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Sound waves
Simple pressure wave
Series of high pressure - low pressure areas
Travels mainly in gases/liquids.
Seismic waves
Travels in solids
More complicated propagation
Mainly a propagation of an elastic wave.
Rayleigh wave
A type of surface wave that travels along a free interface. Particle motion is elliptical in a plane perpendicular to the interface and retrograde. 90% of speed of S waves.
Compressional elastic body wave. Particles oscillate about a fixed point but in the direction of propagation of wave energy. P waves are fastest of seismic waves.
An elastic body wave in which particles oscillate about a fixed point but in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave energy. Cannot travel through liquids as they don’t support shear. Half speed of P-waves.
Love wave
A type of surface wave which occurs when the shear body wave velocity in the surface medium is lower than that in the underlying strata. Love waves are characterised by horizontal motion normal to the direction of travel with no vertical motion. (Polarised shear wave that travels slightly faster than a Rayleigh wave).
P wave velocity equation
= {(k+(4/3)u)/p} {}=sqrt K= bulk modulus U=shear modulus P=density
Velocity of S wave equation
U=shear modulus
P= density
P reflection from CMB
Ray through outer core
Reflection from inner core
Ray through inner core
Multiple reflection from inner CMB
S through mantle as P through outer core.
S trough mantle reflected P from CMB
Variation with orientation.
Global seismology
Provides info on global earth structure and argue scale velocity anomalies.
Smaller scale structure is difficult to image particularly away from earthquake source regions.
Controlled source seismology
Allow higher resolution studies
Can provide information away from tectonic regions
Seismic refraction and reflection techniques
Snells law
Sin (I (c))
If velocity decreases with depth…
Critical refraction cannot happen
The slow layer will be invisible in the time distance plot
All results at/below this layer will appear systematically too deep
Reflection coefficient
R= (I2-I1)/(I2+I1)
Travel time equation
ReSort into CMP gathers because
Each reflection in a CMP father has bounced from a single point so
The geometry of its different path lengths allow velocity to be measured
Repeat reflections can be summed. STACKING
Disadvantages of reflections methods
Cost and complexity
Time consuming
Sophisticated technology
Needs much computing power
Reflection seismology
Form of echo sounding to detect interfaces below ground (reflectors)
Seismic section vs. Geological section
Time not depth on y axis
Dipped reflectors imaged incorrectly
Reflectors may not correspond to lithology
Velocities determines by
Move out of reflection
Factors of earthquake effects
How big is the earthquake
How far away is it
What is the ground like
Richter scale
Measures the amplitude of shaking - on a specific seismometer at a specific distance.
Seismic moment
M(0) = uS
u=shear strength of the faulted rock [Pa=N/m^2]
S=area of rupture
= average displacement.
Moment magnitude scale
M(w) = ((2/3) log(M0) -10.7)
Earthquake magnitude :
1 change in magnitude Unit =
Factor of _ in ground motion amplitude
Factor of _ in energy release
Factor of 10 in ground motion amplitude
Factor of 32 in energy release
Why does amplitude decay with distance
1) attenuation
2) geometric spreading.
types of faults (earthquakes)
Strike slip - horizontal,shear
Normal - horizontal, extension
Thrust - horizontal, compression
Local ground motion during earthquake is controlled by
Magnitude, distance, local amplification, type of faulting, relative direction and orientation of the quake.
Topographic load pushes down the Moho and creates a __________ gravity anomaly above
Receiver functions
Incident p wave transmitted as P and converted S waves from interface (moho).
These arrive at different times. The difference is sensitive to the local geology near the seismometer only.
The common part of Ray path can be subtracted by deconvolution to leave receiver function for the region below.