Al-Takathur (The rivalry in worldly increase) Flashcards
Dens sammenhæng med al-Qari’ah?
Al Bica’i: When Allah concluded the matter of the hour of al Qari’ah, He mentioned a group of people who will enter in the fire. This surah will discuss such people.
So He started this surah to tell the reasons why they fell into the hellfire.
In the previous surah – Allah was talking ABOUT them (3rd person). Allah starts this one in the 2nd person – a final piece of advice from Allah to such people.
Betydningen af alha/il-haa?
alha – lahwan (past tense) – il-haa. Literally means Entertainment.
That which keeps you busy and distracts you from what you should really be doing. This is the essence of Lahw.
il-haa – to be distracted and pulled away from something. This word means that you are wasting your time on something which is less important, when you could be doing something alot more important.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُلْهِكُمْ أَمْوَالُكُمْ وَلَا أَوْلَادُكُمْ عَن ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۚ
O you who believe, do not put [tulhikum] your wealth and children from the remembrance of Allah.
Our wealth and children should make us remember Allah and not be a source of distraction which distances us from Him. That lesson – we will learn in this surah.
Allah will tell us how to get the things which distract us of this worldly life, and think of them in a way which will bring us closer to Allah’s remembrance.
Betydningen af alhakumu attakathur?
Alhakumu attakathur
The Piling up of worldly things diverts you… It deluded you.
What did? Al Takathur deluded you/distracted you.
Takathur - kathra - katheer = Alot / Plentifulness.
Hvad distraherede os?
1 – The desire of having alot – distracts you.
2 - Competing with others in getting alot. (penge og børn jf. verset fra al-Munafiquun)
3 – Taking Pride in the Fact that you have more.
4 – The fact that you want more and more.
Hvad er visdommen i at udelade ‘an (fra)?
You have to usually Always say ‘An [from] after this word of il-ha.
But Allah does not say ‘An in this ayah. Why is this?
By leaving it open – it becomes (itlaq) – Absolute. Meaning: - ‘You figure it out yourself’.
Ash-Shawkani; it distracted you but He didn’t tell what distracted you. Rather He made it absolute because that makes it more eloquent when shouting and criticizing someone. By leaving it open – what distracted you is open to you.
By making it removed – it is general to the many distractions. As is established in (ilm al bayan) – the science of speech/eloquence. Takathur distracted you from everything, from the obedience to Allah and from working towards the next life.
Hvad mener de lærde at vi blev distraheret fra?
Some scholars said it distracted you from;
- The truth.
- The One who sent the truth (Allah/God)
Your worldly affairs kept you away from Allah. - Looking into yourself: “What am I doing in life? What is my purpose?” You waste your life in worldly pursuits, forgetting what your real purpose is.
- Paying Attention to this Message: It was supposed to give you guidance in this life.
- In surah al Qari’ah; This distraction distracted you from Judgment Day: preparing for it.