Airway Management Flashcards
Amount of people without gag reflex
Causes of impending upper airway obstruction (6)
- Facial burns
- Severe Angioedema
- Penetrating Neck Trauma
- Expanding Hematoma
- Foreign Body
- Epiglottis
When to intubate (4)
- Failure to maintain patent airway
- Loss of protective reflexes
- Failure to adequately oxygenate or ventilate
- Anticipated clinical deterioration
When possibly not intubate with GCS <8
Rapidly reversible cause (i.e. hypoglycemia, opioid overdose)
Causes of hypercapnia (2)
- Diminished central respiratory drive
- CNS injury
- sedatives
- alcohol - Peripheral process
- Guillain Barre
- Myasthenia gravis
- Muscular dystrophy
When expect anticipated clinical deterioration with need to intubate? (4)
- Status epilepticus
- Poly-trauma (+head inj)
- TCA overdose
- Tiring asthmatic
Are airway adjuncts (OPA or NPA) temporary or permanent measures?
Contraindications for OPA
gag reflex
OPA sizing
Mouth to angle of the mandible
OPA placement for peds
- Compress tongue with depressor
2. Advance device without inversion
NPA sizing
Nares to angle of mandible
Contraindications for NPA
Midface or basilar skull fx
Should pop off valves be used in ped BVM use?
Minimum volume of bag for peds BVM
Appropriate volume for BVM?
Achieves chest rise
O2 flow for BVM
Which technique is preferred with BVM?
What to do if suspect air trapping while BVM?
stop bagging and squeeze chest to help patient exhale
Make sure to remove these to protect airway
What if pt has a beard while BVM?
use lubricating KY jelly
Normal ET tube size for adult male
7.5- to 9.0-mm
Normal ET tube size for adult female
7.0- to 8.0-mm
How much smaller is a type for nasal intubation?
0.5-1.0 mm
Peds ET tube size (cuffed & uncuffed)
or estimated from Broselow tape
Ped cuff pressure
< 20cm H2O
Macintosh vs Miller blades
Macintosh -curved -lifts epiglottis via hyoepiglottic ligament Miller -straight -preferred in peds (especially < 3yo)
Laryngoscope blade sizing based on age
Premature infants: 0
Normal infants: 1
Older children: 2
Adults: 3-4
Best single means of confirming ET tube placement?
End-tidal CO2 after 6 manual breaths
What is the positive ETco2 color?
What gives false positive ETco2?
- Tube in supraglottic region
- Gastric distention
- Immediately following sodium bicarb administration
What causes false negative ETco2?
Poor pulm perfusion (cardiac arrest, massive pulm embolism)
in cardiac arrest, CO2 >2% = correct placement
When is using the bougie helpful?
- when can visualize the arytenoids or epiglottis
2. cord opening is narrow
At what distance will you typically hit the carina when using a bougie?
27-30 cm
Backward, Upward, Rightward Pressure
ET Tube Depth for males, females and children
Male: 23 cm
Female: 21 cm
Children: 3 x ET tube size
Gold standard to confirm ET tube placement
Fiberoptic visualization of tracheal rings through ET tube
Esophageal detector device
No resistance or bulb inflates = tracheal intubation
Resistance = esophageal intubation
Causes of postintubation hypotension (3)
- Decreased venous return from PPV
- Drop in peripheral resistance from induction and paralysis
6 P’s of rapid sequence intubation
Preparation Preoxygenation Pretreatment Paralysis with induction Placement of tube Postintubation management
When to consider RSI pretreatment (PREMED)
Pediatric (<10 yo) Reactive Airway Disease Elevated ICP MI Elevated BP Dissection
What are the pretreatment medications?
Lidocaine, fentanyl, and atropine
Pretreatment used in reactive airway disease
Lidocaine (mitigate bronchospasm)
Pretreatment used in MI/CAD
Fentanyl (mitigate tachycardic response)
Pretreatment for elevated ICP
Pretreatment in peds (<10 yo)
Atropine (symptomatic bradycardia)
When should pretreatment medications be administered?
3 min prior to induction meds