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the transcontinental railroad caused the kansas nebraska act to come about
davy crokett and jum boie were american fronteirsmen who were killed defending th alamo against th mexican army
the know nothings were a made of of nativists who disliked immigrants catholics, african americans and etc
summer was the bst time for slaves to escape from the south
abraham lincoln won the sentate election
john c calhoun was a us senator who hated slavery and did what ever he could to stop it
tobacco was considered to be king of the south
the wilmost proviso passed both houses of congress and was made law banning slavery in the lands acuired from mexio
the united states ddefeated mexion in the mexican american war
was twas the supreme court ruling in th dred scott case
all of the above
the compromise of 1850 provided fro all of the following execpt
california was slave state
in the lincoln douglass debates abraham lincon
insisted that the territories were free from slavery
which of the following had the single greatest effect of popular opinons abiut slavery
publications of uncle tom cabin
what political part was fromed to oppose teh xtension of slavery into the territores
what was tthe position of stephen douglasson the issue of slvaet in the territories
the voters of a territory should dcide the issue
which slavery issue was getting the most attentio in congress from 1820 to 1860
extension of slavery into westren terriories
whick of the following was not areaction to john bronns raid on harpers ferry
the outbreak of another slave rebellion
with respect to slavery what did the kansas nebraska act do
abolish the missouri compromise
during the 1850’s in which territory was the most blood spilled over the isue of slavery
which even occured first
missouri compromise
what was not a reason that the south relied on slavery
growth of large industry in the south
what was the code phrase of th underground railroad that warned tof slave bountry unders
wind blows fro south stoday
whoch of the following admitted missouri as a slave state, admitted main as a free state and esbatlished no slavery in the louisana terriory north of 36 30
missouri compromise
what is popular sovereignty
ability for a territory to choose to be slave for free
what made it easier for bouty hunters to retrieve runaway slaves in the north
fugitve slave asct
what slave led a s slave rebellion in the south killing 60 whites
nat turneerr
what lone star territory who defeated mixico under the leadership of sam houston and wanted to join the us
what casued the compromiseof 1850 to come about
gold rush
northern democrat who proposed the kansas bebraska act
stephan douglass
senator from massachusetts who was a great spreaker agsinst slaver
dan webstart