ALH 111 CH.1 (root words) Flashcards
gen/o (JIN-oh)
creation, cause. ex: pathogenic (pertaining to the creation or cause of diseases)
hydr/o (HAI-droh)
water, ex: hydrophobia, dehydration
morph/o (MOR-foh)
change, ex: morphology (the study of the form of things)
myc/o (MAI-koh)
fungus, ex: dermatomycosis (fungal infection of the skin)
necr/o (NEK-roh)
death, ex: necrosis (the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue)
orth/o (OR-thoh)
straight, ex: orthodontist
path/o (PAH-thoh)
suffering, disease. ex: pathology (study of disease)
phag/o (FAY-goh)
eat, ex: aphagia (inability or refusal to swallow)
plas/o (PLAS-oh)
formation, ex: hyperplasia (enlargement of an organ or tissue caused by an increase in the reproduction rate of cells, initial stage in the development of cancer)
py/o (PAI-oh)
pus, ex: pyorrhea, pyemia
scler/o (SKLEH-roh)
hard, ex: scleroderma
sten/o (STIH-noh)
narrowing, ex: stenosis (the abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body)
troph/o (TROH-foh)
nourishment, development. ex: trophology, hypertrophy
xen/o (ZEE-noh)
foreign, ex: xenograft
pulmon, pneum/o, pneumon/o
derm, dermat, cutane
angi, vas, vascul/o
hem/o, hemat/o
small intestine