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eliminAte - EliminAtion
We simply cannot eliminate this epidemic unless we treat more people.
But before you think about it, eliminate all natural causes.
the elimination of extreme poverty is a key aim
remove something complitely
infEr - Inference
from these facts we can infer that crime has done
I am afraid, Holmes, that you are not very practical with your deductions and your inferences.
a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
Wikipedia is a reliable source of information
Even the most reliable systems require service from time to time
undoubtedly good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.
My preferred exercise is tennis and yoga. I love it.
like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose.
It was a three-floor edifice
The Opera House itself is a monumental edifice.
a building, especially a large one.
the metal grids had been pulled across the garden
a framework of spaced bars that are parallel to or cross each other
The worst is also the expansion of the conflict.
The gas does work during expansion.
the action of becoming larger or more extensive.
Copenhagen is the modern metropolis that never forgot its history.
The journey from our town to the metropolis was a journey of about five hours.
the capital or main and big city of a country or region.
morEover mɔːˈrəʊvə
Moreover, all the glory was in his family.
Moreover, the main function needs to be modified!
as a further matter; besides.
arrange (verb) arrangement (noun)
You must come and help me arrange the meeting
We often invite local residents, arrange cultural holidays for students.
I’ll arrange it
He’s been helping me arrange things
come to an arrangement I’m sure we can come to an arrangement (= reach an agreement).
have an arrangement We had an arrangement - he would clean the house and I would cook.
reach agreement, understand each other
organize, do
Well, my sincerity is my best feature.
characteristic, attribute of something or someone
Look, Adam, you’re under a tremendous amount of stress.
They did a tremendous job, and we want to thank them for it.
very great in amount, size, or intensity.
valley ˈvalɪ
Silicon Valley.
a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.
The courses included accounting, management, international trade and business administration.
the action of buying and selling goods and services.
extEnsive ɪksˈtensɪv
You can do better than that, Garibaldi, I know you can because my information on you is very extensive.
It’s a kid that’s gonna require extensive medical care, and that costs money.
Everything is destroyed. Damage is extensive.
covering or affecting a large area.
exact (role)
You have to be exact with the ingredients, the baking temperature…
What we need to do right now, is we need to find the exact right combination of medications
accurate, strict
to pinpoint
Can you pinpoint a location for me?
So um, how do we pinpoint the time of the injury?
find or locate exactly.
signIficance - siɡˈnifikəns - significant
Let us not forget the significance of what we are doing here
Damn, those idiots, who know nothing about the significance of science!
You may not realize it, but you’re owed a significant sum of money.
the quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
ingenUity - ɪnʤɪˈnjuːɪtɪ
This guy showed great courage and ingenuity.
This surgery, gentlemen, proves once again how high we can soar on the wings of science and ingenuity.
the quality of being clever, original, and inventive.
foresight - foresighted - foresightedness
We hope that the G-8 leaders will demonstrate foresight and include Africa in their discussion.
He had foresight to recognize that the proposed machine would be invaluable in the company’s business in later years.
We owe this award and our success to our foresighted clients and talented staff.
the ability to predict or the action of predicting what will happen or be needed in the future.
The impact of new forms of employment on the effectiveness of social-labor relations has been analyzed.
This may be from a fall or a direct impact from a hard object.
have a strong effect on someone or something - like “influence” or
the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another
circumstance - circumstantially
The second circumstance that needs attention is where the murder lived.
There is one special circumstance during the period which may prove my explanation.
So we decided to write a detailed article which explains circumstantially and step by step how to avoid all bureaucratic delays and get a visa to the USA as soon as possible at the lowest price.
a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.
обстоятельно or косвенно
implicate - implicated
My intention is not to implicate anyone in any crimes, I assure you.
We have evidence that Bell might be implicated.
show (someone) to be involved in some action (in a crime).
prior to
Corrective action is required prior to the next audit.
Most of this process occurred [əˈkɜːd]
prior to 1987.
When I first started selling cookies, I was a relatively thin man.
The mechanics of it are relatively simple.
in relation, comparison, or proportion to something else.
Another man in the area meant another rival, another enemy, another person who hated him.
a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.
It was hard to imagine that the original grave had been marked only with a modest shrine.
I assure you– my price would be modest.
