alaskan tundra Flashcards
occupied 8 million km2 in northern Canada, Alaska, Siberia
- extends from northern edge of boreal coniferous forest to the Arctic Ocean + its southern limit approximates 10•C July isotherm (climatic limit of tree line)
- Climatic conditions in Alaskan tundra are severe with mean temperatures below -15•C
what type of heat balance does the tundra have
for 8 or 9 months a year, has negative heat balance with average monthly temperatures below freezing
- as result, ground permanently frozen with only top metre so thawing during Arctic summer
what underlies much of Alaskan tundra + is important feature
In winter, when for several weeks Sun remains below horizon, temperatures can plunge below
‘…’ in summer provide some compensation for shortness of growing season.
long hours of daylight
- there is also low mean annual precipitation
few plants + animals have adapted to this extreme environment
- low biodiversity
- ecosystem is treeless (apart from few dwarf species)
- in southern areas, low Arctic - conditions less severe + vegetation provides continuous ground cover
- further north in High Arctic, plant cover is discontinuous with extensive areas of bare ground
main features of water cycle in Alaskan Tundra
- low annual precipitation (less then 100mm in most places) with most precipitation falling as snow
- small stores of moisture in atmosphere due to low temperatures which reduce absolute humidity
- limited transpiration as sparseness of vegetation cover + short growing season of only abt 3 months
- low rates of evaporation (much of Sun’s energy in summer is expended melting snow so that ground temperatures remain low + inhibit convection
- also, surface + soil water are frozen for most of year
- limited groundwater + soil moisture stores (permafrost is barrier to infiltration, percolation, recharge + groundwater flow)
- accumulation of snow + river/lake ice during winter months (melting of snow, river + lake ice + uppermost active layer of permafrost in spring + early summer, results in sharp increase in river flow)
- extensive wetlands, ponds + lakes on tundra during summer (this temporary store of liquid water is due to permafrost which impedes drainage)
How many lakes does Alaska have
3 million
- extensive wetlands lie in valleys (e.g Yukon River), in deltas + along coast (especially of Bering Sea)
carbon cycle in tundra
permafrost is vast carbon sink
- accumulation of carbon due to low temperatures which slow decomposition of dead plant material
- overall amount of carbon in Alaskan tundra soils is 5x greater than in above-ground biomass
- flux of carbon is concentrated in summer months when active layer thaws
plants in carbon cycle
grow rapidly in short summer (e.g sedges, crow berry + moss)
- long hours of daylight allow them to flower + fruit within few weeks
- Alaskan tundra biomass is small, ranging between 4 + 29 tonnes/ha depending on density of vegetation cover
- during growing season, tundra plants input carbon-rich litter to soil
- activity of microorganisms increases, releasing CO2 to atmosphere through respiration
- but CO2 + CH4 emissions are not just confined to summer
- even in winter, pockets of unfrozen soil + water in permafrost act as sources of CO2 + CH4
- snow cover may insulate microbial organisms + allow some decomposition despite low temperatures
-in past, permafrost functioned as carbon sink, but today…
global warming has raised concerns in Alaska that is becoming carbon source
- at moment, evidence is unclear
- while outputs of carbon from permafrost have increased in recent decades, higher temperatures stimulated plant growth in tundra + greater uptake of CO2
- this in turn has increased amount of plant litter entering store
- so it’s possible that despite warming Alaskan climate, carbon budget in tundra today remains close to balance
physical factors, seasonal changes + stores + flows of water
flows + stores of water in Alaskan tundra are influenced by temperature , relief , rock permeability
- average temperatures are below freezing for most of year so water stored as ground ice in permafrost layer
- during short summer, shallow active layer (top metre)
thaws + liquid water flows on surface
- meltwater forms millions of pools + shallow lakes which scatter tundra landscape
- poor drainage: water cannot infiltrate soil bc of permafrost at depth
- in winter, sub-zero temperatures prevent evapotranspiration
- in summer, some evapotranspiration occurs from standing water, saturated soils + vegetation
- humidity is low all year round +precipitation sparse
- low permeability due to permafrost + Precambrian igneous + metamorphic rocks which dominate geology of tundra in Alaska
- ancient rock surface which underlies tundra has been reduced to gently undulating plain by hundreds of millions of years of erosion + weathering
- minimal reliefs + chaotic glacial deposits impede drainage + contribute to waterlogging during summer months
physical factors, seasonal changes + stores + flows of carbon
- carbon mainly stored as partly decomposed plant remains frozen in permafrost
- most of this carbon has been locked away for at least past 500,000 years
- low temperatures, unavailability of liquid water for most of year + parent rocks containing few nutrients, limit plant growth
- thus total carbon store of biomass is relatively small
- averaged over year, photosynthesis + NPP are low, with growing season lasting barely 3 months
- but there is some compensation for short growing season in long hours of daylight in summer
- low temperatures + waterlogging slow decomposition + respiration + flow of CO2 to atmosphere
- owing to impermeabiliry of permafrost, rock permeability, porosity + mineral composition of rocks exert little influence on cycles
oil + gas production + carbon + water cycles in Alaska
North Slope of Alaska, between Brooks Range in South + Arctic Ocean in North, is vast wilderness of Arctic tundra
oil + gas were discovered here at Prudhoe Bay in
from start, development of oil + gas industries on North Slope presented major challenges:
harsh climate with extreme cold + long periods of darkness in winter
permafrost, + melting of active layer in summer;
remoteness + poor accessibility; + fragile wilderness of great ecological value.
despite challenges, production went ahead, driven by
high global energy prices + US government’s policy to reduce dependence on oil imports
- Massive fixed investments in pipelines, roads, oil production plants, gas processing facilities, power lines, power generators + gravel quarries were completed in 1970s + 1980s.
