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Recognition Network does what?
enable us to collect knowledge; perceiving & gathering info, recalling facts, voices, languages.
The Business Disability Forum developed the Accessibility Maturity Model; a self-assessment tool to track and plan their accessibility progress. The model is based on what?
Accessible Technology Charter which spells out 10 commitments to good practice on accessible information and ICT.
Link text that communicates the purpose and or destination of the link is an example of which web accessibility principle?
Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 (ACAA) does what?
prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in air travel
Principle 3 of UDL? Bonus guideline (9) or 3 of 3?
Multiple Means of Engagement. Provide options for self regulation; checklists, rubrics, study guides
Aphasia is what?
Specifically SPEECH. Main cause STROKE, damage to specific areas of the brain or the connections between them.
December 10th 1948 in Paris France the U.N. General Assembly adopted this declaration?
UDHR - Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Led by committee chair Eleanor Roosevelt. 30 articles of human rights.
Negative Schizophrenia symptoms?
lack of motivation, dreary mood, isolation from society, difficulty expressing themselves, trouble controlling their movements, attention and memory deficits.
Most common color - blindness?
Red / green, specifically Deuteranomaly. There are 4 types of red/green color blindness. (Protanomaly, Deuteranopia, Protanopia)
see in grayscale - like a dog
AAC is what?
Augmented and alternative communication - such as sign language or communication boards, sound board.
Best video accessibility for deafness?
transcripts… unless time dependent audio/ video then use synchronized captions
Best accessibility for deaf and blind?
braille transcripts.
What is UDL - Multiple Means of Representation?
Principle 1 — presenting info in formats such as print, images, physical representation. (sight, sound, touch)
What is Size and Space for Approach and Use?
Principle 7 of Universal Design. – example provide space under sink or drinking fountain so wheelchair users can access them.
Positive Schizophrenia symptoms?
big difference is that they experience hallucinations and delusions – see and hear things
Tritanopia is what?
blue / yellow color blindness
What are the three (3) Primary Brain Networks?
Recognition network, Strategic Network, Affective Network
the Strategic Network in the brain does what?
planning, organizing tasks, connecting ideas and demonstrating skills. Learners apply the knowledge they’ve acquired.
Principle 1 of UDL ? and Principle 1 guideline 2?
Multiple Means of Representation. Provide options for language, mathematical expressions and symbols.
21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) applies to ?
All entities already covered by FCC – industry specific laws – closed captioning.
Capability Maturity Model developed in 2006 by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University does what?
it can be applied to describe the accessibility efforts of an organization or company. It’s a accessibility gauge.
Dysphagia is what?
difficulty swallowing. It can become painful.
Provoked seizures caused by stroke, drugs or head injury are called?
non-epileptic seizures
What are the four (4) categories of disability laws and regulations?
- Multi-National Standards and Policies
- National Standards and Policies
- National and Regional laws
- Civil Rights Laws
Acromegaly is what?
hormonal disorder that develops when pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone. Andre the Giant , The Meg (shark movie)
Principle 1 of UDL? Guideline 3?
Multiple Means of Representation. Provide Options for Comprehension – provide background and link to existing knowledge, engage the Affective Network.
An item that communicated to a screen reader that is expanded or collapsed is an example of what Principle?
What is ACAA?
Air Carriers ACCESS Act.
What is U.D.H.R. ?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights spearheaded by Eleanor Roosevelt proclaimed by the U.N. General Assembly December 10, 1948 in Paris.
A learning disorder that affects writing abilities is called?
M.A.D.S. is not Mother’s Against Drunk driving rather it is what?
Musculoskeletal Ambulation Disability Symptom
What is the Affective Network?
One of the primary brain networks is what keeps learners engaged in the learning process, significant or personal meaning to newly acquired knowledge - what motivates you to learn.
Low Physical Effort refers to or is what?
