All About Body Parts, Flashcards
Irregular Verb:to have
Jai. Nous avons
Tu as vous avez
Il/elle/on a. Ils/elles ont
I have a pain/aches in my ___
Avoir mal à
The arm (M)
Le bras
Hair (M)
Les cheveux
The eyelashes (M)
Les cils
The heart (M)
Le cœur
The body (M)
Le corps
The neck (M)
Le cou
The elbow (M)
Le coude
The skull/head (M)
Le crâne
The finger (M)
Le doigts
The toes (M)
Les doigts de pied
The back (M)
Le dos
The stomach (M)
The forehead (M)
Le front
The knee (M)
Le genou
The chin (M)
Le menton
The nose (M)
Le nez
Thr bellybutton (M)
Le nombril
The eye (M)
The fingernails (M)
Les ongles
The toe (M)
The foot(M)
Le pied
The wrist (M)
Le poignet
The fist (M)
Le poing
The thumb (M)
Le pouce
The heel (M)
Le talon
The eyebrow (M)
Le sourcil
The stomach (external) (M)
Le ventre
The face (M)
Le visage
The eyes (M)
Les yeux
The beard (f)
La barbe
The mouth (f)
La bouche
The ankle
La cheville
The teeth
Les dents
The shoulders
The throat
La gorge
The cheek
La joue
The tongue
La langue
The lips (f)
Les lèvres
The hand
La main
The mustache
La moustache
The ears
The ear
The chest
La poitrine
The head (f)
La tête