ALL Flashcards
It is your friends birthday and you send him a photo of himself in place of a birthday card. What do you write at the back of the photo?
Feliz cumpleaños
You are in Mexico on an exchange visit. Send an email to your friend telling her of something you like about your new environment.
Me gustan las playas en México
You send a card to your brother who is about to write an important exam. What do you write?
Que salgas bien en tu examen
Que te vaya bien tu examen
You are designing your own invitation for your birthday party. What do you write?
Les invito a mi fiesta de cumpleaños que tendrá lugar el 8 de mayo en mi casa
You are chatting online with friends I want to be ask you to do something explain why it is inappropriate.
No puedo hacer eso porque es peligroso.
You send an email to your aunt who lives abroad informing her of something special you would like to do when you visit her.
Me gustaría ir de compras contigo cuando visite
Your father has left a note reminding you of a task which he would like you to complete. What does the note say.?
Quiero que laves los platos por favor
A secret admirer is shy and wishes to invite you on a date right when note which she or he sends to you.
? Puedes ir al cine conmigo?
Your cousin lost a competition and is very upset right on the word of encouragement that you sent to him or her.
No te preocupes porque vas a ganar la próxima competencia
The security guard at your school has unjustly accused you of something. Write a note to the principal explain how you feel about it.
Me siento triste porque no lo hice
Your mother has written you an email giving you some advice while you are in Caracas. What does your mother right?
Sugiero que no lleves todo tu efectivo en el mismo bolsillo
You are spending Christmas holidays in Puerto Rico. You send an email to your best friend expressing your opinion about Christmas in Puerto Rico. What do you write?
En mi opinión la navidad en Puerto Rico es muy divertida
Me gusta la navidad en Puerto Rico
You are applying to college overseas and must submit a statement expressing the reason you have selected that particular college watch do you write
Este colegio ofrece el curso que quiero estudiar
You need to see the schools counselor write an email requesting an appointment to see him or her.
Quisiera tener una cita con el consejero por favor.
Your Spanish class is planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country. Write the email you sent it to your teacher stating why you will not be able to go on the trip.
No puedo ir porque mi familia va a otro país
Your school is participating in and into the school football competition but your school team is not doing well. A supporter sent an email encouraging the players to do better. What does the message say?
No se preocupen. Son buenos jugadores
You were very rude to your father this morning and you are now ashamed of your conduct. Write an email you sent to his office.
Lo siento por mi mala conducta esta mañana
You take a phone message for your sister about the change of plans for the weekend. what message to you write?
Tu amigo dice que no puede ir al cine este fin de semana
You send an email to your aunt who lives overseas reminding her of a promise you made to you last week. what does the email say?
No olvides comprar el vestido que me prometiste
You have received and end of term report and are disappointed about a particular grade. What do you write in a note to your teacher?
Qué lástima que no saqué una mejor nota
A penpal from Spain wishes to know what the weather is like in your country during the Christmas season. Respond to his or her email.
Hace calor durante la navidad
Hace buen tiempo aquí durante la Navidad
Patricia has sent you an email asking about your plans for the weekend. Respond to her email.
Este fin de semana yo iré de compras
Este fin de semana yo voy a ir de compras
Your friend has sent an email suggesting that you both participate in an activity on the weekend. Respond, indicating an alternative as your preference.
Yo prefiero ir al cine en vez de ver el juego de baloncesto
Send an email to a friend telling him or her of one of the school rules that you do not like
No me gusta que los teléfonos celulares no estén permitidos
You are trying to entice your cousins abroad to come to your country for a holiday. Mention one positive characteristic of the people of your country that you include in a letter to them.
La gente aquí es muy amable.
You are having a meeting with the student council to discuss plans for the graduation board. Right one suggestion you would like to make at the meeting.
Sugiero que vayamos a un hotel.
Sugiero que pongan más mesas.
Recomiendo que busquemos un espacio más grande.
You thought you had done well on an exam but in fact you field into write the note you sent it to your teacher querying your grade.
Está segura que esa es mi nota?
Someone has stolen an item from you send an email to your friend telling him or her about the incident
Alguien robó mi reloj del cuarto
Yo estaba caminando a mi casa cuando me robaron
You are very happy today send an email to your friend stating the reason.
Yo estoy muy feliz porque no hay examen hoy.
Send an email to a friend telling him or her something interesting you overheard at Linda’s birthday party last night
Anoche en la fiesta de Mauricio escuché que va a ir a otra escuela
You are alone at your friends home in Caracas and need to leave the house write the note you leave telling your friend about your whereabouts.
