Alexander III 1881-1894 Flashcards
- Alexander III becomes into power= rejected his fathers reforms
- Creation of the Statue of State Security= Emergency powers following his father’s assassination
- Okrana created
- Gatherings of more than 12 people prohibited
- Led to 10,000 arrests
- Pobedonostsev becomes Holy Synod= forces Russian language and orthodox religion on ethnic minorities = 5 million Jews forced to live in the Pale settlement near the east of Poland.
- Middle classes had started to develop/kulaks= gaining managerial roles and other professions such as doctors and teachers
- Peasants= mostly illiterate and had sexual diseases = although number of peasants in primary schools had quadrupled since 1875 by 1911
- Working class= bad working conditions, many lived in dorms of factories which stayed open 24h
- Slavophilles peak= some attracted to socialism whilst others want to reform tsardom
-Bunge becomes finance minster= abolishes poll tax (Tax on households) and lowers redemption payments
- Peasant land bank set up= helps peasants to buy land = peasants could take advantage of large quantities being put on the market by the nobility
- Plekhanov sets up the ‘Emancipation of labour group’ from Switzerland which smuggles Marxist Tracts into Russia, although a smuggler gets caught in 1884
- University statue = stricter controls, bans organisations and women in universities= leads to uprisings with students and middle classes
- Liberalism has its peak= Some turn to socialism whilst others as in the zemstvos
- Vyshnegradsky becomes finance minister, improves Russian finances through; gold reserves and investment in mining and metal= modernisation
- Although relied on loans from big European countries such as Britain and France too much
- Increases import tariffs by 30% in 1891
- Modernisation brings opposition= illegal unions and Marxist discussion groups= small steps but important
-Loans from France used to grow the economy
-Land Captains formed= more power to the nobility= helped control the regions of Russia = acted as administrative officials between regions and local areas on behalf of the tsar
-Zemstva Act = control became more centralised. Peasant representation reduced and the vote was reduced
- Great Famine kills 500,000 = spread to 17 provinces out of 39. Caused cholera and typhus = highlighted the geographical problems due to the lack of connection between cities (before trans Siberian)
- Government kept on exporting grain during the famine = has to ask help but zemstva took control = other voluntary bodies organised citizens to create relief campaigns= doctors and teachers got involved
- despite the Famine, grain grew by 18% by 1891 = more money for industry = vyshnegradsky’s policies had been used to politicise Russia and caused growth in opposition towards the government.
-Witte becomes finance minister= heavy industry focus, foreign loans= also got European powers to invest in Russian joint-stock companies
Grain exports= way used to pay for foreign loans and imports.
Creates the Trans-Siberian Railway = end of 1890s 60% of all iron and steel was consumed by railway.
Neglects light industry, agriculture and welfare of the population
Adoption of the gold standard for the rouble
Alexander III dies of a kidney infection