I believed her to be a clean, decent, modest girl.
dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention (typically used of a woman).
relatively limited, or small.
Listen, your husband said that he saw a man emerge from the darkness
Eventually a new leader may emerge.
Scientists can cool micro-resonators to a temperature where quantum effects emerge.
move out of or away from something and come into view
It was raining heavily
She was heavily involved in writing lyrics for the album.
The hospital was heavily damaged and put out of service as a result of the attack.
to a great degree; in large amounts.
with a lot of force or effort; with weight.
likely (adj or adv)
That is not the same as predicting the future; it is just a guess at what is likely to happen.
It is likely that the deal will not be accepted.
Most likely, that call came from here.
such as well might happen or be true; probable.
along with
This activity is likely to continue, along with other investigations.
Look at her walking along with those two kids.
together (with someone)
Retinol is the predominant circulating form of vitamin A in the blood.
Blue and white are the predominant colors.
present as the strongest or main element. - dominant
fairly [ˈfeəlɪ]
“The process seems fairly simple.”
He started a small manufacturing plant in New Orleans and built it up into a fairly large company in its field.
to quite a high degree. - quite, pretty, enough
It will all change very rapidly, gentlemen, I assure you.
The man turned round, and went rapidly in the direction of the house.
very quickly; at a great rate.
rely - relied
It’s hard to rely on anyone these days.
I feel I can rely on you and trust you.
Previously they had only relied on outside consultants.
Ron never relied on scientists or professionals to confirm his work.
depend on with full trust or confidence.
The modern ideal has its type in art, and its means is science.
There is no means of return.
I want to know what means you used to make her help you in your work.
money; financial resources or method
The best I can do is exploit the weakness, not ignore its existence.
I’m not going to exploit her.
Stories I’ve heard about the way they exploit helpless women.
make full use of and derive benefit from some resource
Food and water are becoming increasingly scarce.
Gold is a scarce commodity.
(especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.
poor, rare
Experience has shown that people can obtain these weapons easily and cheaply.
Animals obtain food by force.
Buddha taught us how to eliminate suffering and how to obtain happiness.
get, take, buy or reach something
These same volcanic forces also created Ethiopia’s highlands.
Warm clothes may be needed if travelling in the highlands.
an area of high land with mountains
The weak must be eliminated so that the strongest can flourish.
America would flourish as never before.
Openness in a relationship is what makes it flourish.
Wild plants flourish on the banks of the lake.
an instance of suddenly performing or developing in an impressively successful way.
or direct meaning:
(of a person, animal, or other living organism) grow or develop in a healthy way, especially as the result of a particularly friendly environment.
Apparently, it was not enough.
Apparently, you underestimate him
as far as one knows or can see.
synonims: evidently, visibly, probably
originate [əˈrijəˌnāt]
This wine originated in France, but is now most commonly associated with Argentina.
Many conflicts originate in massive violations of human rights.
Do you know that one of my patients originated that rumor?
have a specified beginning.
Just try to derive your own benefit from these metamorphoses.
And what inference did you derive from this book?
They don’t derive pleasure from work.
obtain something from (a specified source).
threat [THret]
Our sensors detected a threat to our life support systems.
There is a significant threat from terrorism and a very high threat of kidnapping in these areas.
a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other dangerous action on someone
labor force
A company with a labor force of one hundred people.
Many immigrants joined the industrial labor force.
all the members of a particular organization or population who are able to work, viewed collectively.
You’re a sophisticated, intelligent woman.
He’s 22, sophisticated, handsome.
a person with much worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.
cOnsciously [ˈkänSHəslē]
“ Consciously or unconsciously, I made a choice,” he said.
It is an uncomfortable area and I consciously run away from it.
she consciously chose to ignore him
knowingly, with open eyes
What roles do cities and their inhabitants play in making urban centres healthy?
The village was burned together with its 149 inhabitans.
a person or animal that lives in a place.
We are going to buy some pottery for our rooms in Paris.
I was hoping it was a fragment of pottery, but uit was just a rock.
pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware d[ˈərTHənˌwer] or baked clay. - ceramics
The country of greatest achievement, greatest prosperity, greatest freedom.
Gentlemen, here is my toast: To the prosperity of The Manor Farm!
