Algorithm concepts Flashcards
Uniform cost model
All machine operations have a constant cost, whatever the values
Time complexity
T(N) = aN + b
Asymptotic notation
aN + b = O(N) T(N) = O(N) highest order term determines the bound
Definition “Big O” (Upper Bound)
A function f(N) has an asymptotic upper bound given by the function g(N), written f(N) = O(g(N)), if and only if there are positive real numbers c and n0 such that 0 ≤ f(N) ≤ c g(N) for all N ≥ n0
Definition “Big Omega” (Lower Bound)
A function f(N) has an asymptotic lower bound given by the function g(N), written f(N) = Ω(g(N)), if and only if there are positive real numbers c and n0 such that 0 ≤ c g(N) ≤ f(N) for all N ≥ n0
Definition “Big Theta” (Tight Bound)
A function f(N) has an asymptotic tight bound given by the function g(N), written f(N) = Θ(g(N)), if and only if there are positive real numbers c1, c2, and n0 such that 0 ≤ c1 g(N) ≤ f(N) ≤ c2 g(N) for all N ≥ n0
Space complexity
The space complexity of an algorithm is the total amount of memory used, including that used by input parameters, as a function of the size of the input
Auxiliary Space
The auxiliary space is the amount of extra memory required, not including input parameters, as a function of the size of the input.
p(N) = a0 + a1N + a2N^2 + … + adN^d in which ad ≠ 0 asymptotically positive iff ad > 0
include a term of the form a^N
Divide and Conquer

Recursion Tree

Master Method

Master Method pt 2

Master Method pt 3 (extra check)
Regularity condition

Master method excluded cases
The master method does not apply to these recurrences
T(N) = NT(N/2) + N T(N) = 0.5T(N/2) + 4N T(N) = 4T(N/8) − N2
T (N ) = 2T (N /2) + N / log N
The (mostly straightfoward) reasons are
the number of subproblems in the first two
negative divide and combine time (third example)
negative value of k (fourth example)

Binary search tree add code

Hash function
common to implement hash function in two steps
either stage can cause collisions

Adjacency lists

Code for Kruskal’s

Prim’s code



Bellman-Ford to detect negative weight cycle



Dijkstra’s correctness

Dijkstra’s correctness pt 2