Principle 6 of Universal Design . examples; lever style door handles, flat entryways, door sensors
Tolerance for Error refers to or is what?
Principle 5 of Universal Design - examples; auto shutoff on irons, pop-ups to confirm entries
In 2008 the Optimal Protocol was launched which created ____________ to monitor and accept complaints, giving UNCRPD some teeth?
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
What is Dysarthria?
specifically MUSCLE WEAKNESS to produce speech. Causes; nervous system damage, stroke, Parkinsons, etc.
What is Apraxia?
There are several types of Apraxia, such as Apraxia of Speech (AOS). happens when certain regions of cerebral hemispheres in the brain do NOT work properly.
What is Dyspraxia?
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), previously known as “Clumsy Child Syndrome”. symptoms; poor balance, poor posture, fatigue, clumsiness
What is the definition of blindness in the U.S.?
20 / 200 or field of vision 20 degrees in the best eye
Principle 2 of UDL?
Multiple Means of Action & Expression. – giving learners multiple options to demonstrate knowledge… ie… pop quizzes, dioramas, physical action such as dance, etc.
According to W.H.O. World Report on Disability 2011 what percentage of people have some form of disability?
Simple and Intuitive Use is what?
Principle 3 — purpose of the product or environment should be easy to understand. Background, language or experience should NOT hinder use of product. Example: auto opening doors with sensors
What is UNCRPD?
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Principle 2 of UDL? Guideline 6 (3 of 3)?
Multiple Means of Action and Expression. Provide Options for Executive Functions (guideline) - refers to demonstrating skills at the highest level.
In 2008 this protocol was launched giving UNCRPD some teeth?
Optional Protocol
What is Flexibility in Use?
Principle two (2) of Universal Design. Example – drinking fountains or check-in kiosks placed at different heights, touchscreens divided in quadrants.
The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Guidelines does what primarily?
works and supports endeavors related to disability inclusion and has published free guidelines for organizations seeking to produce accessible information.
What is Perceptible Information as related to this study?
Principle four (4) of Universal Design. Examples: visual and AUDIO feedback on elevator floor levels, high contrast subway doors
What is Principle 1 of UDL? Guideline 1?
Multiple Means of Representation. Provide Options for Perception. ie… sight, sound, touch
What are the Principles of Universal Design for Learning? (UDL)
Multiple Means of…
- Representation, 2. Action and Expression,
- Engagement
What is Equitable Use as related to this study?
Principle One (1) of Universal Design. examples.. curb cut in the sidewalk, ramps built into stairs.
What are the seven (7) Principles of Universal Design?
- Equitable Use
- Flexibility in Use
- Simple and Intuitive Use
- Perceptible Information
- Tolerance for Error
- Low Physical Effort
- Size and Space appropriate for approach and Use
What is Principle three (3) of UDL?
Multiple Means of Engagement – different options to create their own learning experience.. engage their Affection brain network
Principle 3 of UDL? Guideline 8 (2 of 3)?
Multiple Means of Engagement. Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
Principle 3 of UDL? Guideline 7 (1 of 3)?
Multiple Means of Engagement. Providing options for recruiting interest.
Principle 2 of UDL? Guideline 5 (2 of 3)?
Multiple Means of Action and Expression. Provide options for expression and communication. examples; music, text, graphics, videos, sculptures, etc…
Principle 2 of UDL? Guideline 4 (1 of 3)?
Multiple Means of Action and Expression. Provide options for physical action.
Medical Model
The medical model defines disability in terms of biological impairments. Disability is viewed as a problem that is caused by medically-diagnosed genetic disorders, disease, trauma, or other health conditions.
Social Model
the social model points out that society creates disabling conditions. To a large extent, “disability” is an avoidable condition caused by poor design.
Biopsychosocial Model
recognizes that disability is a complex and multi-faceted concept and incorporates the perspectives of the medical and social models.