Instead of poverty, general prosperity; instead of wars, harmony and unity of interests.
the state of being flourish
Yeah, he was the general manager for a coal mining company.
Now, nickel and obsidian mining is a successful business.
the process or industry of obtaining coal or other minerals or resourses
The best thing is to prevent the situations that necessitate men killing each other.
I am writing a program which necessitates speed and a low memory overhead.
make (something) necessary
You know, with your courage and small body, you’d make an excellent coal miner.
He’s supposed to be the gold miner.
a person who works in a mine
The overall height of the nearest tower was about sixty feet.
The problem have a really bad impact on the overall performance.
This affects Germany’s overall economy.
in all parts; taken as a whole.
coerce [kōˈərs]
The union cannot coerce any member to participate in these programs.
Any attempt to coerce or buy voters is an attack on democracy.
I did not coerce or force her to help me.
persuade [pəˈsweɪd] to do something by using force or threats.
arise - arose - arisen
Galaxies arise out of the great darkness of the Universe.
But facts show that the problem arose much earlier.
emerge, appear
It shoud be obvious that cetaceans - whales, porpoises and dolphins - are mammals.
The Cetacean Institute is the museum devoted to whales.
a marine mammal of the order Cetacea ; a whale, dolphin
It shoud me obvious that cetaceans - whales, porpoises and dolphins - are mammals. They breath through lungs, not through gills.
the paired respiratory organ of fishes and some amphibians, by which oxygen is extracted from water
hind (legs)
It was a pig walking on his hind legs.
(especially of a bodily part) situated at the back
These civilians actually constitute an army.
Women constitute about ten percent of Parliament.
to form or make something
Somalia is a sister country with which we share family relations as well as ethnic and cultural affinities.
There are several close affinities between the two paintings.
The differences between these animals cannot conceal their affinities.
a close similarity between two things:
A dark power dwells in there, such as I have never felt before.
Under the same roof there dwelt also a daughter called Lydia and a son, Tom.
live in or at a specified place.
disguise (verb or noun)
He disguised himself by wearing a false beard.
I couldn’t disguise my disappointment.
He put on a large hat and glasses as a disguise and hoped no one would recognize him.
to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form - conceal
We see a fox and an otter.
Otter must be hungry.
a water mammal with four legs and dark brown fur, which eats fish
The Australian sea lion’s breeding cycle is rather unusual within the pinniped family.
walrus [ˈwôlrəs]
Sea ice is important for all parts of the walrus life cycle.
a large marine mammal related to the eared seals, having two large downward-pointing tusks and found in the Arctic Ocean.
limb [lim]
I believe you have one limb amputated.
This disease leads to malnutrition, gangrene, and eventually to lower limb amputations.
an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird’s wing
We can try to envision the worst-case scenario to foresee catastrophe.
But in all of our crisis scenarios, we never envisioned this.
imagine as a future possibility; visualize.
The fossils of the dinosaurs were found in the middle part of Africa
the shape of a bone, a shell, or a plant or animal that has been preserved in rock for a very long period
I know this transitional phase will be difficult.
It feels like a transitional moment in figure skating.
belonging or relating to a change, or the process of change, from one form or type to another:
The origin of the fire was never discovered.
In other countries, for instance in South-East Europe the phenomenon is even older and has even more complex origins.
the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived.
embEd [əmˈbed]
The sensor must be very compact, easy to embed in a smartphone.
How do I better embed it in to my web page application?
The dinosaur was found embedded in rocks
fix (an object) strongly and deeply in a surrounding mass.
The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.
It’s a simple dish to prepare, it consist mainly of rice and vegetables.
to be made of or formed from something:
Ancestor [ˈanˌsestər]
I, like my ancestors before me, have been blessed with the unique gift - the telepathy
a person related to you who lived a long time ago
Clean water is a precious commodity in many parts of the world.
He took precious metals out of the ground.
a thing of great value because of being rare, expensive, or important:
enlarge - enlarged (adj)
They’ve enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.
It is hoped that the cooperation can be enlarged.
to become bigger or to make something bigger:
having become or been made larger.
Change is the essential process of all existence.
A remote work makes daily meetings not only possible, but essential.
absolutely necessary; extremely important.
To retain economic stability, a new budget rule has been introduced.
