Airway Management - Core Concepts Flashcards
Would you use an OPA or NPA on a conscious patient?
Only use an OPA on an unconscious or intubated patient.
Should you leave an OPA unsecured? Why?
Yes. It needs to be removed quickly if there is a problem.
What is the most common problem with NPA use?
trauma to the mucosa.
How would you measure an OPA? An NPA?
OPA: Angle of jaw to corner of the mouth.
NPA: Earlobe to the nostril
If a child is less than 8, would you use a cuffed or uncuffed ETT?
Uncuffed. A child of < 8 will require an uncuffed tube, because the cricoid cartilage is narrow enough to seal the tube in the airway.
What 2 classes of drugs will be required for an intubation?
A sedative and a NMBA (neuromuscular blocking agent)
sedatives can include “lams and pams”, such as midazolam, lorazepam, diazepam, alprazolam.
NMBA’s may include succinylcholine, vecuronium, and other -oniums.
Which style (Mac/Miller) laryngoscope blade is preferred for neonates?
Miller. the design lifts the epiglottis directly and facilitates visualization of the neonates airway.
How would you confirm ETT placement on the exam?
What is the first assessment of tube position?
What is the BEST way to confirm ETT placement?
Bilateral chest movement, auscultation, capnography/CO2 detection, x-ray.
The first assessment would be to look for bilateral chest rise.
X-Ray is the best way to confirm tube placement.
Cuff pressure should always be lower than ___, because…
> 20 cmH2O. It will stop circulation to the compressed tissue.
If a cuff pressure of >20 is required to seal the airway
If an uncuffed tube with a ventilating pressure of >20 is used and does not create a leak
If you cannot pass a suction catheter
If you cannot add air to the cuff (it is punctured)
What should you do?
Replace the tube.
If the cuff pressure necessary to create a good seal is >20, replace with a larger tube
If an uncuffed tube does not lead at PIP of >20, replace with a smaller tube.
An uncuffed ETT will have a ___ ___ guide, which is a black line and visible on the tube. How do you use this guide?
An uncuffed ETT will have a “vocal cord” guide. You use it by advancing the ETT until the black line is at the position of the vocal cords. This is the correct placement for this airway.
A preemie weighing less than 1000g or under 28 weeks of gestation will require what tube size, and what size miller blade?
- 5 ETT and a Miller 00
- 0 ETT and a Miller 0
- 5 ETT and a Miller 0
- 5-4.0 ETT and a Miller 1
2.5 ETT and a Miller 00
A full term baby weighing over 3000g and over 38 weeks of gestational age will require what tube size, and what size Miller blade?
- 5 ETT and a Miller 00
- 0 ETT and a Miller 0
- 5 ETT and a Miller 0
- 5-4.0 ETT and a Miller 1
3.5-4.0 ETT and a Miller 1
A full term baby weighing between 2500g-3100g and between 38-40 weeks of gestation will have an ETT placed at how many centimeters?
Full term babies will have an ETT placement of 8.5cm
A premature baby weighing between 900g-1000g and between 27-29 weeks of gestation will have an ETT placed at how many centimeters?
A 27-29 week baby between 900g-1000g will have an ETT placement of 6.5cm
Which is better:
High volume, low pressure cuff
HIgh pressure, low volume cuff
High volume, low pressure cuff
A 4 year old will require a Miller ___ blade, a __mm ETT, and a ___ french suction catheter.
4 year olds:
Miller 2 blade
5.0 ETT
10 French suction catheter
*This will be asked on the exam
At what age can you recommend either the Miller or Mac blades for a pediatric intubation?
A 12 year old will require a ___ blade, a __mm ETT, and a ___ french suction catheter.
12 year olds:
Miller or Mac 3
7.0 ETT
12 French suction catheter
How do you calculate ETT size on the exam?
Age + 16
There is a sudden deterioration of an intubated child. What mnemonic should you use to guide you through the problem?
Displacement of tube
Obstruction of tube
Equipment failure (bag, vent, etc)
On the exam, your question says “marked/severe” distress is noted post extubation. What do you do?
If it is described as “moderate” what do you do?
Re-intubate any post extubation assessment described as marked/severe.
Give cool aerosol and racemic epi for moderate distress. NOTE: there may be situations in which oxygen has not been given first. Remember it is ALWAYS the first drug given, so choose it if it has not been given and is offered as a choice.
List 3 ways to minimize VAP risks (there are 8)
Hand washing Oral care Bed position (>30 degrees) Minimize intubation time Gentle suction to prevent cough Vent circuit care (discard condensation, heated circuit) MDI's instead of SVN Remove secretions above the cuff (subglottic suction)
How many attempts do you get to intubate?
- If you fail all 3, you will need a physician for an emergency trach, cricothyrotomy, or retrograde intubation.
How do you calculate the appropriate suction catheter size for an ETT?
ETT size divided by 2, then multiply by 3.
If the answer is odd, round down to the nearest even number.
For example: 6.0 ETT / 2 is 3. 3 x 3 is 9. 9 is odd, so round down to 8. A 6.0 ETT will need an 8 french suction catheter.
Suction should be performed for no more than ___ seconds, and the catheter should be in the airway for no more than ___ seconds.
suction for < 5 seconds.
catheter should be out of the airway in < 10 seconds.