Airway Unit Exam Flashcards
What is the normal range of breaths per minute for an adult?
A patient has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Before assisting him in self administering his inhaler you should
- shake the medication
Which of the following words is considered most appropriate when describing a patient’s respiratory status?
An unresponsive trauma patient is gurgling. When you suction the oropharynx with a rigid catheter, the patient gags. You should
assess insertion depth of catheter
A 16 year old asthmatic female in a tripod position complains of increased shortness of breath. SPO2 is 79%. You should administer oxygen at
10lpm via non rebreather mask
A thin 54 year old male with a non productive cough complains of difficulty breathing. He is sitting upright with his hands on his knees and you see retractions. You notice oxygen tubing throughout the house. You should suspect a medical history of
chronic bronchitis
Which of the following is a sign of a lower respiratory tract problem? A increased breathing effort on inhalation,
A harsh and high pitched sound on inspiration
Proper technique to suction your patient’s airway includes
- oxygenating and ventilating before and after suctioning
A patient is unconscious and buried to the midchest in a muddy ditch. When attempting to ventilate you should suspect increased
As the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax the chest cavity
- decreases in size, causing exhalation
What is the best method for determining the adequacy of artificial ventilations?
- Chest rise with each ventilation
An 89 year old patient complains of difficult breathing and a productive cough that has gotten worse over the past 12 hours you should suspect.
An unresponsive 16-year-old male has snoring respirations after diving into a pond and nearly drowning. You should
An adult has an airway obstruction. What is the most likely cause?
- Tongue
A 26-year-old bride at her wedding reception is sitting in a tripod position and drooling. Lung sounds are diminished. Obvious stridor is noted. You should suspect a/an
- Upper Airway Obstruction.
An unresponsive patient has snoring respirations. These are most likely caused by
- His tongue blocking the airway
A 58-year-old male apneic with a pulse. How often should you ventilate
6 Seconds
A 52-year-old male is on a home ventilator. He becomes cyanotic and has a sudden drop in oxygen saturation. What should you do?
Reset the machine by turning it off and then on
A 56-year-old female is struggling to breathe and has audible wheezes. She is unable to hold up her head or follow commands. What should you do?
- Visually inspect the airway for foreign body obstructions
Which of the following assessment findings should cause you to suspect your patient has a history of COPD?
Barrel Shaped Chest
When ventilating a patient with a bag valve mask device you should?
- Squeeze out as much air as possible.
During initial assessment of an adults respiratory Status you should?
- Evaluate both the respiratory rate and the rise and fall of the chest.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange at the alveolar level by which process?
A febrile two-year-old male in respiratory distress presents with crackles in lower left lung You should expect?
A 64-year-old male complains of dyspnea and is coughing up blood tinged sputum. Upon auscultation you note crackles bilaterally. What should you suspect?
Pulmonary Edema
When ventilating a patient with a bag valve mask what is the appropriate oxygen flow rate?
What sound would a lower airway obstruction produce?
An adult is breathing at a rate of 6 breathes per minute. You should?
- Apply supplemental oxygen via nasal cannula.
A properly sized oropharyngeal airway should measure from the patients
- . Corner of the mouth to the tip of the earlobe
A 19-year-old female began choking after eating a hot dog. When you first arrive on the scene she was coughing and drooling. Now she is drowsy, slow to respond and unable to cough. What should you do?
Perform abdominal thrusts
A 14-year-old female is short of breath. She has a history of cystic fibrosis. Lung sounds reveal coarse rhonchi. What is the most likely cause of her condition?
Mucous Secretions
Which sequence correctly traces the path that oxygen takes from the atmosphere to the lungs?
Mouth, pharynx, trachea bronchi, alveoli
A 28-year-old patient is experiencing dyspnea and wheezing. Which medication should you request from the control?
Albuterol Inhaler
A thin 75 year old male complains of difficulty breathing. He states he has smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day for 30 years. He has bilateral wheezes. The most likely cause is
- Emphysema
Which of the following is an indication of an upper airway obstruction?
In which group of patients are you likely to encounter see saw breathing?
An unresponsive 50-year-old male laying on the floor. You determine he is not breathing but has a faint pulse. You should
- Ventilate with a bag valve mask.
A 65-year-old male is having trouble breathing. He is moderately overweight and has been coughing up yellow phlegm. He smokes two packs of cigarettes a day and reports having episodes like this for many years. Which condition should you suspect?
Chronic Bronchitis
A 20-Year-old male complains of sudden onset shortness of breath. He is breathing 24 times per minute and his pulse oximetry is 85%.
