Albert Bandura Flashcards
What experience after highschool broadened the perspectives and scope of views on life for Bandura?
Taking a construction job in the wilderness of the Yukon Territory.
What is the term of Bandura’s basic concept about learning?
Observational learning.
What is modeling in terms of observational learning?
A behavior modification technique that involves observing the behavior of others (the models) and participating with them in performing the desired behavior
What is the name of a famous experiment conducted by Bandura (and many others after him) with children?
Bobo doll experiment.
In Skinner’s system, reinforcers control
behavior; for Bandura, it is the ________ who control behavior.
models (examples)
What are the three factors that influence modelling?
The characteristics of the models, the characteristics of the observers, the reward consequences associated with the behaviors.
What are the characteristics of the model that foster social learning?
Age and sex - people are more prone to imitating peers of the same sex. Well dressed people are also more likely to be imitated.
Which charateristics of the observer make her/him more prone to imitating?
Low self-confidence and low self-esteem.
What are the four processes that govern observational learning.
Attention, retention, production, motivation.
“Staying awake during driver’s education class” is an example of which processes?
Attentional processes?
“Taking notes on the lecture material or the video of a person driving a car” is an example of which processes?
Retention processes.
“Getting in a car with an instructor to practice shifting
gears and dodging the traffic cones in the school parking lot.” is an example of which processes?
Production processes.
“Expecting that when we have mastered driving skills, we will pass the state test and receive a driver’s
license.” is an example of which processes?
Incentive and motivational processes.
Self-reinforcement is considered by theorist to be similar to another concept from psychoanalysis. Which one?
The superego.
What is self-reinforcement?
The rewards or the punishments we givo to ourselves when we fulfill or don’t fulfill our own personal standarts.
What is self-efficacy?
The power of believing you can.
According to Bandura inappropriate or destructive behaviors are learned or an expression of uncoscious conflicts?
Learned, as every other behavior.
Bandura believed that behavior modification can be done through modelling. To what behaviors did he apply behavior modification?
Fears and phobias, anxiety.