Al-Naba' Flashcards
The News (high, exalted …)
(اَلنَّبَإِ (ن ب ا
(مُخْتَلِفُونَ (خ ل ف
resting place, to spread (bed), gain, earn
(مِهَادًا (م ه د
(أَوْتَادًا (و ت د
Rest, stop work, keep the sabbath
(سُبَاتًا (س ب ت
Covering, garment, conceal, envelope
(لِبَاسًا (ل ب س
Livelihood, rituals
(مَعَاشًا (ع ي ش
we constructed/ built
(بَنَيْنَا (ب ن ا
to shine, be beautiful, sun/lamp
(سِرَاجًا (س ر ج
blazing, burning, dazzle
(وَهَّاجًا (و ه ج
the rain-clouds
(اَلْمُعْصِرَاتِ (ع ص ر
to flow, rain down, spout
(ثَجًّاجًّا (ث ج ج
(حَبٌّ (ح ب ب
to grow, sprout, germinate
(نَبَاتًا (ن ب ت
dense, thick foliage
(أَلْفَافًا (ل ف ف
an appointed time/place
(مِيْقَاتًا (و ق ت
in which shall be blown
(يُنْفَخُ (ن ف خ
The Trumpet
(الصُّورِ (ص و ر
you come forth
(تَأْتُو (ا ت ي
crowds, to become fat
(اَفْوَاجًا (ف و ج
(أَبْوَابًا (ب و ب
travel, journey
(سُيِّرَتِ (س ي ر
mirage, to go freely, nothing, optical illusion
(سَرَابًا (س ر ب
lurking place, watch, look out, ambush
(مِرْصَادًا (ر ص د
transgressors, exceed a limit,
(طَاغِيْنَ (ط غ و
a place to return/repent
(مَءَابًا (ا و ب
the people who remain/stop
(لاَبِثِيْنَ (ل ب ث
suppressed for a long time
(ذَوْقُونَ (ذ و ق
scalding water
(حَمِيمًا (ح م م
purulent, darkness
(غَسَّاقًا (غ ي ق
recompense, pay
(جَزَآءً (ج ز ي
(وِِفَاقًا (و ف ق
to hope/expect
(يَرْجُونَ (ر ج و
(we) enumerated
(أَحْصَيْناَ (ح ص ي
(we will) increase
(نَزِيْدَ (ز ي د
(is) success/fulfillment of desires
(مَفَازًا (ف و ذ
gardens, to look intently at something
(حَدَآءِقَ (ح د ق
grape vines
(أَعْنَابًا (ع ن ب
splendid companions, voluptuous women
(كَوَاعِبَ (ك ع ب
well-matched, equal, dust
(أَتْرَابًا (ت ر ب
(دِهَاقًا (د ه ق
a gift, to take/receive
(عَطَاءً (ع ط و
argue have a dialogue
(خِطَابًا (خ ط ب
in rows
(صَفًّا (ص ف ف
permits, listened
(أَذِنَ (ا ذ ن
(what is) correct
(صَوَابًا (ص و ب
see, be patient towards, dazzle
(يَنْظُرُ (ن ظ ر
wholesome food, perfect man
(اَلْمَرْءُ (م ر ا
have sent forth
(قَدَّمَتْ (ق م