Aish'a abu bakar Flashcards
Born in Mecca around 605-607 CE
Father was Abu Bakr - very important person as the first of the four rightly guided caliphs.
Known as “Mother of the believers”
Had a keen intellect, strong will and eloquence model for Muslim children
She was a Hafizah (a woman who could recite the Quran)
Considered an authority on Islamic law and tradition with over 2000 sayings in the Hadith being attributed to her
Taught and helped develop the tradition of Islam
Aisha is a challenge to contemporary views of purdah (how women were culturally seen) and a role model for women in the Islamic society as she did not fit the cultural stereotype of women
Immersed herself in Islam and became a scholar
Aisha was a source of revelations
(Resit Haylamaz)
“Aisha was a bridge between the time of the Prophet and the future of Islam”
o A’isha made many contributions to the development of Islam and devoted her life to developing the Islamic tradition.
o A’isha was a female leader, teacher, theologian, scholar and political activist.
o She was loyal, brave, humble and remarkable intelligent allowing her to make powerful impacts on the development and expression of Islam
It is quite possible that A’isha was present when Muhammad received some of his revelations.
After the death of the Prophet, people would come to A’isha for advice and verification on what they had heard (hadith), confident of her judgement.
Can recall the Hadith
She taught and developed the tradition of Islam as both interpreter and transmitter of Islamic knowledge.
Attar Bin Abi Kibal (student of many of her companions) says
“Aisha was the best theologian, the most learned and the one having sound judgment”.
- Al-Ahnaf
“I have not heard speech more persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of Aisha.”
Scandal of the Slander: A’isha was accused of adultery in the desert but she refused to repent for something she didn’t do. Prophet’s cousin advised him to divorce her but Muhammad received a further Qur’anic revelation declaring that in such cases 4 witnesses were required.
This cleared her name and established the law requiring 4 witnesses to adultery and punishment on those who falsely accuse.
She was a model for all women in both prosperity and adversity.
“And those that accuse of honourable women but bring not four witnesses…never accept their testimony.” (Quran)
Aisha was active in a number of ways:
- Teaching the community
- Interpreting the Quran
- Participating in Muslim rituals
- Praying with the community
- Preparing for and participating in key Muslim feasts
Contributions to the Hadiths
She transmitted 2210 traditions on topics of, theological questions, legal and ritual issues, incidents in the community, exegesis and prayer.
If scholars differed on a Hadith, they would go to A’isha.
“Aisha was the best theologian, the most learned and the one having sound judgment”.
Contributions as a legal source
Responsible for ¼ of Shari’ah Law.
A’isha is named the counsellor to the Caliphs.
“Even senior companions of the Prophet used to consult A’isha in resolving intricate issues.” – Arwan Bin Zubair
Contributions as a role model for Women
Promoted the education of women
Persuasive and clear speaker
Demonstration of absolute obedience and submission.
Rejected wealth.
Generous with her income.
Sought to overturn the “days of ignorance” where women had little to no rights.
Confronted and interrupted the misogyny of her time, particularly challenging a popular male Hadith scholar Abu Hurayra.
Feminist commentators, such as Mernissi, describe her as “dynamic, influential and enterprising”
Perfect Muslim role model of both genders
Prayed, fasted, chaste, Hajj.
She outlined the way of Muslim life by exhibiting the example of generosity, compassion and she lived out the 5 pillars of Islam
Her Quranic revelations and 2000 contributions to the hadith gave Muslims a guide to living by revealing the model actions of Muhammad.
“I find nothing in her but goodness” – friend of the Prophet
During the foundation of Islam, A’isha shaped how it came about and what beliefs and traditions would come from it.
She formed better understanding of the Qur’an due to her closeness with Muhammad allowing her to contribute over 2000 Hadiths.
The Hadiths enabled Muslims to have a greater understanding of their faith and guided them to live by Allah’s will.
The Hadiths are used today to guide Muslims and teach them about Islam and the Prophets.
She had a magnificent memory which allowed her memorise the texts which made her one of the major contributors to the developing of the Qur’an
“Do those deeds which you can do easily, as Allah will not get tired (of giving rewards) till you get bored and tired (of performing religious deeds).”
The most beloved prayer to the Prophet was the one that was done regularly (throughout the life) even if it were little. And whenever the Prophet offered a prayer, he used to offer it regularly.
AISHA: I said, “O Allah’s Messenger! We consider Jihad as the best deed.” The Prophet said, “The best Jihad (for women) is Hajj Mabrur. “
Aisha’s significance as a teacher and interpreter in the founding period is far reaching. She:
Challenged the Tradition
Helped to create the Tradition
Preserved the Tradition
Impacted the development of the Tradition
Was active in the Tradition
Gave an example of how to live and learn the Tradition
the educator and transmitter of the sacred knowledge to men and woman.
A great deal of the knowledge that we still have today, about how the Prophet lived and behaved.
As long as she lived, she was a source of knowledge and wisdom for both women and men.
Abu Musa once said,
“Whenever a report appeared doubtful to us, the Companions of the Prophet, and we asked Aisha about it, we always learned something from her about it.”
Aisha lived in the times of ‘Jahiliyya’ (days of ignorance) where women had little rights and respect.
Aisha was able to make women realise they were capable of being educated despite being told they couldn’t.
Direct impact in liberating the women of her time, therefore elevating the status of Muslim women for centuries to come.
Islam thrived and became stronger after the Prophet’s death due to her contribution to the Hadith and education
She provided intimate knowledge about the Prophet adherents connected with Him more and emulated His actions in their lives
“Aisha was like a bridge between the time of the Prophet and the future of Islam.” Resit Haylamaz
Her status is still obvious through the Quran and though the number of Hadith attributed to her.
remains role model for Muslim women today in their spiritual lives, in her devotion to the Prophet, in her intelligence and love of learning, and in her knowledge of Islam and the Shar’ia (law).
Adultery laws, which exist in Islam today, are a direct consequence of the Necklace incident in which she was involved. It is said that one-fourth of the laws of Shar’ia are based on the hadith transmitted by Aisha.
Aisha is especially revered by Sunni Muslims. She is the daughter of Abu Bakr, the first Caliph and because of this, Aisha has a special relationship