Airspeed Limitations Flashcards
VMCA - Flaps 20°
(Minimum control speed air. The minimum speed that the aircraft is still controllable with the critical engine inoperative while the aircraft is airborne.)
101.5 KCAS
VMCA - Flaps 10°
(Minimum control speed air. The minimum speed that the aircraft is still controllable with the critical engine inoperative while the aircraft is airborne.)
105 KCAS
VMCA - (Landing Configuration)
(Minimum control speed air. The minimum speed that the aircraft is still controllable with the critical engine inoperative while the aircraft is airborne.)
100.5 KCAS
VMCG (Sea Level and ISA)
(Minimum control speed ground. The minimum speed that the aircraft is still controllable with the critical engine inoperative while the aircraft is on the ground.)
105 KCAS
VMCG (15,000 ft and ISA)
(Minimum control speed ground. The minimum speed that the aircraft is still controllable with the critical engine inoperative while the aircraft is on the ground.)
VMCG decreases linearly approx 1 kt/1000’ from SL to 15,000 ft
VA (Design maneuvering speed.)
This is the speed above which it is unwise to make full application of any single flight control (or “pull to the stops”) as it may generate a force greater than the aircraft’s structural limitations.
206 KCAS
Below MTOW add 15% to DC VREF for VA
e.g. VREF 140 = 161 VA
VFE - Flaps 10°
Maximum flap extended speed.
250 KCAS
VFE - Flaps 20°
Maximum flap extended speed.
220 KCAS
VFE - Flaps 39 (Landing)°
Maximum flap extended speed.
190 KCAS
Maximum speed with landing gear extended speed.
250 KCAS
VLO (Normal Ops)
Maximum speed to extend the landing gear
225 KCAS
VLO (Alternate Ops)
Maximum speed to ‘blow down’ the landing gear
175 KCAS
MMO (35,000 - 51,000ft)
Maximum operating limit Mach
0.925 Mach
MMO (29,380 ft)
Maximum operating limit Mach
0.875 Mach
VMO ( >8,000 ft )
Maximum operating limit Speed
340 KCAS
VMO ( <8,000 ft )
Maximum operating limit Speed
300 KCAS
V Holding Min
160 KCAS
V Holding Min (Icing conditions)
180 KCAS
VTurb ( >10,000 ft)
270 KCAS / 0.85 Mach
VTurb ( <10,000 ft)
240 KCAS
195 KCAS
Maximum Speed/Mach Yaw Damp Inop
285 KCAS / 0.90 Mach
Maximum Speed/Mach Degraded Flight Control Law (Not Normal)
285 KCAS / 0.90 Mach
Flight Control Surface Failure Max Airspeed/Mach
285 KCAS / 0.90 Mach
Windmill Airstart speed limit
Min 250 kts to Max 340 Kts below 30,000 ft