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What 3 publications would you say have been most influential in your work?
- Sherman - Arrest, comparisons, tracking
- Mullen 2009 - Typologies
- HMIC. 2017 - Poor response
Tell me about Sherman’s study?
Sherman et al 1992
1200 domestic assault cases in US
6 months after arrest
Had the option of arresting perpetrator but didn’t v arrest
They had 4 outcome measures -
Reports to same location.
arrests again for violence,
same suspect v victim
and face to face interviews with victims.
Varied according to characteristic.
No long term affect but short term affect of 30 days
Different impact on different section of community
Employed and married more likely to be deterred
12 months on arrest had actually escalated situation
Tell me about Mullen et al 2009 study?
Tell me about HMIC 2017?
Where does your work fit into the literature?
- Existing literature focuses heavily on domestic abuse and domestic violence
- There is limited literature that focuses on stalking but they group domestic stalkers and non-domestic stalkers together
- Stalking research is generally focused on mental health and murder
- Nothing out there that focuses on what actually works and the impact of each intervention
- My work separates non DA stalking and DA stalking and focuses purely on interventions and investigation
Where did you draw the line on what to include in your literature review?
- Challenge
- All interesting
- Did write a lot that didn’t end up there because i was going off on a tangent
- stuck closely to my research aims
How did the literature inform your choice of topic and the thesis overall?
- Significantly
- Identified a gap
- Whilst also finding the literature really interesting
- Focused on Sherman - typologies
What are the key names in this area?
- Sherman ()
- Mackenzie ()
- Mullen ()
- Moncton Smith -
Why is your PhD important?
- Super complaint from national stalking consortium (21 organisations)
- Sig resarch gap around impact of not doing anything, warnings, arrest, court orders, imprisonment for non-da stalkers
- HMIC - ‘we have, however been unable to find any resarch that proves whether issuing a police information notice is more or less effective than any other form of police action’
- Police are criticised heavily for poor investigations
What are your 3 research aims?
- Examine stalking and analyse the interventions available to police officers (legislation, existing lit, interventions)
- Explore diff types of policing interventions on non-da cases (identify, record and assess impact over 18 months)
- Seek to understand quant data by capturing experiences of practitioners and police leaders (semi interviews, practitioners and stalking advocate)
Why is stalking difficult to define?
Because there are so many different types of behaviours that could constitute stalking - everything from standing outside watching to buying gifts
CPS have listed behaviours but not defined it
Why did you go with the Paladin definition of stalking?
- Goes further than other definitions
- Consistent with the language officers are trained on (four)
- It isn’t too wide that everything could be considered stalking but not too narrow that we dont have stalking cases to analyse
What definition of stalking did you use?
- Pattern of unwanted, fixated and obsessive behaviour
- Intrusive
- Causes fear of violence or serious alarm or distress
What are the pitfalls of your data?
- Biggest pitfall is that this is solely reliant on a victim of crime picking up the phone and reporting stalking again.
- It is also reliant on neither a victim or perpetrator having a change of circumstances, moving house, changing jobs etc
But overcome that by:
- Using a big enough sample size - HMIC use 112
- Coupling with qual data
What are the key academics saying about prison?
10 year max for starters
Mullen et al - treating stalkers very difficult in prison
Cater 2016 - serves no purpose for imprisonment without dealing with MH
Sex offenders - treated offenders less likely to offend