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Cardiovascular disease
Refers to the development of diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels.
Cardiovascular System
Consists of the heart and blood vessels – Both arteries and veins
Four chambered, fist sized muscle
Pulmonary circulation
Right side of the heart pumps blood through the rest of the body
Systemic circulation
Left side of the heart pumps blood through the rest of the body
Resting heart rate
The number of times your heart beats per minute while at complete rest
Heart’s contraction
Period of relaxation
Blood pressure
Force exerted by the blood on the walls of blood vessels
A form of cardiovascular disease in which the inner layers of artery walls are made thick and irregular by plaque deposits. Thickening and hardening of arteries.
Coronary heart disease
Damage of disease in the heart’s major blood vessels
Heart attack
Damage to, or death of, heart muscle, resulting from a failure of the coronary arteries to deliver enough blood to the heart.
A change in the heartbeats normal, regular pattern.
Electrocardiogram (EEG or EKG)
– A test to detect cardiac abnormalities by evaluating the electrical activity in the heart
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A computerized imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field to create detailed pictures of body structures
Abnormal enlargement of an organ
A type of blood fat that can be a predictor of heart disease
The blood supply of the brain is cut off, and the brain tissue subsequently dies
Hemorrhagic stroke
A blood vessel ruptures in the brain
A sac or outpouching formed by a distention or dilation of the artery wall
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
A mini stroke with temporary stroke like symptoms
Computed tomography (CT)
MRI’S and ultrasound are used for diagnosis
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
Refers to atherosclerosis in the arteries of the limbs, which can limit or block blood flow.
Congestive heart failure
Results from damage to the heart’s pumping mechanism
Pulmonary Edema
Fluid accumulates in the lungs
Congenital heart defects
Malformations of the heart or major blood vessel
Rheumatic fever
Causes damage to the heart muscle and valves
Any chemical other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body
Psychoactive drugs
Those that alter a person’s perception, mood, behavior, or consciousness
Viewed as a chronic disease, a pathological pursuit of pleasure or relief by substance use and other behaviors
Addictive behaviors
Habits that have gotten out of control, with resulting negative effects on a person’s health