Alexander the Great Flashcards
cleitus disown
“it was the blood of the Macedonians and these wounds that made you grand enough to disown Philip and claim Ammon as your father”
cleitus cleitus+ insulted by mn’s being equal rank to persians
“the dead I call fortunate; they didn’t live to see Macedonians flogged by the rods of medians and begging Persians for permission to have an audience with their king”
- “kissing those of equal rank”
- “When the Persians meet people in the street, they go up to those they know and who are of equal rank and kiss them; to those of lower rank they offer their cheek and in this way they receive the kiss; but those of still lower rank only make obeisance “
Callenthensis being rejected by alexaner
” well I shall go away, poorer by a kiss”
a person said to not kiss callisthenese because
“my lord dont kiss him, he has not made obeisance to you
alexander at the end of the mutiny had a banquet and made an announcement speech (showing that he was not going to stop the fusion policy)
” and Alexander prayed for various blessings and in particular that Persians and Macedonians might excercise a joint rule in harmony”
alex at opis (announcement before mutiny)
“Releasing individuals from the army due to old age or disability and are unfit for further service, and sending them home.”
Liked the way the persians treated him, wanted the macedonians to treat him like that
“oriental subservience had made him less indulgent towards the macedonains”
what did cleitus voice?
- Dislike for Alex’s status as “son of Ammon” (both his godly status AND his “abandoning” PII)
- Dislike for Alex’s adoption of Pn clothing
- A feeling that Alex was ignoring the Mns’ contribution to his success
- Disapproval of Alex’s treatment of conquered peoples, especially non-Mns as equals
- Disapproval of the adoption of Pn court customs which placed Alex above his subjects (contradicted p-i-p)
advantages of fusion policy
- require less power/time to control the empire as Persian helped (to control other areas
- fusing races together- harmony beneficial
- appease persian culture via adopting customs and showing respect
- creates cohesive community
- more reseoursce
- more power
- -more soldriers
=disadvantages of fusion policy:
- mn felt isolated due 2 new lifestyle and culture
- mn in top positions in the army(persians can feel slighted)
- contradicts primus inte Paris
- hard to appease both mn and persians
- hard 2 control empire as both king of persian and king of mn
royal pages part
what did callenthesis say about the fusion policy
Proskynesis as a barbarian degrading practise that would make Macedonians reduce down to the level of an animal, as advocated by his uncle Aristotle.
Cleitus part 1 syaing
Cleitus, when drinks has loosened his tongues, gave vent to complaints which he and doubtless many other Macedonians officers has bottled up for the pat 2 years.
Cleitus Part 2
of the saying
It was not right he shouted, for Macedonians whom were much superior that those who mocked them, even met with misfortune, to be insulted in front of natives and enemies.
alexander in solider eyes
“…endured their hardships more readily because they saw them being equally shared.” “This action so heartened the entire force that one would have thought that everyone had
drunk the water…” Arrian.