Algebra I Flashcards
Equivalent matrices
š“,šµ ā Kįµā āæ are equivalent if there exists invertible matrices P ā Kįµā įµ, Q ā Kāæā āæ s.t. šµ = Pš“Q.
A polynomial with coeffs in a field K is monic if the coeff of the highest power is 1.
Minimal polynomial of a matrix š“
The min. polynomial of a matrix š“ (or corresponding linear operator T) is the unique monic polynomial Ī¼_š“(š„) of minimal degree s.t. Ī¼_š“(š“) = 0 (or Ī¼_š“(T) = 0).
Similar matrices
š“,šµ ā Kāæā āæ are similar if there exists invertible matrix P ā Kāæā āæ s.t. šµ = Pā»Ā¹š“P.
Characteristic polynomial
The char polynomial of an nĆn matrix š“ is
p_š“(š„) = det(š“ - š„Iā)
where Iā is the nĆn identity matrix.
Jordan chain
A Jordan chain of length k is a sequence of non-zero vectors vā,ā¦,vā ā Kāæā
Ā¹ that satisfies
Avā = Ī»vā, Avįµ¢ = Ī»vįµ¢ + vįµ¢-ā, 2 ā¤ i ā¤ k, for some eigenvalue Ī» of š“ ā Kāæāæ.
Generalised eigenspace
Given T: V ā V linear and Ī» ā K an eval of T, the generalised eigenspace of T corresponding to Ī» is
{š„ ā V | (T - Ī»š)ā±(š„) = 0 for some i ā ā¤}.
Jordan block
The Jordan block with eigenvalue Ī» of degree k is a kĆk matrix J_{Ī»,k} = (Ī³įµ¢ā±¼), s.t.
Ī³įµ¢,įµ¢ = Ī» for 1 ā¤ i ā¤ k,
Ī³įµ¢,įµ¢āā = 1 for 1 ā¤ i < k,
Ī³įµ¢ā±¼ = 0 for j ā i, j ā i+1.
Block sum of š“,šµ
Let š“ ā Kįµā
įµ, šµ ā Kāæā
āæ. š“ ā šµ, the block sum of š“ and šµ, is the (m+n)Ć(m+n) matrix with block form
š“ 0ā,ā
0ā,ā šµ
Jordan basis of T map
Let T: V ā V be linear. A Jordan basis for T and V is a finite basis E of V s.t. ā Jordan blocks Jā, ā¦ Jā s.t.
[ETE] = Jā ā ā¦ ā Jā.
Cayley-Hamilton theorem
Let c_š“(š„) be the char polynomial of a matrix š“, then c_š“(š“) = 0.
Jordan basis of š“ matrix
A Jordan basis for a matrix š“ ā Kāæā āæ is a basis of Kāæā Ā¹ which is a union of Jordan chains.
[FTE] matrix of T wrt two bases
Let T: V ā W be a linear map. Let E = (eā, ā¦, eā) be a basis of V, F = (fā, ā¦, fā) be a basis of W.
Then ā! aįµ¢ā±¼, ā 1 ā¤ i ā¤ n, 1 ā¤ j ā¤ m, s.t. T(eā±¼) = ā_{i=1, m} aįµ¢ā±¼fįµ¢.
We write [FTE] = (aįµ¢ā±¼)įµ¢ā±¼ as the matrix of T wrt E and F.
Rules of powers in char and min polynomial
c_š“(š„) = ā_{š=1, k} (šįµ¢ - š„)āæā± where nįµ¢ is the number of times šįµ¢ appears on the diag of š“'s JCF. š_š“(š„) = ā_{š=1, k} (x - šįµ¢)įµā± where mįµ¢ is the length of the longest chain for šįµ¢.