- Admin oxygen via nonrebreather mask at 15lpm
An 18-year-old febrile patient complains of malaise for several days. He is taking an oral antibiotic for an upper respiratory infection. Vital signs are BP 128/72. P 118 and weak R22 with rhonchi. You should suspect
Which of the following is a symptom?
- Cyanosis
A semiconscious patients’ dentures have completely loosened. You should?
- Remove the dentures
A 80 year old male has return of spontaneous circulation after AED use. Respirations are 8 and shallow. You should?
- Assist ventilations with a BVM
A 64-year-old with a complete laryngectomy is in respiratory arrest. You should
- Suction the stoma Completely.
A 15-year-old male is short of breath after a minor car collision. He has a history of asthma, and his vitals signs are R26 and clear bilaterally. What should you do?
- Coach him to slow his breathing
Which of the following terms best describes respiratory difficulty?
When suctioning blood, fluid, or mucus from the oropharynx, the most appropriate device is
Rigid tip suction catheter
A 32-year-old female is experiencing sudden onset chest pain, dyspnea and cyanosis. She has red, swollen calves and a history of recent surgery. You should suspect.
Myocardial infarction
You have inserted an oropharyngeal airway for a 21-year-old apneic male. How many times per minute should you ventilate him with a bag valve mask?
A patient is unresponsive with snoring respirations following a motorcycle accident. You should
open the airway with the head tilt chin lift
Which patient would be classified as immediate during an MCI?
- An 8 year old with no respirations after 5 positive pressure ventilations.
What nerve primarily controls respiration?
Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause decreased compliance while ventilating via bag valve mask?
Tension Pneumothorax
A 20-year-old female is unable to catch her breath after a minor car crash. She has numbness and tingling to her hands and face. Vital signs are P 118, R 24. What should you do?
Apply high flow oxygen by non rebreather mask.
A 73 year old male is dyspneic. You note jugular vein distension and dependent edema. Vital signs are BP 158/93. P 130, R 36 You should.
Congestive heart failure
The reason for assessing the radial and the carotid pulses simultaneously is to?
- Assess central circulation
Prescribed inhalers are helpful for patients with an obstructive pulmonary disease because they?
Stimulate beta 2 receptors. Bronchodilator
A 42 year old asthmatic patient complains of chest pain, shortness of breath and a violent cough that produces brownish sputum. What is the likely cause?
In seconds what is the time limit for suctioning an adult airway?
10-15 seconds
A patient presents with a sudden onset of shortness of breath, crackles hypertension and juglar vein distention. You should suspect
acute pulmonary edema
A 13 year old female watching a horror movie
- Calmly reassure her, encouraging her to slow her rate of breathing.
An obese man complains of severe difficulty breathing. His skin is cool and moist and he is breathing 22 times per minute. He indicates he never goes to the doctor and that he often feels dizzy after walking.
Apply nonrebreather mask at 10lm
After assisting your asthmatic patient with administration of his beta 2 specific medication, you may expect to observe the following.
A semi conscious 34 year old male begins to gag after insertion of an oropharyngeal airway. What should you do?
Remove the airway and attempt a nasal airway
A patient fell asleep on the couch and his wife is unable to awaken him. How should you open his airway?
Head tilt chin lift maneuver
During an interfacility transport of a symptomatic COPD patient with mild shortness of breath, how much oxygen should you administer?
Non rebreather mask at 15lpm
A 68 year old female complains of shortness of breath and fatigue. Symptoms worsen at night when she tries to rest. Lung sounds are diminished in all lobes. Which statement indicates that the patient is suffering from CHF rather than pneumonia?
- I haven’t had a fever
A 61 old year old woman is pale, diaphoretic and unable to catch her breath. You notice swelling in her lower extremities.
Congestive heart failure.
An 18-year-old male complains of shortness of breath. He has a history of asthma and self-administered 2 doses of his prescribed metered dose inhaler with no relief. Vital signs are P 104, R 22, Spo2 91%
Administer oxygen by non rebreather mask
Which condition could be considered an upper airway obstruction?
A 45 year old female is complaining of breathing difficulty Her lung sounds are clear but she is becoming cyanotic around the lips
deliver oxygen via nonrebreather at 15lpm
During a long transport you are administering oxygen. You should
- Place nasal cannula on the patient
A 34 year old man is saying he is choking You not stridor and hoarseness in his voice What should you do?
Encourage him to cough
Which of the following can present with a sudden onset of difficulty breathing and diminished breath sounds?
A 73 year old conscious male is choking on pureed food. He is gurgling and has thick food material in his mouth. You should?
Perform abdominal thrusts.