Airway Skills & RSI Flashcards
High 5 Difficult Airway Indicators
Upper Airway Hemorrhage, Mandibular Fracture, Decreased Thyromental Distance, Direct Laryngeal Trauma, Expanding Neck Hematoma
Which neuromuscular diseases are contraindications for Succinylcholine?
Guillian-Barre, ALS, Myasthenia Gravis, Muscular Dystrophy
Succinylcholine contraindications?
Burns greater than 24 hours, spinal cord injury, neuromuscular disorders, dialysis, malignant hyperthermia
ET Tube Confirmations
Visualize Tube through cords, chest rise and fall, negative epigastric sounds, bilateral breath sounds, tube depth, pilot cuff tension, fog in the tube, sp02, etc02
Indications for RSI without Consult
GCS less than or equal to 8 with RR= 8 or >/= 35
GCS less than or equal to 8 with SpO2 = 90 on NRB
Lidocaine Dose for Adult RSI Pre-medication
1 mg/kg
Adult Induction dose of Etomidate for RSI normotensive patient
0.3 mg/kg
Adult Induction dose of Etomidate for hypotensive RSI patient
0.15 mg/kg
Adult Induction dose of Versed for RSI
0.1 mg/kg
Adult Induction dose of Ketamine for RSI
2 mg/kg
Adult dose of Succinylcholine in RSI
1.5 mg/kg (Max 200mg)
If Succinylcholine contraindicated, what is the Vecuronium dose for induction?
0.1 mg/kg
Atropine dose pre-RSI for < than 8 y/o or less than 6.0 ETT?
0.02 mg/kg
What ETCO2 would you try and target in a head-injured patient?
30 mmHg
VDP Dose of Etomidate - Doses?
0.3 mg/kg for the first dose, and 2 further doses of 0.15 mg/kg