Yo fui al centro comercial para comprar zapatos
Your neighbor wants to sell his car and request your help to make a sign. What does the sign say.?
Se vende un carro en excelente condition.
Your school has embarked on a Spanish awareness campaign. Right one important school rule which you can post on the noticeboard.
No se permite usar teléfonos celulares durante las clases
I need to has invited you to the movies but you would preferred to do something else. Responded to her email suggesting an alternative activity.
Yo prefiero ir a un restaurante en vez de ir al cine
Por qué no vamos a un restaurante en vez de ir al cine
Your aunt is going away for the weekend until promise to look after her dog. She has left you a note to remind you of something you must do. What does the note say?
No olvides darle Agua todos los días
You need your father‘s permission to go somewhere but he’s away. Write him an email requesting his approval.
Puedo al cine con mi amigo por favor?
There is a problem with your new cellular phone and you have taken it back to the store. Provide an explanation to the sales person.
Mi teléfono no funciona bien
You send an email to your teacher explaining why your group project is not finished. What reason do you give?
Nuestro proyecto no está completo porque yo estaba enfermo
You would like to interview a celebrity who is visiting your city. Write him or her and email explaining why you need to interview him or her.
Necesito hacer una entrevista que es una persona interesante
You have disappointed your best friend write an email apologizing for what you have done.
Siento mucho hablar mal de ti
Siento mucho que hablara mal de ti.
Lo siento por hablar mal de ti.
Your teacher asked the students in the class to write one sentence indicating why they have chosen to study Spanish. Write your sentence
Escogí español porque es interesante
You have just received some bad news. Send an email to a friend sharing this information.
Mi abuela está en el hospital
You have won a large sum of money as a prize. send an email to your cousin telling her of two things that you plan to do with the money
Voy a comprar una casa y un carro
Your sister wants to go to the beach on the weekend but you don’t. Send an email suggesting an alternative.
Sería mejor ir al cine.
You have been assigned a roommate for your school trip but you are not happy about this arrangement. Write a short message to your teacher indicating why.
No podemos compartir el mismo cuarto porque no nos llevamos bien
You are unable to attend school outing next weekend and you are very disappointed. Send an email to your teacher making a special request.
Podemos tener la excursión otro día?
You wish to inform your Spanish teacher of something that happened in the past during her absence. write in the world of the desk.
Dos estudiantes pelearon ayer.
Write a note of apology to your mother giving a reason for you miss behavior.
lo siento mamá, yo estaba muy cansada
You are completing an application for a university and you are required to write one sentence indicating an activity in which you would like to participate. What do you write?
Me gustaría ser miembro del Club de danza
Deseo Ser miembro del equipo de baloncesto
You planned an activity with your friend but you had to cancel. Write the email you send informing them about it and explain the reason why.
Tengo que cancelar la reunión porque mi mamá está en el hospital
You report to the police That you are valuable pets dog has been stolen. writeto descriptive features of the dog that you submit to the police.
mi perro es grande con negro
You participated in a karaoke competition and the judges wrote two reasons why they enjoyed your performance. What did the judges write
cantaste muy bien y también bailaste.
You are not feeling well and go to visit the doctor. He recommends two things you are to do. What does he recommend.?
Debes tomar el medicamento todas las noches y Debes descansar.
Your school football or netball team lost the game yesterday. Write your brother or sister and email giving two reasons why the team lost the game.
perdieron juego porque no practicaron bastante y su mejor jugador estaba enfermo.
Your teacher asks you to write down to details you will always remember about your Spanish class after you have left school. What do you write?
La clase siempre era interesante y divertida
You are having a party and need help with the preparations. Send an email to your friend requesting assistance with a particular activity.
Puedes ayudarme a limpiar la sala por favor?
You have been admitted to a new school. As you fill out the registration form you are required to state two reasons why you selected that school. What do you write?
Esta escuela tiene buenos resultados y La disciplina es excelente
You were very disappointed with the service you received from the receptionist at a hotel. Write a note to the manager stating how you feel about the incident.
Estoy enojado porque recepcionista me hablo sin respeto
you are in your bedroom and do not wish to be disturbed. Write a note to hang on the door giving the reason.
Favor de no molestar porque estoy estudiando.
You have won a trip to a Spanish-speaking country of your choice. Send an email to a friend indicating your choice and two reasons for your selection.
Yo escojo ir a cuba porque es un país lindo y tiene muchos lugares de interés