Economic Model
views disabilities from the perspective of the economic impact of the disability on individuals, employers, the state, and welfare programs.
Functional Solutions Model
seeks out solutions for eradicating limitations of disabilities through advancements in technology or methodology.
Social Identity or Cultural Affiliation Model
identity through consorting with others who share similar life experiences based on their disability.
Charity or Tragedy Model
treats disabilities as unfortunate or tragic conditions worthy of special treatment.
Affirmation Model
encourages people with disabilities to affirm their identity, and to feel comfortable in their own skin, celebrating everything about their physical identity, including their disabilities.
Sociopolitical Model
more of an activist model that emphasizes the need for human rights for people with disabilities.
What are the Principles of Website Accessibility
- Perceivable
- Operable
- Understandable
- Robust
able to perceive web content through at least one of your biological senses for it to be accessible at all.
All features—particularly navigation and dynamic or interactive components—must be functional, no matter what input device a person is using. In, Within, Through, and Out
Specify the Language
Simplify the Reading or Vocabulary level
Limit or Avoid Terminology
Provide Supplemental Formats
Understandable Interfaces and Interactivity-Consistency and PredictabilityAssistance: Error Prevention and Correction
Provide Instructions, Hints, and Contextual HelpProvide Feedback with Confirmation and Error Messages
Robustness is about ensuring compatibility with a broad range of user agents, including assistive technologies.
Use Standard MarkupUse ARIA (or other means) to Indicate the Name, Role, and Value of Interactive Components.
True or False? Screen readers convey color, color changes, capitalization, and punctuation.
What are haptic alerts?
Haptic alerts engage people’s sense of touch to enhance the experience of interacting with onscreen interfaces.
Simply put, haptic feedback is the tap or quick vibration you feel when interacting with different elements of your iPhone.
What are the four categories of disability laws and regulations?
- Multi National Standards and Policies
- National Standards and Policies
- National and Regional Laws
- Civil Rights Laws
Provide an example of Universal Design (UD) Principle 4 Perceptible Information?
- visual and audio feedback on elevators that announce each floor level
- high contrast subway doors
Provide an example of Universal Design Principle One in action?
- curb cuts in sidewalks
- ramps built into stairs
- website coded such that it is accessible to screenreader users.
How does UN CRPD enforce the rights of persons with disabilities within countries who have ratified UN CRPD?
Participating countries are required to create an independent body (Committee) that works hand in hand with the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
What are national frameworks to promote, protect and monitor implementation of the Convention (CRPD) for participating nations??
The Convention (CRPD) recognizes that such frameworks might differ from country to country by allowing flexibility to establish the frameworks in accordance with each State’s legal and administrative system. However, the Convention also requires that whatever body is established must be independent.
In 2008 the Optional Protocol was launched which created?
The Optional Protocol created the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to monitor and accept
complaints giving the U.N. C.R.P.D. (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) some teeth.
Adopted June 27, 2013 this treaty seeks to ensure people with vision or other print disabilities can access published materials such as books?
The Marrakesh Treaty
What country enacted the Act on Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities?
What countries are involved with the Inter-American Convention (on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities)?
South American countries. O.A.S. which is the Organization of American States or
Provide an example of Universal Design (UD) Principle 3 of Simple and Intuitive use?
- sensor activated automatic opening doors
Provide an example of Universal Design (UD) Principle 2 Flexibility in Use?
- drinking fountains placed and varying heights
- audio and visual touchscreens
- kiosks placed at various heights
The collection of conceptual, social and practical skills that are performed by people in their everyday life is the definition of what?
Adaptive behavior
What primarily distinguishes Positive Schizophrenia?
With Positive Schizophrenia the person experiences hallucinations and delusions. They see and hear things that are not true.
What was declared in 2000 and became law in 2009 with the Treaty of Lisbon?
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Article 21: non-discrimination. Article 26: Integration of persons with disabilities.
What is A.D.P. (hint it is not your time card processor)?
