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The difference between no-load voltage and full-load voltage, expressed as the percentage of full-load voltage, is called ?
Voltage regulation
Improving the power factor in a circuit reduces the amount of ? or current needed to supply the load.
Apparent power
The extent of the voltage drop depends on?
on how the current flow is impeded.
A piece of equipment that improves the power factor, reduces the reactance on the line, reduces the current, and improves the voltage is a(n) ? .
One way to reduce the capacitive reactance caused by the parallel conductors on very long transmission lines is to install ? .
The leads going in and out of a set of voltage regulators do not need to be the same size as the main line conductors.
To improve the voltage on a feeder, it is usually more economical to install ? than to carry out a major improvement program such as stringing larger conductors.
Voltage regulators
A recloser is most often set to trip out at ? times its rating.
The part of a recloser that senses a fault is the ? .
Solenoid coil
A(n) ? recloser has a cold-load pickup feature.
Sectionalizers are not designed to interrupt ? .
Fault current
Type H reclosers contain coils that vary in size from five amperes to ? .
On type H reclosers, the fastest curve is the ? curve.
The two types of faults that will cause a recloser to operate are
temporary and permanent.
Type L reclosers vary in size from ? to ? .
Most utilities and operating companies have standards of operation for their reclosers, setting them at ? fast operations and ? slow operations.
2 fast 2 slow
Single-phase reclosers are of the ? type and the ? type.
H/ L
In order for a single-phase recloser to be set to operate only once instead going through its normal operating cycle, the non-reclosing handle must be ? .
In the down position
The recloser mechanism on a type H or type L recloser is attached to the ? of the unit.
Type D reclosers vary in size from ? to ? .
100 A / 560 A Correct
The type ? recloser is a type of single-phase recloser that requires a closing coil to close its main contact.
When a fault occurs on a line protected by a type ? recloser, the slow operations allow current to flow for five or six cycles in order to allow a fuse downstream of the recloser to open.
A sectionalizer locks open during the interval when the back-up device is ?