- By early 1990s, North Slope accounted for nearly 1/4 of USAs domestic oil production.
- Today proportion less than 4 %though Alaska remains important oil + gas province
Decline in oil production in recent years reflects 2 things:
high production costs on North Slope + massive growth of the oil shale industry in USA
Oil and gas exploitation on Alaska’s North Slope has had significant impacts on permafrost + on local water and carbon cycles.
permafrost highly sensitive to changes in thermal balance
- In many areas, this balance has been disrupted by activities of oil + gas companies which have caused localised melting of permafrost.
melting associated with:
- construction + operation of oil + gas installations, settlements + infrastructure diffusing heat directly to environment
- dust deposition along roadsides creating darkened snow surfaces, thus increasing absorption of sunlight
- removal of vegetation cover which insulates permafrost.
Permafrost melting releases
CO2 + methane (CH4)
On North Slope, estimated CO, losses from
permafrost vary from
7 to 40 million/tonnes/year
on North Slope, CH4 losses range from
24,000 to 114,000 tonnes/year
what also inputs CO2 to atmosphere
gas flaring + oil spillages
Other changes to local carbon cycle are linked to industrial development. E.g
destruction or degrading of tundra vegetation reduces photosynthesis and the uptake of CO2 from atmosphere; + thawing of soil increases microbial activity, decomposition + emissions of CO2
CO2 emissions from North Slope permafrost are estimated to have increased by
73 % since 1975.
slow-growing nature of tundra vegetation means that
regeneration + recovery from damage takes decades
Melting of permafrost + snow cover increases…
run-off + river discharge, making flooding more likely.
- means that in summer, wetlands, ponds + lakes have become more extensive, increasing evaporation.
Strip mining of aggregates (sand + gravel) for construction creates…
artificial lakes which disrupt drainage + also expose the permafrost to further melting.
Artificial lakes at Goldstream, near Fairbanks, have experienced 15 m of permafrost thaw in the last 60 years.
In addition, drainage networks are disrupted by road construction + by seismic explosions used to prospect for oil + gas.
water abstracted from creeks + rivers for industrial use and for the building of ice roads in winter, such as one between Fairbanks + Prudhoe Bay, reduce…
localised run-off.
BP extracts most of the water it needs from Kuparuk River + Big Lake.
Management strategies to moderate the impact on the water and carbon cycles. (intro)
Development on the North Slope has often involved the deliberate destruction of the permafrost. Today the emphasis is on protecting permafrost (Table 4.11), thus minimising disruption to the water and carbon cycles and wildlife. However, the purpose of these strategies is also pragmatic: melting permafrost causes widespread damage to buildings and roads as well as increased maintenance costs for pipelines and other infrastructure
list strategies to reduce impact of development on water + carbon cycles
- insulated ice + gravel pads
- buildings + pipelines elevated on piles
- drilling laterally beyond drilling platforms
- more powerful computers - can detect oil + gas-bearing geological structures remotely
- refrigerated supports
insulated ice + gravel pads
roads + other infrastructural features can be constructed on insulating ice or gravel pads, thus protecting permafrost from melting.
The Spine Road at Prudhoe Bay lies on a 2m deep pad.
buildings + pipelines elevated on piles
Constructing buildings, oil/gas pipelines and other infrastructure on piles allows cold air to circulate beneath these structures. This provides insulation against heat-generating buildings, pipework, etc. which would otherwise melt the permafrost.
drilling laterally beyond drilling platforms
New drilling techniques allow oil and gas to be accessed several kilometres from the drilling site.
Shell has developed the ‘snake drill;, which allows directional drilling across wide area from a single drilling site. With fewer sites needed for drilling rigs, impact on vegetation + permafrost due to construction (access roads, pipelines, production facilities, etc.) is greatly reduced.
refrigerated supports
Refrigerated supports are used on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline to stabilise temperature of permafrost.
Similar supports are widely used to conserve permafrost beneath buildings + other infrastructure.
more powerful computers - can detect oil + gas-bearing geological structures remotely
Fewer exploration wells are needed thus reducing impact on environment. About 10% of all ‘supercomputers’ have been delivered to oil industry. Its 2 big computational tasks: seismic data processing (to deduce underground geological structures), and reservoir modelling (to simulate the flows within a producing field, in order to optimise amount of oil that can be recovered).