AJX B767 Limitations Flashcards
*Dimensions - Length
176’ 4” (53.67m)
*Dimensions - Height
52’ (15.85m)
*Dimensions - Span
156’ 1” (47.57m)
*Landing Gear Speeds (VLE): Normal
Retraction: 270 Kts
Extension: 270 Kts/.82M
Extended: 270 Kts/.82M
*Landing Gear Speeds: Alternate
250 Kts/.75M
*Max T-O/Ldg Tailwind
RWY Length:
2,001 m or above = 15 Kts
2,000 m or below = 10 Kts
Max Taxi Weight (-300)
Max T/O Weight (-300)
Max Lnd Weight (-300)
Max Zero Fuel Weight (-300)
*Flap Speeds
300/300ER,F 1 245/250 5 225/230 15/20 205/210 25 175/180 30 165/170
*Do not extend flaps above _________
20,000 ft
*Runway Slope Limit
+/- 2%
*Max Operating Pressure Altitude
43,100 ft
Max Takeoff and Landing Pressure Altitude
8,400 ft
*Photoluminescent Charging:
15 minutes = 6.5 hrs
30 minutes = 11 hrs
Verify Ops check of flight deck access system has been accomplished ________
once each flight day
*Cat D Circling speed:
141 - 165 Kts/1.23 VS1G)
*Max Airspeed
.86 M
*Max Cabin Diff Pressure
9.1 PSI
*Max Allowable Cabin Diff Pressure for Takeoff/Lnd
0.125 PSI (236 ft below airport pressure altitude)
Engine Anti-Ice must be ON during all ground and flight ops when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except ________
when the temperature is below -40 C SAT
Icing Conditions exist when:
OAT or TAT in flight is 10 C or below and visible moisture (or vis 1 mile or less)
OAT 10 C or below when operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where snow, water, slush etc. may be ingested by engines or freeze on engines, nacelles, or engine sensor probes.
*On takeoff, do not engage CWS or CMD mode ____________
below 200 ft AGL
*Max allowable wind conditions for autoland:
Headwind: 25 Kts
Tailwind: Op Limit (15/10)
Crosswind: 25 Kt
*Use of _______ with autopilot engaged is prohibited
aileron trim
Do not use ___________ for ATC communications with ACARS operational.
center VHF
Messages that can be transmitted and received over ACARS if they are verified per approved operational procedures:
FLEX INF ATIS Takeoff Data Pre-Departure Clearance Oceanic Clearance Weight and Balance
*Max N1 RPM
*Max N2 RPM
*Max EGT/time limit, Takeoff
960 C / 5 min
*Max EGT, Continuous
925 C
*Max EGT, Starting
750 C (870 C for 40 sec)
*Min Oil Pressure
10 PSI
*Max Oil Temp/time
175 C, 15 min
160 C, continuous
Max time for takeoff thrust rating (including derated takeoff and reduced takeoff thrust):
5 min
Reverse Thrust is for _______ only
ground use
Engine ignition must be ________
on for takeoff and landing
Engine Limit Display Markings
Max and min limits: ______
Precautionary limits: _____
The flight crew shall not blank ____________during takeoff.
engine vibration display
*Max allowable diff between altitude display for RVSM
Between Capt/Copilot
Capt/Copilot vs field elevation
40 ft
75 ft
With a single FMC, during VOR approaches one pilot must have ________, no later than ___________.
raw data from the VOR on RDMI or HSI in the VOR mode
no later than FAF
Two IRS in conjunction with two FMCS, meet requirements of FAA Advisory Circular 25-4 as the sole means of navigation for flights of up to________
18 hrs duration
*Ground alignment of IRS has been demonstrated to be satisfactory between ______
78.2 N and 78.2 S latitudes
*In NAV mode the IRS will provide valid magnetic heading and track between ______
73 N and 60 S latitudes
*The FMCS will provide navigation, guidance, and map display between ________
87 N and 87 S latitudes
Do not operate weather radar ________
in a hangar or within 50 ft of any personnel or fuel spill
hangar/personnel restriction does not apply to test mode
*Max Allowable Fuel Weight
Left Main Tank
Right Main Tank
Center Tank (300ER/F)
42,671 lb
42,671 lb
84,490 lb
- ________ of fuel may be loaded in the center tank with less than full wing tanks, if all following conditions are met:
1. wt of fuel in center plus______ does not exceed _______ and balance limits observed.