There are also a number of internal chemical processes that can help the plant retain water.
keep (something) in place; hold fixed.
absorb and continue to hold (a substance).
triAngular [traɪˈæŋgjʊlə]
Would you like to tell us what formula you would use to find the volume of a triangular prism?
shaped like a triangle; having three sides and three corners.
I didn’t approach the subject in terms of black and white, unlike my colleagues of the time.
Unlike the first trader, this one was seriously interested in the market.
different from; not similar to.
The ghost nodded blankly. Silas. He had been given flesh. My name is Silas.
I break out into hives and then the flesh peels out of my bones.
the soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of an animal or a human.
Patient didn’t notice the initial symptoms because it’s no different than how she feels every day.
It’ll also help improve her initial impression of you.
existing or occurring at the beginning.
The stream was fairly shallow so we were able to walk across it.
an area of the sea, a lake, or a river where the water is not very deep.
At slow speeds, the animal will use their tail as a fifth leg for locomotion and balance.
Reptiles have strong skeletons, supported by advanced muscular systems for body support and locomotion.
movement or the ability to move from one place to another.
They dive and use their wings for propulsion under water
a force that pushes something forward:
There’s been a lot of conjecture in the media recently about the marriage.
No names, just conjecture and gossip.
a guess about something based on how it seems and not on proof:
These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise.
something that you accept as true without question or proof:
Our beliefs define us.
This loss does not define you.
state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of.
The basic gist of the book is “war bad, peace good.”
I think I get the gist of your answer.
the most important pieces of information about something, or general information without details:
He has no comprehension of the size of the problem.
You really lack understanding and comprehension.
There is no way other than deep comprehension of existing problems.
the ability to understand completely and be familiar with a situation, facts, etc.:
The main idea can be shown explicitly or implicity in the passage. You have to find it.
I told you quite explicitly to be home by midnight.
in a way that is clear and exact:
I’m not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
What do you mean? Are you implying (that) I’m fat?
to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly
I play the piano just for my own amusement
Gambling is a very dangerous amusement.
Нou are clowns. Your job is to add some amusement into the situation.
the feeling of being entertained or made to laugh:
allude [əˈlo͞od]
She mentioned some trouble that she’d had at home and I guessed she was alluding to her son.
It was never our intention to allude to the tragic events that took place at Kent State in 1970
to mention someone or something without talking about him, her, or it directly
at first glance
Ecotourism at first glance is not what most people think of here.
I know at first glance it may look bad…
at first look,impression
The two cars collided at the crossroads.
It was predicted that a comet would collide with one of the planets.
(especially of moving objects) to hit something violently:
With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible.
It may be feasible to clone human beings, but is it ethical?
able to be made, done, or achieved:
Rotate the handle by 180° to open the door.
The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.
to turn or cause something to turn in a circle, especially around a fixed point:
Additionally, poor management of natural resources can contribute to the problem.
You contribute money to the Democratic Party?
Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute.
Her family has contributed $50,000 to the fund.
give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.
That smell always evokes memories of my old school.
Well, it’s not unusual for one trauma to evoke strong memories of another.
to make someone remember something or feel an emotion:
вызывать чувство
Unless it changes, the industry faces the risk of technological obsolescence.
the obsolescence of flesh and bone.
the process or fact of becoming old-fashioned and no longer useful:
consumption (to consume as a verb)
industrialized countries should reduce their energy consumption
All movement is monitored, all air consumption regulated.
Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver damage… and cancer of the rectum.
the using up of a resource
She moved across the field with the stealth of a cat
These thieves operate with terrifying stealth - they can easily steal from the pockets of unsuspecting travellers.
movement that is quiet and careful in order not to be seen or heard:
We have been inundated with requests for help.
If the dam breaks it will inundate large parts of the town.
to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with it all
or direct meaning:
to flood an area with water:
Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.
The leaflet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awareness of the disease.
knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience:
They make pipes and tubes that are used in construction and as electrical conduits.
The social media platform has served as a conduit for misinformation.
a pipe for water or electrical wires to go through:
inderict meaning:
someone or something that provides a way of passing something such as information or payments from one person to another:
No money was found (his purse had been left under Marya’s pillow).
a small container for money, usually used by a woman:
he was one of the witnesses in the murder inquiry
eventually the independent inquiry was published, which found that there was no case to answer
an act of asking for information: investigation, research
My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary.
involving little exercise or physical activity:
The officer I talked to did not instill a lot of confidence.
