Airworthiness Requirments Flashcards
What documents are required on aircraft prior to flight?
(14 CFR 91.203, 91.9) ARROW +2
A-airworthiness certificate
R- registration certificate
R- radio station license (if international flight)
O-operating limitations (POH & Placard markings)
W- weight and balance data.
Does aircraft registration expire?
(14 CFR 47.31, 47.40)
Yes, three years after last day of month it was issued.
Required equipment list
(14CFR 91.205)
A-altimeter F-fuel gauge
A- airspeed indicator F- flotation device
T - tachometer ( per engine) L- landing gear indicator
T- temp gauge E- ELT
O -oil pressure. A- anti collision system
O- oil temp
M- manifold pressure
M - magnetic direction indicator
S - seatbelt
S - shoulder harness
Required inspections
Far (91.409)
V-Vor Inspections ( every 30 days )
1- 100 hour (for hire)
A- altimeter inspection (every 2 years. 91.411)
T- transponder (24 cal lender months (91.413)
E- Emergency location transmitter ( every 12 months inspection. Replaced @ 1hr use or 50% batt
S- static system (iIFR only every 24m months 91.411)
Required equipment at night
Far 91.205 F- fuses/ breakers (spares) L- landing lights (for hire) A-anti collision lights (strobe lights) P- position indicator lights (navigation lights) S- source of energy adequate to power.
After annual inspection date has passed, can an aircraft be operated to a location where the inspection can be performed?
Overdue aircraft can be operated with special flight permit issued by the FAA to location where inspection can be performed. However, ALL applicable airworthiness directives must be complied with before flight.
What conditions must be met for an aircraft to be considered airworthy?
1) Must conform to it type certificate
2) must be in a condition for safe operation.