airway management Flashcards
what are the three oxygen delivery devices primarily used in the pre-hospital setting?
cannula, nrb and bag valve type devices.
a nrb at 15 liters provides what percentage of inspired oxygen (Fi02)?
contraindications for a nrb use are?
apnea and poor respiratory effort.
a nc has what flow rate?
1-6 lpm.
a nc provides what percentage of oxygen to the patient?
who is a nc most beneficial for?
a pt with copd who is on long term o2.
what is the difference between a nrb and a partial nrb?
a partial lacks the one way valve between the mask and the reservoir.
what percentage of o2 does a pt receive using a partial nrb?
they receive 35-60% at 6-10 lpm and increasing above 10 lpm will not enhance the concentration.
what does the venturi mask allow for? f
giving a specific delivery amount to the pt.
what are the delivery percentages for a venturi mask?
24, 28, 35, or 40% o2.
with venturi masks what type of pts are they ideal for?
copd pts.
how much humidity is contained in normal stored 02
during normal ventilation the chest wall movement works similar to a pump. what does the pressure change within the thoracic cavity to do the heart?
it helps draw venous blood back into the heart which improves preload. pg. 757
cardiac output is classified as?
stroke volume multiplied by the pulse rate. pg 757
what is the percentage of oxygen in your exhaled air?
the bvm can provide up to what percentage of 02?
what is the most common device used to ventilate pts in the prehospital setting?
the total amount of gas in the reservoir bag of a bvm in an adult size is what?
1200-1600 ml.
the total amount of gas in the reservoir bag of a bvm in a pediatric size is what?
the total amount of gas in the reservoir bag of a bvm in an infant size is what?