Alcohol - clincial Flashcards
What is one unit of alcohol
10ml or 8g pure ethanol
Safe limits of alcohol for men and womem
Women - 14 units a week
Men - 21 units a week
How is alcohol absorbed
From upper small intestine
via portal vein transported to liver
Metabolism of alcohol
Some metabolised in stomach by alcohol dehydrogenase (AD)
Mostly metabolised in liver.
AD oxidises alcohol to acetaldehyde (in cytosol)
Acetylaldehyde dehydrogenase then oxidises acetaldehyde to acetic acid (in mitochondria)
NAD+ helps this reaction take place by being reduced to NADH
+_+ cytochrome p4502e1 also involved
Disulfiram effect on metabolism
Inhibits acetlyaldehyde dehydrogenase
When ethanol is consumed causes flushing, tachycardia, hyperventilation and panic due to excessive acetaldehyde in blood
How quickly does the body metabolise alcohol
1 unit per hour
Bad physical effects of alcohol
- Increased risk of oral, head and neck cancers with spirits and injunction with smoking
- Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
- systemic hypertension
- Korsakoff’s syndrome (thamine deficiency); memory loss, character change
- Wernicke’s encephalopathy (underweight, jerky eye movements, poor balance)
Symptoms of alcohol poisoning
- confusion
- lack of coordination
- vomiting
- irreglar/ slow breathing
- blue tinged skin
- low body tem
- stupor
- unconcious
Barretts oesophagus
Change from squamous to columnar epithelium
Men, middle aged, overwight, smoke and drink to excess
cell change can result in cancer
Types of hiatus hernia
SLIDING; just top of oesophagus
ROLLING; fundus of stomach moves up too
Alcohol effects on stomach
- acute gastritis
- acute or chronic ulceration
- portal gastropathy
Alcohol excess causing bleeding
Vomiting up blood is ulceration in duodenum
Lower down large intestine would cause maleana black stool
Alcohol has effect on…
Pancreas (chronic pancreatitis)
Liver (alcoholic liver disease)
Normal liver functions
protein synth (albumin, clotting factors)
glycogen storage
detoxification of xenobiotics, hormones and ingested drugs
bilirubin metabolism
Stages of alcoholic liver disease
- acute fatty change
- alcoholic hepatitis
- hepatic fibrosis
- cirrhosis
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- acute fatty change
in acinar zone 3
mainly large droplet
may cause acute hepatic failure
reversible on withdrawal of alcohol
- alcoholic hepatitis
fatty change, mainly large droplet
mallory’s hyaline
breakdown of keratinocytes causing inflammation
- Hepatic fibrosis
starts in acinar zone 3
initially pericellular fibrosis
activation of hepatic stellate cell causes
reversible on withdrawal
- cirrhosis
Has liver failure, portal hypertension and hepatocellular carcinoma effects
- cirrhosis
liver failure
Low albumin Coagulation problems > bleeding hyperoestrogenism (gynaecomastia, gonadal atrophy, Dupuytren's contractureliver palms, spider naevi) jaundice encephalopathy (confused)
- cirrhosis
portal hypertension
- hepatocellular carcinoma
Very poor prognosis 6-9 months
raised serum alpha-fetoprotein levels
CAGE questions
Every thought... Cutting down? Angry for criticizing drinking? Guilty for drinking? Eye opener (to wake up/ steady nerves/ hangover)
NEED 2 OR MORE for significance