2. If fuel jettison installed/activated no less than _____ lb fuel must be in wing tanks
3. Fuel must be used in accordance with ______
22,050 lb
- actual Zero Fuel Weight
Max Zero Fuel Weight - 10,300 lb
- Fuel Usage II.
Fuel Usage I
Use tank to engine fuel feed for takeoff and landing with following procedures:
- position all operable main tank boost pumps to on
- Close crossfeed valve.
Fuel Usage II (300 ER/F)
- Use center tank fuel for all ops with operable fuel boost pumps ON and crssfeed closed, then use Fuel Usage I
- Intentional dry runnign of center tank pump prohibited
- Crossfeed valve(s) is open for minimum fuel operation and may be opened to correct fuel imbalance.
Do not reset a ____________ or ____________
tripped fuel pump
fuel pump control circuit breaker
Use of ________ and __________ fuels are prohibited.
Jet B
*Max Tank Fuel Temp
49 C
*Min Tank Fuel Temp: Fuel Freezing Point
+3 C
Note: the use of fuel system icing inhibitor additives does not change min fuel tank temp limit.
EGPWS: Do not use ______ for navigation
terrain display
EGPWS: Do not use the look ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions:
Within 15 NM of takeoff, approach or landing at an airport or runway not contained in the EGPWS airport database or:
- (PAX, 300 BCF) FMS is in IRS NAV Only or
- unless FMS Position has been updated within 5 min prior to takeoff or
- during QFE Operations
*Max Crosswind DRY WET (Grooved) WET (Ungrooved) FLOODED
20 20 (15 - RWY less than 2500m) 20 (15 - RWY less than 2500m) 15 (10 - RWY less than 2500m) 10
*Max Crosswind SLUSH
2 mm or less 15
3 ~ 12 mm 10
*Measured Coefficient of Friction and RCR
.40 + 13+ GOOD
.36-.39 12 MEDIUM to GOOD
.30-.35 10-11 MEDIUM
.26-.29 9 MEDIUM TO POOR
.20-.25 7-8 POOR
.19- 6- VERY POOR
*Braking Action (US vs JCAB vs ICAO)
If ICAO POOR, confirm COF to determine if JCAB POOR or VERY POOR
*The braking action will usually be reported by dividing runway ______________ , then _______________________________.
three sections
then the worst braking action among three sections should be applied.
*Takeoff and landing not permitted when depth: water or slush wet snow dry snow (takeoff) dry snow (landing)
water or slush………………….13mm (.51 in)
wet snow…………………………51mm (2.01 in)
dry snow (takeoff)…………..71mm (2.80 in)
dry snow (landing)………..153mm (6.01 in)
When the braking action is ______ (or _____) (or the braking coefficient is ____ and below), no takeoff or landing is permitted.
VERY POOR (or NIL) .19 and below
*Min inflight weights
179,000 lbs
177,300 lbs
180,400 lbs
Note: the Min Inflight Weight does not include usable fuel.
*Flight Maneuvering Load Limits
Flaps Up
Flaps Down
Note: with flaps 25 and 30, positive limits vary linearly from _____ at max landing weight to _____ at max takeoff weight.
+2.5g to -1.0g
+2.0 to 0.0 g
+2.0 g
+1.5 g
*Fuel Freezing Points Jet A Jet A-1 JP5 JP8
- 40 C Jet A
- 47 C Jet A-1
- 46 C JP5
- 47 C JP8
Total number of PAX (without infants) shall not exceed _____________ (because of emergency evacuation). And shall not exceed the number for which seating accommodation.
*APU altitude limits
For electric
For bleed
43,100 ft
17,000 ft
*Turbulence penetration speed
250 < 15,000
*Wingtip Strike
~15* at 2 ANU
*IFR Min Safe ALT:
MEA, _____ above obstacle with in ____ of course.
2,000 ft
5 NM
*Touchdown Zone (ANA)
750 ft to 2,000 ft from threshold