Alcohol Metabolism & Oxidative Stress Flashcards
Briefly explain how the metabolism of alcohol can cause damage to the liver.
Explain why a patient taking the drug disulfiram would experience “Hangover” like symptoms if they subsequently drank alcohol.
Briefly explain how superoxide radicals are produced by mitochondria
List three agents in cells which protect against reactive oxygen species
Briefly explain the relationship between NADPH and glutathione
Define oxidative stress
Briefly explain how a respiratory burst is produced by some leucocytes
Explain how some amino acids can be converted to glucose (glucogenic), some can be converted to ketone bodies (ketogenic) and others can be converted to both glucose and ketone bodies (glucogenic & ketogenic).
Describe the processes that produce ammonia in the body.
Describe in general terms how amino acids are degraded in the
body and list the products of their degradation.
Name two anti-oxidant vitamins