Airway Flashcards
What is the barrier between the upper and lower airway?
This is the only muscle that ABDUCTS the vocal ligaments
Posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
What is the most narrow part of the adult and pediatric airways?
Pediatric - cricoid cartilage
Adults - glottis
Normal mouth opening distance
30-40mm (2-3 FB)
Precautions for nasal airways
Epistaxis and anticoagulants
Nasal and basilar skull fractures
Adenoid hypertrophy
Big caution with oral airways
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Only abductor of the cords!!
Opens the glottis
Lateral cricoarytenoid
Adducts the cords
Closes the glottis (esp the posterior)
Produces tension and elongates the cords
Shortens and relaxes the cords
Sensory and Motor Function of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve (Internal branch)
Sensory only!!
- Base of tongue
- Epiglottis
- Supraglottic mucosa
- 2 joints (thyroepiglottic and cricothyroid joints)
Sensory and Motor Function of the Superior Laryngeal Nerve (External branch)
- Anterior subglottic mucosa
- Cricothyroid muscle (adductor/tensor)
Sensory and Motor Function of the recurrent laryngeal nerve
Subglottic mucosa
Muscle spindles
Motor: Thyroarytenoid Lateral cricothyroid Interarytenoid Posterior arytenoid
What should we remember to do before placing a nasal airway?
Lube that sucker up