I instill fear, terror into those that want me silenced, the ones that want all of you silenced!
to put a feeling, idea, or principle gradually into someone’s mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way that person thinks or behaves:
I distinctly heard a slight vacillation, which suggests a hesitation and maybe an ambivalence?
the state of having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel:
contemporary music/literature/art/fashion
She gave a series of lectures on contemporary British writers.
I wanted to update my kitchen and put in something more contemporary.
existing or happening now, and therefore seeming modern:
We ought to clean up before we go home.
She really ought to apologize.
used to indicate duty, typically when criticizing someone’s actions.
A leather jacket is a timeless and versatile garment that can be worn in all seasons.
We want all our staff to be versatile.
able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities. - universal
There has been a hostile reaction to the government’s proposed tax increases.
But the fascinating thing about all of these conditions is that somehow life forms manage to adapt and thrive in these seemingly hostile habitats.
unfriendly and not liking something:
In the car the police found guns, knives, and other lethal weapons
That combination of medications and alcohol is lethal
able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous:
He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights.
You can’t function properly when you’re deprived of sleep.
to take something, especially something necessary or pleasant, away from someone:
It was a clear day with little moisture in the air.
Moisture evaporates from the warming ocean and rises to create great storms.
very small drops of water, either in the air or on a surface:
In the context of global warming, cyanide has the role of changing the temperature and precipitations pattern, generating floods and landslides.
The forecast is for dry, cloudy weather with no precipitation expected.
water that falls from the clouds towards the ground, especially as rain or snow:
They crowded around the spokesperson, eager for any news.
He was standing just behind her, and over her shoulder she saw his face with those eager blue eyes and a smile in them.
wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable:
But the trees can’t use all this water so, much of it returns to the air as vapor, forming mist and clouds.
gas or extremely small drops of liquid that result from the heating of a liquid or solid:
Here’s my attempt at creating a coalesce function for a graph coloring program I’m working on.
The theory is that galaxies coalesced from smaller groupings of stars.
If two or more things coalesce, they come or grow together to form one thing or system.
The water supply is being tested for contamination .
The contamination has spread to tap water in Tokyo.
the process of making something dirty or poisonous
You strive to hide it, but you do not succeed…
In her writing she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms.
We must strive to narrow the gap between rich and poor.
to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties:
You strive to hide it, but you do not succeed…
In her writing she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms.
We must strive to narrow the gap between rich and poor.
to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties:
How do you perceive your new role?
He perceives himself to be a failure, though nothing could be further from the truth.
to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something:
Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.
I mean, it’s not exactly within his realm of expertise.
an area of interest or activity:
an effective herbal remedy for headaches
This mistake must be remedied immediately.
a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficulty:
to do something to correct or improve something that is wrong:
overdue (adj)
My computer shows that you have an overdue fee in the library
not done or happening when expected or when needed; late:
His every word could be heard quite distinctly.
I distinctly remember i paid the fine
in a way that is clearly noticeable or very definite:
has nothing to do with
It seems that your problem has nothingto do with your classes at all.
не имеет ничего общего с
the boot/shoe is on the other foot
And then, when the shoe is on the other foot, we need to open up and share our truth with those around us.
I try to be as patient as possible with him, but when the shoe is onthe other foot, he is not as understanding.
the situation is now the opposite of what it was, especially because someone who was weak now has power
rural (people)
The area is still very rural and undeveloped.
All America was affected, but rural people in villages were the hardest hit.
in, of, or like the countryside or village
dust storms
However, the weather suddenly changed to a terrible dust storm.
Occasionally a dust storm will blanket a region and there are reports of the occasional tornado.
a mass of dust and sand that has been lifted from the ground in very dry areas such as deserts and that is carried by the wind:
I only caught a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I know I would recognize her if I saw her again.
We glimpsed the ruined town from the windows of the train.
an occasion when you see something or someone for a very short time:
In those days, a trip to the West was an arduous journey.
Clarification of this point would however be extremely arduous and is beyond the scope of this speech.
difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy:
A group of ragged children appeared, begging for coins.
The children were wearing dirty, ragged clothes.
