Algebra of Matrices Flashcards
Identity Matrix
A matrix that has only 1’s in it’s diagnol entries and zero’s elsewhere.
scalar matrix
A matrix that has scalar non zero entries as it’s diagnol entries and zero’s elsewhere.
A set of numbers arranged in row column form to form a matrix.
Addition or substraction of a matrix
A matrix can only be substracted or added if both matrices have same dimension i.e no of rows and columns are equal
Matrix Multiplication
A matrix can only be multiplied if the:
no of columns of first matrix = no of rows of second column.
1st row 1st column
1st row second column
1st row third column and…
2nd row 1st column
2nd row second column
2nd row third column…
To determine the dimension of the resulting matrix can be determined by rows of 1st matrix and column of 2nd matrix.
Matrix Transpose
Interchanging rows into columns
Nonsingular (Invertible matrix)
A matrix that has non zero determinant is called non singualr matrix and only a non singular matrix is invertible.
An invertible matrix is a square matrix that has an inverse, which is another square matrix that satisfies two conditions:
1.When the inverse is multiplied by the original matrix, the result is the identity matrix of the same size as the matrices being multiplied. In other words, AB = BA = I, where A is the original matrix, B is its inverse, and I is the identity matrix.
2.The inverse is unique, meaning that there is only one matrix B that satisfies the first condition for a given matrix A.
Diagnol Matrix
A diagnol matrix is a square matrix in which all non diagnol entries are zero and the diagnol entries can be any real, complex numbers or even zero.
Triangular Matrix
A matrix is upper triangular if the entries below the main diagnol are all non zero.
A matrix is called lower triangular if the entries above the main diagnol are all non zero.
Symmetric Matrix
A matrix is called symmetric if the A transpose is equal to A.
Example: A = [ 3 4 5 ]
[ 4 6 7 ]
[ 5 7 9 ]
Skew symmetric matrix
A matrix is called skew symmetric if A transpose is equal to -A e.g multiplying a with minus.
Orthongonal Matrix
A matrix is orthongonal if A multiply with A transpose gives us an identity matrix.
Block matrix
A block matrix is a matrix that is composed of smaller matrices called blocks. the matrix blocks meaning the submatrices themselves are not square matrices instead when combined they become square.
Block Diagnol Matrices
A block diagonal matrix is a matrix that is composed of square submatrices along the diagonal, with all other entries outside of the diagonal being zero. it can as well be upper triangular or lower triangular.
Block Square Matrices
a block square matrix is a matrix in which along the diagnol they should be square either 1 by 1 2 by 2 3 by3 and outside the diagnol it does not matter what dimension they have