
Jiang Huang tumeric
Invigorate Blood: wind damp bi, shoulders
Dan Dou Chi prepared soybean
Cool Acrid Release Ext.
Shen Qu massa fermentata
Food Stag.: H ST, mineral digestion
Hua Jiao/Chuan Jiao sichuan pepper
Warm Int. Expel Cold: Warm mj to alle pn,add to form to kill parasites (round worms)
Hai Tong Pi coral-bean bark
Dispel Wind-Damp: diss wind damp hot/cold bi,pro pee to reduce edema, itch,lesions, gargle for toothache d/t/cavities
Niu Huang cattle gallstone
Open the Orificies
Bai Ji Tian morinda
T. Yang
Long Yan Rou longan berry
T. Xue: T & N HT&SP, N xue, calm spirit
Qin Pi fraxini
Clr. Heat Dry Damp
Fu Xiao Mai light wheat grain
S and B: Astringe to stop sweat to stabilize ext. bedwetting in kids, Nourish HT to calm shen
Gui Zhi cinnamon twig
Warm Acrid Release Ext.
Dai Zhe Shi hematite
Ext. Wind/ Stop Tremors: subdue LV yang, calm LV, rebel qi dowm- vomit, hiccups, * cool blood, stop bleeding