(of clothes) usually in bad condition from too much use, or (of people) wearing clothes in this condition:
Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in the last century.
People were shocked by the advertisement which depicted a woman beating her husband.
to represent or show something in a picture or story:
Meetings with her lawyers did not disrupt the schedule.
Heavy snow disrupted travel into the city this morning.
to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected:
What should we do? Suppress the conflict or try to solve it right?
The virus suppresses the body’s immune system.
to end something by force:
A poor diet can hinder mental and physical growth.
I don’t know if these changes are going to help or hinder the team.
to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something:
I always busy, i have a hectic schedule
The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
full of activity, or very busy and fast:
For an inexpensive place to stay, the guide book recommends a small family-run establishment near the cathedral.
The establishment of new areas of employment is a priority.
a business or other organization, or the place where an organization operates:
the process of starting or creating something, for example, an organization:
carbon dioxide
углекислый газ
Dissolve two spoons of sugar in warm water.
(of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed, or (of a liquid) to absorb a solid, to dissapear
Most algaes are unicellular.
describes a living thing that is made of only one cell
Chimpanzees and gorillas are both apes.
an animal like a large monkey with no tail, that uses its arms to move through trees:
The little goat also bleated with joy.
I can’t stand goat cheese.
an animal related to sheep that usually has horns and a beard. Goats live wild on mountains or are kept on farms to provide milk, meat, wool, etc.:
The cells elongate as they take in water.
Acanthoclinus are elongate fishes.
to become or make something become longer, and often thinner:
The pupils of the eyes dilate as darkness increases.
to become or make something, esp. an opening, wider or more open:
marine and terrestrial environments
You’re the one who brought the world’s largest terrestrial predator
Forests are home to an estimated 80 percent of all terrestrial species: predators and prey
relating to the planet earth, or living or existing on the land rather than in the sea or air:
Birds, fish, and reptiles are all vertebrates.
This is the largest flying vertebrate ever known.
an animal that has a spine (= bone down the center of the back)
The soldiers lay in ambush
We entered the room warily, worried the enemy might be waiting in ambush.
an occasion when a person or group of people are hiding and waiting for someone:
Bonus payments provide an incentive to work harder.
something that encourages a person to do something:
This approach represents a major deviation from previous techniques.
This is a society where deviation from the norm is discouraged.
a difference from what is usual or expected:
breed - bred - bred
His main income comes from breeding cattle.
Bulldogs are bred for their fighting instincts.
to keep animals for the purpose of producing young animals in a controlled way:
There is a severe shortage of low-cost housing in the city.
The government admitted that there was a petrol shortage, but warned people against panic buying.
a lack of something needed:
wheat plants
Many wheat farmers have begun to diversify into other forms of agriculture.
a plant whose yellowish-brown grain is used for making flour, or the grain itself:
A crisis of huge proportions impends in the area.
If an event impends, usually an event that is unpleasant or unwanted, it is going to happen soon:
His sense of humour is one of his better traits.
Arrogance is a very unattractive personality/character trait.
a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour:
It is not true that eating garlic repels mosquitoes.
The defenders repelled the attack without losing any men.
to force someone or something to stop moving towards you or attacking you:
I would never impede your investigation.
This lack of data may impede analysis of the effectiveness of measures taken in such situations.
to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something:
Their budget has been drastically reduced.
Our environment has changed drastically in the last 10 years.
in a way that is severe and sudden or has very noticeable effects:
cutting-edge design/technology
His research is at the cutting edge of new therapies for cancer.
very modern and with all the newest features:
to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine
to avert disaster/economic collapse
to prevent something bad from happening:
The utility of this substance has been proven in a series of tests.
the usefulness of something, especially in a practical way:
He asserts that she stole money from him.
to say that something is certainly true:
He first dabbled in politics when he was at law school.
She dabbled with drugs at university.
to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject, or try a particular activity for a short period:
I turned again to my new acquaintance: “This is an unusual party for me.”
a person that you have met but do not know well:
The main government’s goal is to eradicate poverty.
- to get rid of something completely or destroy something bad
Water is VITAL for fish.
- necessaryfor thesuccessorcontinuedexistenceof something;extremelyimportant
(жизненно необходимый)
He would have to find work to augment his income.
to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it:
He would have to find work to augment his income.
to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it: