Airway Intro Flashcards
Nasal passages include 3
Septum, turbinates, adenoids
Nasal passages function: 4
2/3 of upper airway resistance, humidify, filter, warm
Nasal passage innervation
Branches of CN V trigeminal
Oral cavity include 4
Teeth, tongue, hard palate, soft palate
What is predominate cause of airway resistance in oral cavity
Oral cavity innervation
Trigeminal nerve: hard palate, soft palate, ant 2/3 of tongue
Glossopharyneal: posterior 1/3 tongue, soft palate, oropharynx
What connects nasal and oral cavities to larynx and esophagus
Pharynx divided into: ____, border of soft palate. ___ border is epiglottis, includes tonsils and uvula. Also ___/___
Innervation of pharynx
CN 9 and 10
Located where in adult
Functions 3
Airway protection, respiration, phonation
Larynx composed of ___ ___ and ___ __ which is fissure between
Vocal cords and glottic opening
Vocal cords: formed by ___ ligament, attached anteriorly to ___ cartilage and posteriorly to ___ cartilages
What is the triangular fissure between vocal cords
Glottic opening
What is narrowest part of adult airway
Glottic opening
Paired cartilages larynx
Arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform
Unpaired cartilage in larynx
Thyroid, cricoid, epiglottis
Arytenoid: ___ attachment for vocal cords. Falsely identified in an __ __
Posterior, anterior airway
Corniculate: ___ portion of the ___ fold
Posterior, aryepiglottic
Cuneiform: in the ___ fold but not always ___. Lateral to ___
Aryepiglottic, present
Which cartilage is large, most prominent, and anterior attachment for vocal cords
Epiglottis: covers opening to ___ during swallowing
Only complete signet shaped ring, narrowest part of peds airway
Cricoid cartilage
Which muscles control length and tension of vocal cords, and size of glottic opening
Intrinsic laryngeal muscles
Cricothyroid muscle innervated by the ___ branch of the __ __ nerve and a branch of the __ nerve
Superior laryngeal
All intrinsic laryngeal muscles except for ___ innervated by __ __ nerve, branch of __ nerve
Recurrent laryngeal
Which muscles adduct vocal cords
Lateral cricoarytenoid, oblique and transverse arytenoids
Which is only vocal cord abductor
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Cricothyroid action
Tenses and elongates vocal cords
Thyroarytenoid action
Relaxes and shortens vocal cords
Vocalis action
Relaxes and shortens vocal cords
Action of extrinsic laryngeal muscles
As a whole move larynx cephalad or caudad