Airway Management Flashcards
Oxygen moves from the atmosphere into the lungs, then crosses the alveolar membrane onto the hemoglobin. Molecules move from HIGH concentration to LOW concentration.
Anatomy of the upper airway
7 parts
Nasopharynx Nasal air passage Pharynx Oropharynx Mouth Epiglottis Larynx
Anatomy of the lower airway
3 parts
Main bronchus
Function of the upper airway
Warm,filter, and humidify air as it enters the body through the nose and mouth
Muscular tube that extends from the nose an mouth to the level of the esophagus and trachea.
Parts of the pharynx
Parts of the laryngopharynx
Anterior= larynx
Posterior= esophagus
Posterior portion of the cranium
Narrowest portion of the airway in children under 8 years old
The cricoid ring
Children rely heavily on their_________ for breathing.
Infants and children are commonly referred to as “_______________breathers.”
The ____________ marks where the upper airway ends and the lower airway begins.
This is a shield shaped structure that join in a “V” shape to form the adam’s apple.
Thyroid cartilage.
The first ring of the trachea and lowest portion of the larynx.
Cricoid cartilage
The narrowest portion of the adult airway
The glottis (glottic opening)
Function of the lower airway
Deliver oxygen to the alveoli.
The narrow, cartilaginous, lower tip of the sternum.
Xiphoid process
Thin slippery outer membrane of the lungs
Visceral pleura
The _______ _______ lines the inside of the thoracic cavity.
Parietal pleura
This space in the thoracic cavity contains the heart, the great vessels, the esophagus, the trachea, and the major bronchi.
The _____ and _____ systems work together to facilitate oxygen delivery to the tissues of the body.
Respiratory and circulatory systems
The physical act of moving air into and out of the lungs.
The process of loading oxygen molecules onto the hemoglobin molecules in the blood stream.
The actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli as well as the tissues of the body