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Diagnostic Criteria
A. Deficits in general mental abilities
B. Deficits in adaptive functioning
C. Onset is during the developmental period
→ support needed in academic and complex daily living tasks to meet age-related expectations.
→ social judgment and interactions are immature for age.
◦ Moderate
→ conceptual skills markedly behind peers.
→ extended period of teaching and time needed.
◦ Severe
→ little understanding of written language and numbers.
→ limited spoken language (1 word or phrase only)
→ require support and supervision for all activities.
◦ Profound
→ express self largely through nonverbal communication
→ dependent on others for all aspects of daily physical care, health, and safety
Global Developmental Delay
→ reserved for individuals under the age of 5years.
→ diagnosed when an individual fails to meet expected developmental milestones in several areas of intellectual
Language Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Persistent difficulties in acquisition and use of language due to deficits in comprehension and production of vocabulary, structure, and discourse.
B. Language abilities are quantifiably below the expected for age.
C. Onset is in early developmental period.
Speech Sound Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Persistent difficulty with speech sound production that interferes with speech intelligibility and prevents verbal communication.
B. Disturbance causes limitations in effective communication
C. Onset is in the early developmental period.
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering)
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Disturbance in normal fluency and time patterning of speech that are inappropriate for the individual’s age, persist over time.
B. Disturbance causes anxiety about speaking
C. Onset is in the early developmental period.
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Persistent difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication as manifested of the following
B. Deficits result in functional limitations in effective communication, social participation and relationships, academic achievement, or occupational performance.
C. Onset during early developmental period.
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Persistent deficits in reciprocal social communication and social interaction.
B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities.
C. Onset is during early developmental period
◦ level 3 Requiring very substantial support
→ severe deficits in verbal and nonverbal social communication skills cause severe impairments in functioning.
→ great distress and extreme difficulty changing focus or action.
◦ level 2 Requiring substantial support
→ limited social interaction with limited and abnormal response.
→ distress and difficulty changing focus or action.
◦ level 1 Requiring support
→ difficulty initiating social interaction with unsuccessful response.
→ inflexibility of behavior cause significant interference with functioning. Difficulty switching activities.
Diagnostic Criteria
A. persistent pattern of inattention and /or hyperactivityimpulsivity that interferes with functioning.
B. Symptoms are present prior to age 12.
C. Symptoms are present in 2 or more settings.
D. symptoms interfere with functioning.
E. Symptoms do not occur during the course of schizophrenia or psychotic disorder, and are not better explained by another mental disorder.
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Persistent difficulties learning and using academic skills.
B. The affected academic skills are quantifiably below expected or individual’s chronological age and cause significant interference with academic and occupational performance.
C. Learning difficulties begin during school age years.
D. Learning difficulties are not better accounted by Intellectual disability and other mental or neurological disorders
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Acquisition and execution of coordinated motor skills is below expected chronological age. Manifested as clumsiness, slowness, and inaccuracy of performance of motor skills.
B. persistently interferes with daily activities.
C. Onset during early developmental period.
D. Not better explained by intellectual disability or other neurological condition affecting movement.
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Repetitive, seemingly driven, and apparently purposeless motor behavior (hand shaking, waving, body rocking, head banging, self-biting, hitting own body).
B. Interferes with social, academic, or other activities and may result in self-injury.
C. Onset is in the early developmental period.
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
With self-injurious behavior
Without self-injurious behavior
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
Severity Specifiers:
Mild – symptoms are easily suppressed by sensory stimulus or distraction.
Moderate – symptoms require explicit protective measures and behavioral modification. Severe – continuous monitoring and protective measures are required to prevent serious injury
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics have been present.
B. Tics may wax and wane in frequency but persisted for more than 1 year.
C. Onset is before 18 years old.
D. Not attributed to physiological effects of substance or another medical condition.
A. Either multiple motor or vocal tics have been present.
B. Tics may wax and wane in frequency but persisted for more than 1 year.
C. Onset is before 18 years of age.
D. Disturbance not attributed to physiological effects of substance or another medical condition.
E. Criteria have never been met for Tourette’s disorder.
◦ with motor tics only
◦ with vocal tics only
A. Single or multiple motor and/or vocal tics.
B. Tics have been present for less than 1 year since first tic onset.
C. Onset is before 18 years.
D. Disturbance not attributed to physiological effects of a substance or another medical conditioning.
E. Criteria have never been met for Tourette’s disorder or Persistent (chronic) motor or vocal tic disorder.