AJ Flashcards
How old are you, AJ?
Do you attend school?
Yes, I am a senior at buckeye high school
AJ, describe yourself for the court?
I am a medieval enthusiast, so much so that I even founded a high school club for medieval activities. I also work every year at the Buckeye Medieval Faire which allows me to dress up in medieval costumes and speak like a medieval person.
What is the Buckeye Medieval Faire?
It’s only the most popular event in Buckeye. It’s a fair celebrating medieval times and culture. The main event in the annual costume contest.
Besides working at the Faire, what, if any, Faire events did you participate in?
The costume contest of course. I mean, I spent an entire year planning my costume to try and win best in show.
What were you dressed in costume as?
An archer
And what did your archer costume consist of?
A helmet, a chain all coif covering my neck and head, an archers tunic, a breast plate, leather greaves to cover my shins and special foot wear. Oh, and bow and arrows too!!!!
Were the bow and arrows real?
Of course not. It was a toy bow and the arrows had foam and multicolored tips.
Specifically, what colors were the arrow tips?
Primarily pink, purple, and sky blue
AJ, I am now handing you what has been marked as exhibit B. Do you recognize this document?
Can you please identify for the court what exhibit B is?
It’s a replica of the bow and arrows that I used as part of my archer costume.
Does the bow and arrows shown in exhibit B differ in any way from the bow and arrows which you had in your possession?
Aj, do you recall the events of July 25, 2015?
Yes, unfortunately that was the day I got shot multiple times by Officer Riley Green?
Can you describe the events of July 25, 2015 leading up to your being shot?
I had signed up to participate in the costume contest which was taking place later that evening. Because it took me 20 minutes to get the costume on, I decided to dress up at home and drive to the Faire in full costume
What, if any, reactions did you receive from others while driving to the fair dressed like a medieval archer?
Oh, I definitely for a few stares. I also got a lot of smiles and people where giving me a thumbs up too. It was funny.
What occurred when you initially arrived at the fair?
Actually, I had made plans to go to the Faire with my friend, Sam jones, so I parked on Sam’s street and began looking for his house.