Central Auditory Processing Disorder. no hearing loss, but difficulty processing sounds or speech.
In Countries with life expectancies over 70 years, individuals spend on average how many years living with disabilities?
Eight or 8
Over a lifetime, color blindness affects one in how many men and how many women?
1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women
True or False, the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights includes explicitly rights of those with disabilities?
ADA guarantees equal opportunities for people with disabilities in which five areas?
- public accommodations 2. employment 3. transportation 4. state and local government services 5. telecommunications
WCAG has how many principles, guidelines, success criteria, and levels?
4, 13, 78, and 3 respectively
Of the UNCRPD 50 Articles which article addresses ICT specifically?
Article 9
U.K. Equality Act of 2010 Section 4 does what?
It articulates the characteristics of persons who are protected. Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage, race, religion, belief, pregnancy
What does the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR - “the Code”) address?
- Information and communications standards.
- Employment standards.
- Transportation standards.
- Design of public spaces standards.
What is IASR aka “the code?”
One regulation of AODA Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. IASR provides the specifics for AODA.
What are the procurement laws for government entities in Europe? And the United States?
EN 301 549 in Europe and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in the USA.
1980s was proclaimed as the decade of people with disabilities by the U.N. adoption driven by whom?
the International Disability Alliance
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 15% of the world populations has a disability. What percent experience significant difficulties in functioning?
2 to 4%
What percent of people with disabilities live in developing countries?
What percent of the world’s visually impaired population live in developing countries?
Business Disability Forum’s Accessibility Maturity Model (AMM) is based on the Accessibility Technology Charter and it’s 10 commitments. What are the 5 levels of maturity in the AMM scale?
- Informal - no documentation, no process.
- Defined - the process is documented, but not implemented.
- Repeatable - process is actioned consistently.
- Managed - monitored and improved.
- Best Practice - innovate, improve, and share.
relate what, how, and why to the three principles of Universal Design for Learning.
What is representation.
How is action and expression.
Why is engagement.
What was declared in 2000 and became law in 2009 with the Treaty of Lisbon? What do Articles 21 and 26 reference?
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union includes Article 21 on Non-discrimination and Article 26 on Integration of persons with disabilities.
What are the 5 E’s of Usability?
- Effective
- Efficient
- Easy to learn
- Error tolerant
- Engaging
What does the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education Guidelines do primarily?
It supports endeavors related to disability inclusion and has published free guidelines that offer guidance to organizations seeking to produce accessible information.
The global literacy rate for adults with disabilities is as low as 3%. What is the percentage for specifically disabled women?
What year was the Americans with Disabilities Act first made law?
- Specifically, July 26th by President George H.W. Bush.
What does Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 address?
What does Section 504 address?
508 - requires agencies to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to electronic information and data comparable to those who do not have disabilities. ICT.
504 - Forbids organizations and employers from excluding or denying individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to receive program benefits and services.
- Defines the rights of individuals with disabilities to participate in, and have access to, program benefits and services.
- Protects individuals from disability discrimination in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.
The Marrakesh Treaty, administered by WIPO, facilitates access to published works for people who are blind, visually impaired, or otherwise disabled. It establishes limitations and exceptions to traditional copyright law to make the production and international transfer of specially adapted books easier. What does WIPO stand for?
WIPO is an acronym for World Intellectual Property Organization.
What is the European Union (EU) Web Accessibility Directive 2016/2102?
It obliges all public sector bodies in the EU to make their online websites and mobile apps accessible. It took effect in September 2018 and refers to EN 301 549.
What are the five core components of UX?
- Usability
- Usefulness
- Desirability
- Accessibility
- Credibility
What is the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X8341?
Specified accessibility policies (not requirements) for both web and other electronic infrastructure.
European Accessibility Act was passed in what year and applies to?
It was passed in June 2019 and applies to products and services deemed most important for persons with disabilities.