Alcohol Flashcards
What is the active compound in alcohol?
Is there a specific ethanol receptor in the brain?
Which receptors does ethanol bind in the CNS? List 5.
- nAChR
- 5HT3
- NMDA glutamate receptor
- Opioid receptos
Although alcohol acts on these 4 receptors, which is responsible for the majority of the effects of alcohol and why?
The GABA-A receptor: alcohol binds GABA-A and acts as an agonist, thus increasing the effects of GABA. This causes a predisposition for hyperpolarisation as GABA-A is a ligand-gated Cl- channel, leading to decreased neuronal transmission, giving sedative effects.
Alcohol usage increases levels of dopamine in the reward pathway. Why is this, if GABA transmission in enhanced and GABA inhibits dopaminergic neurons?
Alcohol consumption causes an increase in opioid transmission. Opioids affect the reward pathway as they inhibit GABAergic neurons, producing increased dopamine transmission in the VTA. This process is poorly understood.
Alcohol has apparent stimulant effects, like euphoria and enhanced self-confidence. Why?
Because the reward pathway is being stimulated.
Why do you feel warm when you drink?
Because alcohol causes vasodilation.
Why do you become hungry when you drink?
Because alcohol increases gastric secretions.
Why do alcohol cause frequent urination?
It inhibits ADH
What side effect of drinking alcohol is unique to males?
Impotence (ability to develop/maintain an erection.
Describe the absorption of alcohol.
It passes rapidly through the stomach and is absorbed in the small intestine.
What can slow the metabolism of alcohol?
The presence of food, particularly high-fat food, in the stomach.
How long does it take for alcohol to begin having an effect?
5-10 minutes.
How long do the effects of alcohol last?
How long does it take to reach peak blood alcohol concentration if a) there is no food in the stomach and b) there is food in the stomach?
a) 45mins - 1h20mins
b) 1h-2h
Where is alcohol metabolised?
In the liver, although a tiny (but constant) proportion of it is not metabolised and is lost via urine and breath.
Describe the 2 stage metabolism of ethanol.
- Ethanol is broken down by ADH to acetaldehyde
2. Acetaldehyde is broken down by ALDH to acetic acid
What cofactor do both ADH and ALDH require?