Al Azar Flashcards
At the moment…
De momento… 🇪🇸
En este momento…
Por el momento (for the moment)
I will miss you…
Te echaré de menos…
(Echar de menos) - to miss something/somebody
“I throw less / am lessened”
(I) was meant to…
Se suponía que (yo) debía…
It was meant to be that (I) should…
… more than ever.
… más que nunca.
…more than never.
How have you been?
¿Qué tal has estado?
¿Cómo has estado?
“I dropped my phone on the floor.”
(The phone fell on the floor to me…)
“Se me cayó el móvil al suelo.”
’Se’ on front implies it was an accident
Technically “prepare yourself”
Imperative of “prepararse”
Keep up with
Seguir el ritmo
“Follow the rhythm”
To be right ✅
Tener razón ✅
To take for granted
Dar por sentado
Te doy por sentado
Me das por sentado
To have overdone it…
Pasarse tres pueblos
te has pasado tres pueblos
me he pasado tres pueblos
Click your fingers
Chasquear los dedos
to wind (somebody) up
Tocar las narices (a alguien) 👃
To have no common sense ✌️🤦♂️
No tener dos dedos de frente
There is a multiplier effect
Hay un efecto multiplicador